History of Pen and Gesture Computing:
Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition,
Pen Computing, Gesture User Interfaces and Tablet and Touch Computers
Copyright © 20250316 16:48:47 EDT
This posting is an annotated bibliography focused broadly on touchscreen and gesture user interfaces,
on-line character recognition (a.k.a. dynamic character recognition, a.k.a. pen and touch computing),
both hardware and software. It has been a continuing work-in-progress since the 1980s.
It includes references on related technical topics I have encountered in my career: for example PDAs/highly-portable computing,
cryptographic communications, signature verification, biometric authentication, and digital rights management (DRM).
I am posting it as a service to those with interest in the field.
It may also be of special interest to anyone investigating any of the areas of
digitizer tablets, touchscreens, character recognition, touch/gesture user interfaces,
multi-touch computing, passive and active tactile feedback, touch and proximity sensors,
augmented reality, haptics, context-dependent intrepretation of user input, and applications including the same.
It covers the time period from approximately 1887 / 1891 (first electronic tablets with "touch" input and a display),
through 1914 (first electronic gesture/handwriting-recognition input and user-interface system),
to the first handwriting-recognition tablet device connected to a modern electronic computer in 1957 (the "Stylator")
and the more famous Rand Tablet (1961),
to the present day.
As with any subject, the focus has modulated over the decades, and this bibliography follows these topics both forward in time, and historically back in time.
Tablets and touchscreens have evolved into a variety of pointing devices, into PDAs and smart-phones, locating and gesturing sensors with three-dimensional input with six degrees of freedom, and more.
For example, there are no real lines between touch sensing for robotics, touch and contact sensing for user human input, fingerprint sensors, and touch and proximity sensing in general.
Likewise, there are no real lines between haptics for touchscreens, haptics for instrumentation, and biometric feedback.
Earlier work on handwriting recognition, with handwritten symbols sometimes used for command input as "gestures",
has evolved to be part of a much broader range of gestures, including in-air and 3D gestures.
Command user interfaces have merged with direct manipulation, and then with graphical user interfaces and virtual reality.
Authenticating handwritten signatures has evolved to additional forms of dynamic biometrics.
Haptic feedback has evolved from "simple" force-feedback to encompass tactile stimulation using electrovibration and sonic shock waves, and perceptual effects of visual and audio signaling.
Virtual reality systems seem to have waxed and waned, and waxed again.
It is, indeed, a rich and complicated field, in all its aspects.
- This compilation and all annotations are copyright © Jean Renard Ward, 1992, 1996, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023, 2025.
- Permission is hereby given to link to these pages, or to cite or use this information in publication,
including confidential reports, provided notice of the source is given as stated below along with the full URL of this page.
Source: | Annotated Bibliography in On-line Character Recognition, Pen Computing, |
| Gesture User Interfaces and Tablet and Touch Computers, and related topics |
| Copyright ©Jean Renard Ward |
References from the approximate years 2004 to 2005.
- [AISquared04a]
Ai Squared
"ZoomText 8.1 Product Information",
Ai Squared, Inc.
Product information on ZoomText 8.1 accessibility software for Windows: screen magnifier and screen reader, find links on page, support for Adobe PDF documents.
- [ASTM05a]
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
"ASTM Dictionary of Engineering Science Technology, 10th edition",
ASTM Committee E02 on Terminology, http://astm.org, 2005
Engineering and technology dictionary, heavy emphasis on terminology for manufacturing standards: optical glass, mechanical properties, etc.
- [AbileahA04a]
Ablileah, Adi; den Boer, Willem; Larsson, Terrance; Baker, Tom; Robinson, Scott; Siegel, Roy; Fickenscher, Noah; Leback, Brent; Griffin, Terry; and Green Pat
"Integrated Optical Touch Panel in a 14.1" AMLCD",
SID Digest, 2004, article 59.3
"in-cell" display and touchscreen: optical sensors embedded in LCD display, can be used either with shadow from ambient light, or reflection from particular light source. Shadow/pattern processing, light-level correction tablets, etc. done in on-board processor (DSP). Multi-touch?
- [AgarwalA05a]
Agarwal, Anant and Lang, Jeffrey H.
"Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits",
Elsevier, 2005
Textbook and reference on analog and digital electronics. Analysis of linear and non-linear circuits: step-function analysis of transients in linear electrical networks. Effects of trace/conductor inductance and stray capacitance in digital circuits. Time-domain/frequency-domain analysis. Op-amp / operational amplifiers circuits: adder, subtracter, integrator, differentiator. Lumped-matter (lumped-constant) model of electronic and electrical components. MOSFET differential-input differential amplifier.
- [AgrawalaM05a]
Agrawala, Maneesh and Shilman, Michael
"DIZI: A Digital Ink Zooming Interface for Document Annotation",
Proc. INTERACT '05, IFIP Int'l Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction, 2005, pp. 69-79
Electronic ink annotation of electronic documents (PDFs). Electronic ink sloppier than real ink (no explanation given), so hard to read. Magnify a window portion of document, so annotation can be written larger. Input window automatically scrolls/expands to create more space. Flick and rectangle gestures to initiate zoom annotation window. Compare with zoomable electronic ink annotation in Slate PenDayTimer? Seel also Demonstration video in electronic file.
- [AhnHH05a]
Ahn, Heong Hee; Park, Tae Sung; Goo, Bon Ho; Kim, Byung Juo; Shim, Jae Hee; Kim, Jung Ju; and Park, Joong Ho
"The jog dial typed menu searching method and apparatus thereof",
Korean Patent Application KR100762565B1, January 14, 2005
Simulated/virtual jog dial (scroll wheel) along with a touch screen for menu searching / scrolling, audio controls. "virtual jog dial" is on-screen display that tracks input from a physical rotary knob, which may be used for other (virtual) controls.
- [AlQayediA04a]
Al-Qayedi, Ali; Adi, Wael; Zahro, Ahmed; and Mabrouk, Ali
"Combined Web/Mobile Authentication for Secure Web Access Control",
Proc. WCNC 2004 / IEEE Communication Socieity, 2004, pp. 677..681
Two-factor authentication for web services by sensing separate challenge/response to a cellphone using SMS messages (pre-smartphone), authentication service/server separate from transaction web site. Cited in Heikell for CAPTCHA.
- [AldridgeRDW04a]
Aldridge, Raymond Daniel Wilson
"Contact Detection System and Method",
US Patent 6,700,051, March 2, 2004
Contact sensor for sports where hit/contact with opponent (boxing, etc.) is a score. Conductive metal mesh is interwoven conductive wire, insulated or non-insulated.
- [AlonsoFernandezF05a]
Alonso-Fernandez, Fernando and Fierrez, Julian
"Sensor Interoperability and Fusion in Signature Verification: A case study using tablet PC",
Proc IWBRS 2005, LNCS 3781, pp. 180..187. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Advances in Biometric Person Authentication, Springer Verlag, January 2005
Comparison of signature verification results for different models of Tablet PC. All have mean sampling rate of 133 Hz, but "period is not constant", variations between devices.
- [AlvaradoC04a]
Alvarado, Christine J.
"Multi-domain Sketch Understanding",
PhD Thesis, MIT, Dept. of EECS, August 19, 2004
domain-flexible recognition systems for sketch recognition: recognize components such as line, vertex (high curvature, low speed motion), ellipse, arc, polyline via a primitive recognizer/fragmenter (parse), match to shape descriptions for shapes of domain (Electronics, architecture, etc.) using constraint-based pattern matching.
- [AlvaradoC04b]
Alvarado, Christine and Davis, Randall
"SketchREAD: a multi-domain Sketch Recognition Engine",
Proc. UIST 2004, pp 23-32
Pen-based UI: examples of bottom-up and top-down semantic context aiding sketch recognition, discovery of gestures and symbols: family tree diagrams, circuit diagrams. Gestures (sketch components) include arrows, squares, zig-zag (for "divorce"), etc.
- [AmemiyaT05a]
Amemiya, Tomohiro; Ando, Hideyuki; and Maeda, Taro
"Phantom-DRAWN: Direction Guidance using Rapid and Asymmetric Acceleration Weighted by Nonlinearity of Perception",
Proc. ICAT '05, Int'l. Symp. on Information, Communication, and Automation Technology, Christchurch, New Zealand, December 5..11, 2005, pp. 201..208
Force perception method / directional vibrotactile force effect. Humans feel rapid acceleration more strongly in the skin than slow acceleration. Period prismatic motion (vibration) create asymmetric acceleration, producing a virtual force pseudo-force vector sensation / sensory illusion. Single DOF actuator (vibration). Perceived by user as constant translational force of an ungrounded object held in the hands. Example is vibrational directional navigation in X and Y from a hand-held mobile telephone. Frequency of 40 Hz to match most sensitive range of Meissner corpuscles. Speculation that muscle spindle and tendon effects may also contribute.
- [AmemiyaT05b]
Amemiya, Tomohiro; Ando, Hideyuki; and Maeda, Taro
"Virtual force display: direction guidance using asymmetric acceleration via periodic translational motion",
Proc. of First Joint Eurohaptics Conf. and Symp. on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems. World Haptics Conf., March 18..20, 2005
Virtual force vector / pseudo force effect display using asymmetric vibration in one direction. Relies on proprioceptive difference sensation between static and dynamic input, tactile difference in friction force (sliding friction), nonlinearity of human perception, and temporal masking of difference of amplitude of portions of vibrational force in different directions.
- [AmiriA04a]
Amiri, Ahmad
"Thin Small Funcationally Large Data Input Board",
US Patent Application 2004/0264851 A1, December 30, 2004
Large flexible touchpad / touchscreen, used for touch/virtual keyboard, can be rolled/folded. Sensor preferably thin film capacitive or elastomer dome touch/keyboard or touchscreen. Compare with Kaplow or electromechanical touchscreen/tablet? Compare with foldable smartphone?
- [AndoH04a]
Ando, Hideyuki; Watanabe, Junji; Inami, Masahiko; Sugimoto, Maki; and Maeda, Taro
"A Fingernail-Mounted Tactile Display for Augmented Reality Systems",
Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part 2, Vol. 90, No. 4, 2007. Translated from Denshi Joho Tsushin Gakkai Ronbunshi, Vol. J87-D-II, No. 11, November 2004, pp. 2025-2033
Fingertip tactile/haptic display, vibrational transducer is mounted on fingernail but sensed on fingertip where user's finger is in contact with a surface.
- [Anoto04a]
Anoto AB
"Press Release: Anoto won US patent case",
Anoto AB, 2004
Anoto/Sekendur patent litigation, result favorable to Anoto.
- [Anoto05a]
Google Answers: about.com
"About http://Anoto.com",
http://answers.google.com, fetched 2005
General information on Anoto and Anoto technology for optical pattern paper pen/digitizer. Business model is to license portions of Anoto identifying pattern to companies providing business forms (FiloFax, DayTimer, etc.), for automatic data capture and tracking. Also cites to OMTech VPen, accelerometer pen/digitizers, sonic tablets,
- [ApitzG04a]
Apitz, Georg and Guimbretiere, Francois
"CrossY: A Crossing-Based Drawing Application",
Proc. UIST '04, October 24..27, Santa Fe, NM, pp. 3..12
Pen on tablet better for drawing strokes than mouse, so use X crossing instead of point-and-click, or draw small stroke through displayed line segment e.g. in menu, dialog, etc. Combined with single-stroke gestures e.g. zig-zag up/down on scroll bar for continuous scrolling, single zig-zag for page up/down, up/down for fine scrolling, single horizontal cross for absolute position (instead of thumb). Also allows continuous motion through pop-up menus (compare with pie menus / Kurtenbach). Gestures for text swapping.
- [Apple04a]
Apple Computer Inc.
"Mac OS X Apple New Features Inkwell--Write anywhere",
http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/inkwell, archived, 2004
Description of Inkwell handwriting recognition in Mac OS X: allows write-anywhere on screen, or on floating window (InkPad?), mimic keyboard keys including modifiers, output as virtual keyboard. Words may be added to personal word list (dictionary) for maximum recognition accuracy. Optional alternate word lists, targeted gestures (compare: hotpoint).
- [Apple05a]
Apple Computer Inc.
"Apple Human Interface Guidelines",
Apple Computer, 2005
User interface guidelines for Apple MacIntosh computers: use of standard components (address book, etc.). Mouse: can substitute other direct-manipulation devices such as trackballs and stylus pens (tablet). Press-and-hold behaviors: repeated mouse clicks (scroll bar), display a (pop-up) menu: generally same as click. Universal accessibility: applications should not override built-in accessibility features, such as all features accessible via keyboard without mouse. Low-vision graphics (dialog layout).
- [Apple05b]
Apple Computer Inc.
"Apple Motion 2 Gestures",
Apple Computer, 2005
Motion (for OS/X and MacIntosh) video animation/editing software. Large number of shape-based gestures: i.e. circle left and right for zoom in/out. Compare with Nokia gestures, Squeak mouse gestures? See also Motion 5.
- [Apple05c]
Apple Computer Inc.
"Mac OS X Server Fundamentals: UNIX power, open standards, and incredible ease of use",
Apple Computer, 2005
Apple Mac OS X Server as UNIX. Multiple open-source components, UNIX-based foundation. Headless server operation, portability of existing (Unix) tools to Mac OS X Server via remote management. Darwin kernel based on Mach 3.0 micro-kernel. Memory-mapped files. Case-sensitive files for Unix.
- [Apple05d]
Apple Computer Inc.
"Apple iPod User's Guide",
Apple Computer, 2005
User Guide for Apple iPod, original version with circular capacitive "click wheel" (scrollwheel) with select button in center. Cites to iTunes 4.7, iPhoto application. Direct import of photos from digital cameras, PC, Adobe Photoshop. Slide switch to disable touch sensing.
- [AriService04a]
"AST Computer Information Web: ARI Service",
www.ari-service.com, fetched March 2010
Support site with downloadable files for AST products, such as GRiDPad pen computer with touchscreen. Includes: PenCell Working Modek, PenCell Help file; On-Screen Keyboard for GridPAD, Pen-based mouse Driver for DOS Apps, Unsupported PenRight! development tools, GRID 4025 BIOS, Win4PEN Drivers, PenRight! Driver for GRiDPAD.
CD with some of the files in physical files: Web site says it would be taken down in 2009.
- [ArsTechnica05a]
Chen, Jacqui
"Pod nano Autopsy",
https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2005/09/nano/4/, September 11, 2005
Tear-down of iPod nano with capacitive touch-sensor scroll wheel: Cypress CY8C21424 Mixed-Signal Array with On-Chip PSoC Controller in Apple self-design instead of Synaptics capacitive touch controller. PSoC also controls membrane-switch buttons.
- [AsanoT05a]
Asan, Takshi; Sharlin, Ehud; Kitamur, Yoshifumi; Takashima, Kazuki; and Kishino, Fumio
"Predictive Interaction using the Delphian Desktop",
Proc. UIST '05, October 23..27, 2005, Seattle, pp. 133..141
Use peak acceleration of mouse movement, extrapolate to likely target to allow user to cut movement short, to start action of icon before use clicks, etc.
- [AscensionTechnology04a]
"Ascension Technology: The Flock of Birds - Position and Orientation Measurement System, Installation and Operation Guide for Standalone and Multiple Transmitter/Multiple Sensor Configurations",
Ascension Technology Corp., 2004
3D/6DOF "tablet" position sensors, used in a number of hand-gesture projects, virtual reality inputs i.e. sense position and orientation of toy "gun". Multiple small electromagnetic sensors with cables to match one or more multiple base transmitters. Original version of manual 1991.
- [AshbyR05a]
Ashby, Robert
"Designer's Guide to the Cypress PSoC",
Newnes/Elsevier, 2005
Technical/architectural overview and textbook on Cypress Semiconductor PSoC embedded micro-controller for mixed-signal applications. Wireless USB (2.4 GHz Wifi?), 8x8 multiplier-accumulators, decimators, digital clocks, 32KHz watchdog timer, internal reference voltages. 256 (eight-bit) addressable RAM, plus paging. Internal clock nominally 24 MHz, but 2.5% drift. Cites to separate data sheets for component modules: lower-frequency incremental ADCs, delta-sigma ADC (requires 3 samples to adjust to new signal input), successive-approximation ADC, switched-capacitor analog blocks, comparators, differential-input "instrumentation" amplifier, DTMF phone-dialer tone generator, multiple counters and DACs, multi-input ADCs, digital filter blocks (no internal clock in filters), PSRG pseudo-random generator for pseudo-random clocks, internal temperature sensor.
- [AshdownM05a]
Ashdown, Mark and Robinson, Peter
"Experience with the Escritoire: A Personal Projected Display",
IEEE Multimedia, vol 12 no 1, pp. 34..42, January-March 2005
Variation on DigitalDesk overhead projector: two projects, one at low resolution for entire tabletop, one at higher resolution for document of interest ("foveal display"). Two stylus (styli), digitizer: ultrasonic lower-resolution for non-dominant hand. Fading trace instead of cursor (option).
- [AshmoreM05a]
Ashmore, Michael; Duchowski, Andrew T.; and Shoemaker, Garth
"Efficient Eye Pointing with a Fisheye Lens",
Proc. Graphics Interface 2005 GI '05, May 09..11, 2005, Victoria, BC, Canada, pp. 203..210
Bring up fish-eye/magnified view when user does dwell (compare: press-and-hold) with eye tracker pointing input.
- [AtwoodSP04a]
Atwood, Stephen P. and Peterson, Richard
"Sensing the size of a touch point in a touch-sensitive panel employing resistive membranes",
US Patent Application 2004/0207606, October 21, 2004
Measure size of contact (not pressure/force) in resistive touchscreen/whiteboard by measuring contact resistance. Example is determining small contact area of a writing marker versus large contact area of eraser. Notes that contact resistance also varies with location (bad behavior?). Compare to multi-level force/mode by Buxton, preview modes?
- [AufderheideBE04a]
Aufderheide, Brian E.
"Sensing Device",
US Patent Application 2004/0263483 A1, December 30, 2004
On multi-touch touchpad/touchscreen, determine ellipse shape of finger contact area shape and report angle. Also determining angle of finger or stylus to surface of touchpad (compare with tilt angle of a stylus). Mentions flick, pinch, stretch (zoom), rotate gestures. Mentions that capacitive touchscreens need conductive stylus or finger, not work with fingernail or other non-conductive stylus. Compare with pseudo-pressure?
- [AvitzurR04a]
Avitzur, Ron
"The Graphing Calculator Story",
www.pacifict.com, last updated 2004, archived 2004
Story of graphing calculator project for Apple PowerPC in 1993/1994, continued by developers after project cancelled and contractors laid off by sneaking back into the building, with informal collusion by engineering staff at Apple. File also includes "Worming into Apple".
- [BFarR05a]
B'Far, Reza
"Mobile Computing Principles -- Designing and Developing Mobile Applications with UML and XML",
Cambridge Univ. Press, 2005 (hardcopy book)
compendium on mobile applications using mark-up languages e.g. UML XML. Brief mention of InkML Ink Markup Language and VML Voice Markup Language. Describes touchscreen as effectively a symmetric user interface, same device used for both input and output equivalently.
- [BaarDJP04a]
Baar, David J. P.; Carpendale, M. Sheelagh T.; Cowperthwaite, David J.; Tigges, Mark; Komar, Robert; and Bauer, Jerome F.
"Elastic Presentation Space",
US Patent 6,768,497, July 27, 2004
User-interface, view a document at a zoomed-back scale, zoom in / magnify one portion selectively. Adjacent parts of document blend/zoom gradually to the selected portion. Compare with citations to/from AppLens.
- [BalakrishnanR04a]
Balakrishnan, Ravin
""Beating" Fitt's law: virtual enhancements for pointing facilitation",
Intl. Jnl. Human-Computer Studies, Vols 61, pp 857-874, 2004
Fitts' law on pointing with a stylus/pointer can be "beat" by making target area larger, snapping-to the target, area cursors, etc. But this cannot be applied when there are lots of targets.
File contains additional citations by Balakrishnan with other authors.
- [BaldwinDR04a]
Baldwin, David Robert
"Doubly-virtualized texture memory",
US Patent 6,683,615, January 27, 2004
Graphics buffers taken from paged main memory, locked down when needed for display. Citations are to caching of texture maps: compare to other real-time caching?
- [BallagasR05a]
Ballagas, Rafel; Borchers, Jan; Rohs, Michael; and Sheridan, Jennifer G.
"The Smart Phone: A Ubiquitous Input Device",
IEEE Pervasive Computing, Issue no. 1, January-March (2006 vol. 5), pp: 70-77
Multiple ways to use a smartphone as an input device, user interface for external devices. Combinations of modes. Touchscreen as a remote trackpad for a display; return-to-zero joystick; rolling/tilt input; mouse-like translation device using visual flow tracking; direct and indirect pointing; optical/image tracking of tags; hand-held gestures.
- [BasdoganC04a]
Basdogan, Cagatay; De, Suvranu; Kim, Jung; Muniyandi, Manivannan; Kim, Hyum; and Srinivasan, Mandayam A.
"Haptics in Minimally Invasive Surgical Simulation and Training",
IEEE CGA, March/April, 2004, pp. 46..64
Report on 3D virtual reality simulated surgical system with force-feedback haptic output. Mentions that a processing loop may result in "mushy" virtual surfaces that are sensed as vibration when touched virtually.
- [BaudischP04a]
Baudisch, Patrick; Pruitt, John; Ball, Steve
"Flat Volume Control: Improving Usability by Hiding the Volume Control Hierarchy in the User Interface",
Proc. CHI 2004, April 24-29, Vienna, Austria
slider/toggle controls in graphical user interface (touchscreen).
- [BaudischP04b]
Baudisch, Patrick and Gutwin, Carl
"Multiblending: displaying overlapping windows simultaneously without the drawbacks of alpha blending",
Proc. CHI 2004, April 24-29, Vienna, Austria, pp. 367-374
Transparent windows: instead of alpha blending, show overlay window as completely transparent except for GUI element lines and labels, which are shown with edge-enhancement contrast, etc. Less obscuring of window / background below.
- [BaudischP04c]
Baudisch, Patrick; Xie, Xing; Wang, Chong; and Ma, Wei-Ying
"Collapse-to-Zoom: Viewing Web Pages on Small Screen Devices by Interactively Removing Irrelevant Content",
Proc. UIST '04, October 24..27, 2004, Santa Fe, New Mexico, pp. 91..94
On small displays (e.g. Palm PDAs), reduce web pages by removing irrelevant content: e.g. advertising. User selects what is to be removed with a stylus. Marquee gestures combine command and extent -- e.g. drag to select, with diagonal direction of drag indicating operation/command: compare with Pencept "recognition macros" for zoom gesture, Fisheye/magnifying glass, semantic zoom.
- [BaudischP05a]
Baudisch, Patrick; Cutrell, Edward; Hinckley, Ken; and Eversole, Adam
"Snap-and-go: Helping Users Align Objects Without the Modality of Traditional Snapping",
Proc. CHI 2005, April 2..7, 2005, Portland, OR, pp. 301..310
Coarseness of snap-to-grid for positioning accuracy on tablet/mouse, instead use lower movement gain when near snapping position for allow fine positioning without having to deactivate snap. Cites to snap-dragging, area cursors.
- [BaxterLK05a]
Baxter, Larry K.
"Capacitive Measurement System",
US Patent Application 2005/0099188 A1, May 12, 2005
Capacitive sensor for touch/proximity (e.g. as safety sensor for human hand in machinery), measures charge accumulated by a sequence of pulses when sampled on reversal of polarity: compare with synchronous demodulator in prior art section. Mentions filtering of stray capacitance, filtering of noise using synchronous demodulation, changing operation frequency of sensor to avoid fixed-frequency noise sources. Cites to Baxter book. US Patent 7129714.
- [Bechtel04]
Bechtel, J. Scott; Blanc, Arthur; Black, Gerald R. and Gustin, Jeffery L.
"Developing The World's First Biometric Writing Instrument",
Purdue Univ. Innovation Realization Laboratory White Paper, January 30, 2004
See also Pen-One, Incorporated, www.pen-one.com. Several patent references for Gerald R. Black: 6,307,956, etc.
Fingerprint Sensor Pen: Writing pen with fingerprint sensor built-in: appears not to be biometric signature verification.
- [BedersonB04a]
Bederson, Benjamin B.; Clamage, Aaron; Czerwinski, Mary P.; and Robertson, George G.
"DateLens: A Fisheye Calendar Interface for PDAs",
ACM Trans. on Computer-Human Interaction, Vol 11 No 1, March 2004, pp. 90-119
Windows Pocket PC: Zoom user interface into region of interest / degree of interest or information of interest in a small display: e.g. tap on a date in a calendar month view, get the day information with the rest of the calendar month pushed out to the sides. Mentions work on DataLens and fish-eye menu techniques back to 1982. Compare with targeting/fat-finger problem in touchscreens?
- [BedersonB04b]
Bederson, Benjamin B.; Grosjean, Jesse; and Meyer, Jon
"Toolkit Design for Interactive Structured Graphics",
IEEE Trans. on Softw. Eng, Vol 30 No 8, August 2004
GUI toolkit using run-time composition of objects, rather than compile-time class hierarchy. Example is photomesa using Zoomable User Interface and Jazz. Zoomable user interface zooms by showing more semantic information and reducing other semantic information, rather than simply magnifying.
- [BeebyS04a]
Beeby, Stephen; Ensell, Graham; Kraft, Michael; and White, Neil
"MEMS Mechanical Sensors",
Artech House, Inc., Boston, London, 2004
Handbook on MEMS micro-electro-mechanical sensors: inertial accelerometer sensors, pressure/force/torque sensors, flow sensors. Piezoresistive, piezoelectric, capacitive, optical (phase/wavelength/polarization/etc.), magnetic and other actuation design techniques. Mentions overrange on position and accelerometers sensors, drift (temperature and mechanical) as problem (bad behavior) of sensors in general.
- [BeezerJL05a]
Beezer, John L. et al
"Method and Apparatus for Capturing and Rendering Annotations for Non-Modifiable Electronic Content",
US Patent 6,957,233, October 18, 2005
Storing annotation separate from document with link back to location in document: numerous citations, but compare with Anoto, Slate and InkWriter.
- [BellG04]
Bell, Gordon
"A Time and Place for Standards",
VoiP Magazine, Vol 2, No 6, September 2004
Essay on positive/negative role of technical standards in promoting or impeding innovation, quotes "Better is the Enemy of Good Enough". Quote from Stewart Alsop regarding PenPoint vs. Pen-Windows: "If GO had ever been given the chance, they would have succeeded.".
- [BencinaR05a]
Bencina, Ross; Kalenbrunner, Martin; and Jorda, Sergi
"Improved Topological Fidcuial Tracking in the reacTIVision System",
Proc. CVPR 2005 IEEE Comp. Soc. Conf. on Computer vision and Pattern Recognition, July, 2005
Tabletop reacTable: tangible user-interface token/objects representing components of software sound synthesizer: fiducial markings/tags on underside of objects. One example used 3x5 dots that can be grouped to look like 15-segment characters.
- [BenkoH05a]
Benko, Hrvoje; Ishak, Edward W.; and Feiner, Steven
"Cross-Dimensional Gestural Interaction Techniques for Hybrid Immersive Environments",
Proc. IEEE 2005 Conf. on Virtual Reality, March 12..16, 2005, Bonn, Germany, pp. 209..216, 327
2D flat multi-touch tablet used for manipulation of 3D virtual objects in VR/Artificial Reality: e.g. pushing on tablet surface "through" a virtual object to move it. Also 3D tracked gloves (compare DataGlove). Hand gestures such as point, flat hand (top), grab, vertical hand (idle). Cites to Rekimoto, Krueger.
- [BensonDC05a]
Benson, Daniel Conrad and Scher, Irving S.
"Configurable industrial input devices that use electrically conductive elastomer",
US Patent 6,888,537, May 3, 2005
Touchpad/tablet for industrial controller / input device using conductive elastomer (conductive rubber). Controller allows virtual buttons to have different activation force threshold. Mentions conductive foams (from anti-static bags?) as one material.
- [BersonW04a]
Berson, William
"Pen and system for writing encoded lines",
US Patent 6,715,687, April 6, 2004
Physical ink from electronic pen, date/time, location (from GPS) and other information is encoded in coded pulse train pattern of long and short length line segments in the ink. Cites to Sekendur, but not to Anoto. (pattern is in the written ink). States can be used to authenticate signatures: encoded time/date?
- [BiagiottiL05a]
Biagiotti, Luigi; Borghesan, Gianni; and Melchiorri, Claudio
"A Multimodal Haptic Mouse for Visually Impaired People",
Proc. ENACTIVE05, 2nd Intl. Conf. on Enactive Interfaces, Genoa Italy November 17-18, 2005, 7 pages
Force-feedback haptic mouse for the blind: used pantographic tablet with force transducer / haptic element. User can "feel" graphical objects (square, circle) by simulated potential-energy force.
- [BickAR05a]
Bick, Andrew Raymon
"User Interface Device",
US Patent 6,924,789, August 2, 2005
Small Nokia "pill" cellphone, keypad (keymat) is mutual capacitance touchpad, X/Y grid of conductors underneath. Proximity sensing at one millimeter.
- [BickertonMJ05a]
Bickerton, Matthew J.
"Text Entry Method and Device Therefor",
US Patent 6,885,318, April 26, 2005
Full-alphabet input on a phone keypad (or touchscreen): tap a key, selects group of associated letters, type on adjacent key to select 1 of the 3 (or 4). Reissued as RE44,913. Compare with IBM Simon?
- [BishopCM04a]
Bishop, Christopher M.; Svensen, Markus; and Hinton, Geoffrey
"Distinguishing Text from Graphics in On-line Handwritten Ink",
Paper for verbal presentation, IWFHR, Tokyo, October 26..29, 2004
Classifying/recognizing electronic ink on tablet computer as text or as sketch: based on length, other characteristics of strokes. Segmentation based on time (time-stamps for cut-and-paste ink data, deferred recognition). Mentions time information in applying context rules (Viterbi algorithm).
- [BixlerC05a]
Bixler, Craig
"List-bar interface control apparatus and method",
US Patent Application 2005/0273778, December 8, 2005
Combine menu and toolbar (compare Microsoft Ribbon?) for novice/expert users in GUI. Allows wider element spacing for touchscreens (targeting accuracy), location at side of touchscreen to avoid occlusion by hand/finger.
- [BjornVC05a]
Bjorn, Vance C. and Belongie, Serge, J.
"Configurable multi-function touchpad device",
US Patent 6,950,539, September 27, 2005
Touchpad with integrated fingerprint scanner for authentication. Example is capacitive touchpad sensor, mentions finger as conductive pointer (stylus). Optical scanner for fingerprint using reflected light (compare FTIR?), micro-prisms/prismlets.
- [BlanchR04a]
Blanch, Renaud; Guiard, Yves; and Beaudouin-Lafon, Michel
"Semantic Pointing: Improving Target Acquisition with Control-Display Ratio Adaptation",
Proc. CHI 2004, April 24..29, 2004, Vienna, Austria, pp. 519-526
Improve targeting / fat-finger pointing on touchscreens/GUIs by having larger effect area for most important targets (semantic pointing), e.g. show thin scroll bar, but accept input over larger area; effective target area of "Save" button larger than "Discard". Reduces screen footprint of elements.
- [BlaskoG04a]
Blasko, Gabor and Feiner, Steven
"Single-Handed Interaction Techniques for Multiple Pressure-Sensitive Strips",
Proc. CHI 2004, pp. 1461-1464
Using Synaptics TM41P-200 capacitance-based TouchPad, reliably detect multiple (up to fourteen?) simultaneous finger touch inputs (multi-touch) in simulated sliders, in user interface to control multiple audio or other parameters at the same time. Not actually sensing pressure/force, but contact area of finger tip (increased capacitance). Pressing harder (pressure-sensing) gives access to secondary pop-through virtual slider. Synaptics touchpad has output bit to indicate two-finger (wide) input. No electronic modifications to Synaptics touchpad. Compare with Buxton sliders? Notes that angle/orientation of finger affects pseudo-pressure contact area.
- [BlumbergB05a]
Blumberg, Bruce; Change, Angela; Ishii, Hiroshi; Koerner, Brad; Resner, Benjamin; and Wang, XingChen
"Socializing remote communication",
US Patent 6,940,493, September 6, 2005
Non-verbal remote communication devices by transfering touch communications: caresses? Haptic sensor registers intensity levels of touch (i.e. force/pressure sensor), proximity sensor uses infrared/heat (compare: optical proximity sensor?).
- [BodnarEO04a]
Bodnar, Eric O.
"Graphical password methodology for a microprocessor device accepting non-alphanumeric user input",
US Patent 6,686,931, February 3, 2004
On small device, navigation by small keypad/keyboard by single-click operation or taps on touchscreen, drill-down for more detailed information (e.g. select name to get full record). For no full alphanumeric keyboard/keypad, recognize path through a set of icons as password for user authentication.
- [BoesenPV04a]
Boesen, Peter V. and Mann, Thomas J.
"Method and Medium for Computer Readable Keyboard Display Incapable of User Termination",
US Patent 6,784,783, August 31, 2004
Touchscreen simulated/virtual keyboard in a portable device (shown using stylus with cord). No "X" or taskbar in window, so virtual keyboard cannot be minimized or closed. Keyboard accessible under application control via DLL API.
- [BookAndComputer05]
The Book and the Computer
"The Dynabook Revisited: A Conversation with Alan Kay",
www.honco.net/os/kay.html, 2005
Interview with Alan Kay on history of Dynabook as educational tool: cited elsewhere as mentioning pen computing. Reprint from 1991 article by Ryan.
- [BorgstroemA04a]
Borström, Anders; Hollström, Magnus; Gärdenfors, Torbjörn; Rydbeck, Nils; and Johansson, Örjan
"Predefined Electronic Pen Applications in Specially Formatted Paper",
US Patent 6,738,053, May 18, 2004
Handheld pen scanner, reads pattern printed on paper to invoke an application or function. Includes ability to capture dynamic handwriting and drawing. Pattern may be based on dots: compare with Anoto?
- [BottE05a]
Bott, Ed; Siechert, Carl; and Stinson, Craig
"Microsoft Windows XP Inside Out 2nd Edition (Covers SP2)",
Microsoft Press, 2005
Windows XP Home/Professional edition user guide from Microsoft Press. Tablet PC Edition 2005, Media Center Edition 2004, 64-bit edition separate. Tablet PC Edition based on Windows XP Pro edition.
- [BovesL04a]
Boves, Lou; Neumann, Andre; Vuurpijl, Louis; ten Bosch, Louis; Rossignol, Stephane; Engel, Ralf; and Pfleger, Norbert
"Multimodal Interaction in Architectural Design Applications",
Proc. 8th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All (UI4All), Vienna, 2004, pp 384..390
Experimental Tablet pen-computing UI with voice/speech commands for drawing blueprints/layouts (for a bathroom), synthesized voice output for computer response. User satisfaction depends highly on handwriting recognition and speech recognition. No mention of gestures.
- [BraunAC05a]
Braun, Adam C.; Rosenberg, Lous B.; Moore, David F.; Martin, Kenneth M.; and Goldenberg, Alex S.
"Directional tactile feedback for haptic feedback interface devices",
US Patent 6,864,877, March 8, 2005
Combining two or more rotary or linear vibratory actuators in a device to give inertial sensations for direction. Refers to inertial controllers / inertial actuators only providing output pulses and vibrations in the general direction of the rotating mass. Refers to single vibration pulses, including two to three revolutions (cycles); pulse actuator at a predefined frequency and magnitude (and direction). Compare (?) with Amemiya pseudo-force from asymmetric vibration?
- [BrescianiJP04a]
Breasciani, Jean-Pierre; Ernst, Marc O.; Drewing, Knut; Bouyer, Guillaume; Maury, Vincent; and Kheddar, Abderrahmane
"Feeling what you hear: auditory signals can modulate tactile tap perception",
Experimental Brain Research, vol 162, 2005: pp. 172..180
Synchronized beeps (audio feedback) with taps perceived by user as haptic tactile feedback. Multiple beeps cause tap to be perceived as multiple taps. Combination of audio feedback/effect with haptic force effects / force feedback.
- [BrewsterSA04a]
Brewster, Stephen and Brown, Lorna M.
"Tactons: Structured Tactile Messages for Non-Visual Information Display",
Proc. AUIC 2004 5th Australasian User Interface Conf., Dunedin, AUS. pp. 15-23
Tactile/haptic feedback for the blind/visual-impaired: frequency, amplitude, duration, pattern, location of tactile pulse. Used Audiological Engineering VBW32 transducers. Comparison with Braille display / Braillezeiler, VirTouch tactile mouse (braille-like transducers). Graphs and displays for the blind.
- [BrewsterSA04b]
Brewster, Stephen and Dunlop, Mark (Eds.)
"Proc. Mobile Human-Computer Interaction MobileHCI 2004",
Proc. Mobile Human-Computer Interaction MobileHCI 2004, Glasgow UK, September 13-16, 2004
Conference proceedings: Gesture interfaces on Tilt, Touch, and Text Entry; semantic scrolling.
- [BriereD04a]
Briere, Danny and Hurley, Pat
"Windows XP Media Center Edition 2004 PC for Dummies",
Wiley Publiching, Inc. 2004
User guide for Windwos XP Media Center. Slide shows, TV channel tuner, photo editing, DV digital video camera. Cites to touchscreen remote controls from Touch Systems, Philipps Pronto product. Macro programmable remote control devices. Smart Display from Nevo software for remote control (Microsoft Smart Display touchscreen, Pocket PC).
- [BrinkeGT04a]
Brinke, Gerri Ten and Ikkala, Olli
"Smart Materials Based on Self-Assembled Hydrogen-Bonded Comb-Shaped Supramolecules",
Proc. Mobile Human-Computer Interaction MobileHCI 2004, Glasgow UK, September 13-16, 2004
Anisotropic-resistance conductive film. Anisotropic proton conductivity by introducing shear during deposition. Compare with anisotropic patterns in ITO?
- [BrownL05a]
Brown, Lorna
"An Investigation into the Design of Structured Vibrotactile Messages for Non Visual Information Display",
University of Glasgow, 2005: www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~eve/tactonsWebsite/vibro.html
Vibrating Transducers for haptic vibrotactile/electrotactile touch input with human computer interaction: www.eaiinfo.com Engineering Acoustic C2 Tactor.
- [BrownL05b]
Brown, Lorna M.; Brewster, Stephen A.; and Purchase, Helen C.
"A First Investigation into the Effectiveness of Tactons",
WHC '05 First Joint Eurohaptics Conf. and Symp. on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, pp. 167-
Vibrating Transducers for haptic vibrotactile/electrotactile touch input with human computer interaction: simulate roughness with sinusoidally modulated sinusoidal vibration. Square waves give roughly sinusoidal vibration due to mechanical response. Below 20/50 Hz users perceive individual vibrations.
- [BrysonS04a]
Bryson, Steve
"Virtual Reality",
Computer Science Handbook Second Edition, Allen B. Tucker ed. Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2004, Chapter 42
Hand-tracking in virtual reality / VR, gestures for command input: measurement of joint angles and configuration rather than position: clenched fist gesture for grab/select. Distinction between statis and dynamic hand gestures. Sensor technologies: angle encoders, optical strain gauge, variable resistor/potentiometer. See also Chapter 47 by Jennifer Tucker.
- [BulatovV05a]
Bulatov, Vladimir; Gardner, John A.; and Gardner, Jeffrey A.
"Accessible Computer System",
US Patent Application 2005/0233287, October 20, 2005
Accessible personal computer system with tactile braille display and audio feedback, parser for converting DTD/HTML data to tactile braille display. Touchscreen can be film or wire mesh. Cites to tactile diagrams on vacuum-thermoformed PVC sheets.
- [BurgelT04a]
Burgel, Thomas and Bosa, Roland
"Method and system for processing force feedback effects generated at a host for playback at a physical interaction device",
US Patent 6,710,764, March 23, 2004
Move control of force feedback / haptic feedback effects from local processor to host, low-speed USB interface: low latency? Force effect profiles split? Actual effects still controlled by device microprocessor, but management of types of effects in application level? Cites to Immersion with functionality in the device driver, which requires vendor-specific device drivers. Mentions headroom (compare: grounding position) on spring effects to allow for additional haptic effects on top of spring effect. Centering spring effects, stored in device controller, with additional effects added.
- [BusinessWeek05a]
Hesseldahl, Arik
"The iPod Nano Under a Microscope",
Business Week, October 3, 2005, p. 18
Report on disassembly of iPod nano, using Cypress Semiconductor capacitive controller (PSoC) in capacitive click-wheel/scroll-wheel, instead of Synaptics: actual touch sensor designed by Apple.
- [ButlerCG04a]
Butler, Coling G. and St. Amant, Robert
"HabilisDraw DT: a bimanual tool-based direct manipulation drawing environment",
Proc. CHI 2004, pp 1301-1304
Multi-hand drawing program using DiamondTouch multi-user tablet, with addition of gloves so that a single user appears as four users for up to four multi-touch points.
- [Buxton04a]
Buxton, W.
"Resource Page on Early HCI Research of the Lincoln Lab TX-2 Group (beta)",
www.billbuxton.com/Lincoln.html, 2004
Mentions sources for videos for Sketchpad, Graphical Programming, Genesys, interviews with early researchers before 1966.
- [Buxton04b]
Buxton, W.
"Marking Interfaces: Chapter 13 (draft)",
www.billbuxton.com/input13.markup.pdf, 2004
Marking interfaces: Buxton's term for for paper-like and pen-based interfaces, gestural / gesture-based user interfaces; line recognition as synonym for sketch recognition.
Describes character recognition as a "black hole" for pen-computing interfaces.
Early 1969 animation system Genesys for gesture input.
Review of numerous paper-like application products from 1980's and 1990's: Newton MessagePad 2000, Liveworks Liveboard, Wang Freestyle, CompuThink Paperless Office, Winfax PRO, CrossPad, etc. Alto User's Handbook (1976).
InkWriter by Aha!: recognition of handwritten paragraphs, not of characters.
Quikwriting unistroke / single-stroke characters.
Papyrus Allegro unistroke / single-stroke characters.
Casio AT-550 character recognition watch with finger tracing 1980, Casio DBC-150-1 Databank watch, PF-8000 calculator.
First shorthand / unistroke: 63 BC, Marcus Tullius, "notae Tironianae".
File also contains 2010 draft.
- [Buxton05]
Buxton, William (organizer); Henderson, Austin (Discussant); Baecker, Ron; Clark, Wesley; Richardson, Fontaine; Sutherland, Ivan; and Sutherland W. R.
"Interaction at Lincoln Laboratory in the 1960's: Looking Forward - Looking Back",
Panel Discussion, CHI 2005, April 2-7, 2005, Portland, Oregon
Video and presentation of Sketchpad; very early work on whiteboard "chalk talk" systems by Baecker; early gesture-recognition system by Richardson (?) and Curry (?) at Applicon and Lincoln Labs.
- [CCC04a]
Chaos Computer Club
"Wie können Fingerabdrücke nachgebildet werden",
dasalte.ccc.de, 2004
(in German) spoofing/faking of fingerprint authentication by copying fingerprint to "dead finger", or covering fingertip with layer of glue with imprint.
- [CIC04a]
CIC Communications Intelligence Corporation
"Jot for Palm OS Version 2.1: Help",
www.cic.com, 2004
Documentation on JOT (a.k.a. Graffiti2 for Palm OS) handwriting recognition and neography by CIC. FAQ states that JOT is not a Unistroke character set. Includes reference chart for non-English European characters, Scandinavian, German, special gestures for newline/enter, etc.
- [CIC04c]
CIC Communications Intelligence Corporation
"Sign-It: Move into the Age of eCommerce with secure electronic signatures",
www.cic.com, 2004
Technical information, version 4.1, dynamic signature verification as biometric token authentication ("secure electronic signatures"). Signature "bound" to document by including with secure hash (Triple-DES) of document and signature. Authentication done in server, plug-ins for document signing fields for Adobe, Word, etc. Note: says template (used for authentication) can also be used as "rubber stamp" to apply signatures to documents? Actual signing act can be live signature, voice recording, stamp, or password(?) "Ceremony" software for capturing timestamp for signature, etc.
- [CIC04d]
CIC Communications Intelligence Corporation
"PenX: Pen enablement for modern computing",
www.cic.com, 2004
Technical brochure, CIC PenX Pen-enablement with software virtual keyboard, electronic ink collection, writing-in-place: inking overlay for whole screen with handwriting recognition, input directed towards active field/input. (For small touchscreens).
- [CMC05]
CMC Electronics
"CT-1000G Electronic Flight-Deck Organizer with JeppView electronic charts",
CMC Electronics, Ville Saint-Laurent, Quebec Canada H4M 2S9, 2005
Windows 98 Pen computer for private aircraft, with GPS, mountable on steering controls. Copyright 1999?
- [CaffreyA04a]
Caffrey, A. and McCrindle, R.
"Developing a multimodal web application",
Proc. 5th Intl. Conf. disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technology, Oxford, UK, 2004, pp. 165..172
Gravity wells as haptic feedback for accessible web browsing user interface. Uses Logitec Wingman Force Feedback mouse.
- [CakmakciO05a]
Cakmakci, Ozan and Berard, Francois
"Back to Paper: A Technique for Browsing Multimedia Information by Pointing on Handwritten Notes",
Proc. PERVASIVE 2005, Third Intl. Conf. on Pervasive Computing, Munich, Germany, May 8..13, 2005, pp. 55..58
Electronic ink capture on pre-indexed (printed) documents using visual camera with color contrast on colored markers. Notes indexed to document and to time. Compare with Anoto?
- [CaldwellA04a]
Caldwell, Alex
"Handwriting Word Recognizer",
Posted to http://wiki.tcl.tk/9094, 2004
Describes modification of "Mouse-stroke character recognizer" by Mike All, which in turn borrows code from other sources. Recognizes cursive words written as a single stroke: crossing of T's, etc. not supported.
- [CallawayDC04a]
Callaway, Aniel Chilton
"Device for detecting musical gestures using collimated light",
US Patent 6,794,568, September 21, 2004
Interrupt grid/matrix of laser/collimated light beams to control musical instrument via MIDI interface: tempo, etc. Gestures refer to standard conducting motions for orchestra conductor. Compare with gesture frame, optical touchscreens?
- [CampbellV05]
Campbell, Virginia
"Why Johnniac Can Read: The first big step in handwriting recognition came 40 years ago",
American Heritage of Invention and Technology, Summer 2005
Historical article on RAND digital tablet in 1964, "not the first, but the first that was practical". Dimond, GRAIL, Groner.
Recognition as soon as stylus was lifted, slashed Z and 0 required versus O and 2. Ink was not quite real time, displayed only after stroke lift. Quotes Leonard (Leonid) Kitainik of Paragraph, Apple Newton, http://penandinternet.com, www.evernote.com.
- [CaoX04a]
Cao, Xiang
"An Exploration of Gesture-Based Interaction",
Master's Thesis, Dept of computer Science, Univ. Toronto, 2004
Optical (tracking camera) recognition of gestures made with hand-held wand: pointing, tilt, tap, parallel-tap, push, pull, rotate, flip gestures. Multiple-user input (or two handed input?) with more than one Wang, six-segment pie menus. Adaptive recognition of gestures mostly based on unistroke character shapes, plus pig-tail.
- [CarveyH05a]
Carvey, Harlan
"Windows Forensics and Incident Recovery",
Addison-Wesley, 2005
Forensic examination of Windows (through Windows 95/NT/2003): focuses on using standard event logs, logging, other monitoring tools. Historical section on Robert Morris worm, Clifford Stoll, logic bombs, Slammer worm, brute-force DDOS attack, etc. (Hardcopy is 2005, PDF is 2004?)
- [CaseboltMW04a]
Casebolt, Mark W.; Rensberger, Gary; and Gorman, Sean
"Data input device power management including beacon state",
US Patent 6,816,150, November 9, 2004
Capacitive proximity sensor for power management: sleep/wake mode when hand in proximity to an optical mouse. Sense/scoop capacitor and bucket/accumulating capacitor for measurement. Cites to Philipp 1996 magazine article. Compare with Wang Freestyle tap-to-wake/activate?
- [CaseboltMW05a]
Casebolt, Mark W.; Rensberger, Gary; Bathiche, Steven N. and Albulet, Mihai
"Capacitive sensing employing a repeatable offset charge",
US Patent 6,954,867, October 11, 2005
Capacitive touch sensor using counter to reach threshold value, pre-loading of capacitor to be close to the threshold. One effect is fewer counts needed, thus shorter measurement period, thus either less likely noise spike occurs during measurement time, or can sample at higher frequency. Sense/scoop capacitor and bucket/accumulating capacitor for measurement. Mentions power-management wake-up on hand proximity. Compare with Neodron?
- [Casio04a]
"Classpad.org: Casio ClassPad 300 Resource Center",
www.classpad.org, 2004
ClassPad stylus/pen-computer mathematical PDA. Pen-touch (touchscreen: resistive?) stylus-based operation. Educational materials for classroom mathematics instruction. Solution of multi-bar linkages. "Limited Version" of software runs on Windows as well as PDA.
- [Casio05a]
"Casio VDB-1000 wristwatch",
Collection from Pocket Computing Museum, 2005, available at www.integra.fr/dreamteam/caz/computers/pocket/collection.htm
Wristwatch with touchscreen input. Aegis Tele-Pad wristwatch is same device? Same reference includes Casio NX-6000 / IF-8000 Planeo keyboard-less organizer; Sharp IQ-9200 touchscreen organizer; Casio Z7000 Zoomer PDA, like Apple Newton; Apple Newton Message Pad 110.
2005: New URL appears to be http://cdecas.free.fr/computers/pocket/if8000.php.
- [Casio05b]
"Casio ClassPad Overview: The ClassPad and Examples",
Casio Education Technology, 2005
Overview of ClassPad pen computer with touchscreen, mathematical graphing and algebra calculator. Extensive algebraic functionality, intended for upper-level secondary math teaching. No electronic ink, point/menu user interfaces.
- [Caz04]
Caz Pocket Computers Collection
"Caz Pocket Computers Collection",
http://cdecas.free.fr/computers/pocket/if8000.php, 2004
Images of various pocket and pen-tablet computers: Ricoh RCD i-700, Sharp MI-10, Casio IF-8000, Sharp IQ-9200, Casio VDB-1000 wristwatch with touch screen (but not handwriting recognition), Kyocera Refalo.
- [ChambersC05a]
Chambers, Christopher; Scott, Wayne; Louie, Alex; Scott, Cheryl; Yuh, Allen; Alvarado, Cesar; and Arlig, Paul D.
"System and methods for interacting with a control environment",
US Patent Application 2005/0134578, June 23, 2005
Various user-interface elements on a tablet/touchscreen PDA. Virtual scroll wheel shown in space of slide-bar / scrollbar at edge of document or windows. Scrollwheel may be used to adjust volume, etc. (sideways knob). Small icons to show status. Thumbnail view of full status display. Showing animated example of a gesture (compare with PenPoint?). Thumbnail/smaller view of a user interface, may be expanded / enlarged (compare with ToolGlass?).
- [ChampaneriaA04a]
Champaneria, Amay and Rudolph, Larry
"PADCAM: A Human-Centric Perceptual Interface for Temporal Recovery of Pen-Based Input",
Proc. 2004 AAAI Fall Symp., June 2004
Video-based (webcam) system for tracking pen motion on tablet, watching regular pen on paper while user is writing. Notes that handwriting/sketching/gesture recognition is easier with temporal information (compare: on-line and off-line handwriting character recognition. Uses simpler classifier for pen-up/pen-down event detection. Notes bad behaviors of camera noise and ambient lighting conflated with changes due to ink on paper. Does not cite to Anoto, nor to Digital Desk. Cites to visual input for pen-based computers.
- [ChampionD05a]
Champion, David; Hoffman, Randy; and Pate, Michael A.
"Optical Property Normalization for a Transparent Electrical Device",
US Patent 6,940,097, September 6, 2005
Put additional (non-active) structure or dummy features into blank areas in transparent touchscreen or other circuit to give normal optical properties.
- [ChangA05a]
Chang, Angela and O'Sullivan, Conor
"Audio-haptic feedback in mobile phones",
Proc. CHI 2005, April 2..7, 2005, Portland, OR, USA
Study of audio-based haptic feedback on candy-bar smartphones: amplify lower frequencies (up to 300 Hz) using multi-function transducer (MFT) speaker, enhanced level of direct audio stream causing vibrotactile sensation preferred by users, perceived as more comfortable and better sound quality. Human haptic effects felt 100 to 300 Hz with MFT actuators. Refers to "audio-haptics".
- [ChangKHP04a]
Chang, Kenneth H. P.
"Encoding and decoding a message within an image",
US Patent 6,819,774, November 16, 2004
Glyph pattern (compare DataGlyphs) for embedding message (e.g. URLs/address) in an image. Glyph pattern example is individual pixels turned on/off in a monotone black/white image. Includes multiple citations to two-dimensional symbology. Compare with Anoto.
- [ChasenJM04a]
Chasen, Jeffrey M. and Wyman, Christopher N.
"System and Method of Managing Metadata Data",
US Patent 6,750,721, July 6, 2004
Graphical user interface for editing metadata in image files and other files, displaying metadata in hierarchical tree. Mentions touchscreen graphical user interface.
- [ChellapillaK05a]
Chellapilla, Kumar; Larson, Kevin; Simard, Patrice; and Czerwinski, Mary
"Designing human friendly human interaction proofs (HIPS)",
Proc. CHI 2005, April 2..7, 2005, Portland, Oregon, USA
Study of human recognition performance on CAPTCHAs, using distortions of rendered text, looking for ideal range of high human success, low machine success. Most promising was segmentation problems for random characters. Compare with percentage in GrossJN.
- [ChenCR04a]
Chen, Chi-Ruey
"Method for Manufacturing Touch Screen Linearization Pattern",
US Patent 6,673,390, January 6, 2004
Touchscreen pin-cushion distortion linearization pattern by varying resistivity/conductivity of silver/carbon conductive ink, approximately factor of ten from central touch film.
- [ChenHY05a]
Chen, Hung-Yueh
"Analog touch panel with low contact resistance",
US Patent Application 2005/0035952 A1, February 17, 2005
Resistive touchpanel/touchpad with spacer dots, chromium layer as resistive material. Cites to contact resistance as source of error (bad behavior) in touch panels at light touch.
- [ChenWK04a]
Chen, Wai-Kai, ed.
"The Electrical Engineering Handbook, Elsevier",
Elsevier Academic Press, 2004
Handbook/dictionary reference on electrical engineering. Chapter 4: Digital Image Processing (image filtering). Kalman filtering. Control systems and filtering. Pressure sensors, electrostatics, cross-capacitance / mutual inductance coupling and noise analysis.
- [ChengNY04a]
Cheng, Nancy Yen-wen
"Stroke Sequence in Digital Sketching",
Proc. Architecture in the Network Society, 22nd eCAADe Conf. Proc., ISBN 0-9541183-2-4] Copenhagen (Denmark) September 15..18, 2004, pp. 387..393
Study of how architects actually make design sketch drawings, using "animated drawings" captured with Logitech Io (Anoto) digital pen. Useful as teaching tool in demonstrations/lectures for architectural students.
- [ChienST05a]
Chien, Shun-Ta
"Method of Manufacturing Circuit Layout on Touch Panel by Utilizing Metal Plating Technology",
US Patent Application 2005/0260338, November 24, 2005
Manufacturing of touchscreen conductive/resistive films. Refers to spacer dots as insulating islands. Good description of four-wire and five-wire resistive touchscreens.
- [ChoiK05a]
Choi, Kang-ho
"Hinge Apparatus",
US Patent 6,918,159, July 19, 2005
Hinge for laptop, 210 degrees, single axis.
- [ChristieGN04a]
Christie, Gregory N. and King, Nick
"Depicting and setting scroll amount",
US Patent 6,714,221, March 30, 2004
Coasting action on scroll/slider after user input stops, scrolling parameters user-adjustable, scrolling stops when user taps scrollpad/touchpad. Scrolling coasting speed decays organically (friction?). Inertial scrolling.
- [ChrysochoosM05a]
Chrysochoos, Michael and Kosinski, John T. II
"Radio system with Touch Pad Interface",
US Patent Application 2005/0003851, January 6, 2005
Using gestures on a touchpad to control a mobile radio. Gestures are letters and digits: T for tune, etc. "U" Gesture to unlock, "L" gesture to lock user interface from other input.
- [ChuLL04a]
Chu, Lonny L.
"Sound data output and manipulation using haptic feedback",
US Patent 6,703,550, March 9, 2004
Jog/shuttle dial for audio playback/editing. Rotary control and both a rate control mode (playback rate is based on position) and a position control mode (playback matches as the control is turned). Haptic feedback of various forms, such as position-based detents or springs, and time-base jots and pops, depending on the mode, and that the user can select functions by pressing on the knob axially without having to remove his or her grip from the knob. Current reference position reset when changing modes (inferred). Also describes haptic feedback to represent audio.
- [ChungR05a]
Chung, Robert; Mirica, Petrut; and Plimmer, Beryl
"InkKit: A Generic Design Tool for the Tablet PC",
Proc. CHINZ '05, July 6..8, 2005, Auckland, NZ
Sketch recognition/editing application on Tablet PC. Includes storyboarding (compare: post-it notes) with untranslated electronic ink, physical zoom (compare Slate PenScheduler). Snap-to-grid for alignment.
- [ClapperEO04a]
Clapper, Edward O.
"Controlling displays for processor-based systems",
US Patent 6,704,007, March 9, 2004
Rotatable laptop or PDA, determine portrait/landscape orientation either by accelerometer for direction of gravity or by angle of display to base housing (hinge angle). Change aspect ratio of characters based on sensor on the hinge angle. Cites to ADXL150 or ADXL250 accelerometer chip. Rotation mode may also change assignment/functionality of keys (compare automatic layout), open/close apps for particular viewing orientation mode, be input to computer (e.g. tilt for yes/no).
- [ClellandJPR04a]
Clelland, John P. R.
"Multiple Target Representation using a Haptically Enhanced Visual Display",
Master's Thesis, Univ. Glasgow, September 2004
Prototype air traffic control radar display, haptic/tactile feedback on haptic trackball/mouse used to improve targeting. Prototype uses Immersion Touchware and Studio. Cites to Digistrips for ATC information display, Engel for trackball with contextual force feedback. Immersion Studio as graphical GUI IDE.
- [CliffordM05a]
Cliffore, Michelle and Gomez, Leticia
"Application Note: Measuring Tilt with Low-g-Accelerometers",
Freescale Semiconductor Application Note AN3107, May 2005
Application note on using accelerometer chip for static (e.g. tilt) and dynamic measurements of acceleration, including tilt gestures, image rotation (e.g. portrait/landscape), and correction of compass headings. Discusses how to calculate for one-, two-, and three-axis accelerometers, extracting direction of gravity component based on X, Y, or Z sensing axis. Interface analog output to separate ADC A/D converter. Correction of well-behaved non-linearity of capacitive MEMS accelerometer: greatest resolution at zero degrees (sine of angle).
- [CodeProject04a]
"Pocket PC Signature Application Example",
http://www.codeproject.com, posted January 20, 2004
Coding example for signature capture on Windows Mobile / Pocket PC, transfer over encrypted socket connection to server computer (Windows Desktop PC) for display.
- [CohenPR04a]
Cohen, Philip R. and McGee, David R.
"Tangible Multimodal Interface for Safety-Critical Applications",
CACM, Vol 47 No 1, January 2004, pp 41-46
tablet and PC user interfaces distract too much by focusing user attention on the desktop/computer, not on the task at hand.
Review of "Smart paper"/"Digital pen" in actual use (Rasa: military battle operations) using Anoto technology and other technologies: one key is maintaining operation using the physical ink when the electronic system is non-operational / deliberately crashed.
Natural Interaction Systems LLC: compare with VIPDATA?
Use of combined voice and electronic ink annotation for "mutual disambiguation": compare with Freestyle system at Wang, 1992 (not cited?).
Digital Desk by Wellner, 1992, tangible paper system using computer vision.
- [CokRS05a]
Cok, Ronald S.; Serbicki, Jeffrey P.; and Yokajty, Joseph E.
"Integrated Touch Screen and OLED Flat-Panel Display",
US Patent 6,885,157, April 26, 2005
Integrated (in-cell) touchscreen and display, substrate of touchscreen is layer of display.
- [ColleH04a]
Colle H. and Hiszem, K.
"Standing at a kiosk: effects of key size and spacing on touch screen numeric keypad performance and user preference",
Ergonomics, vol 47 no 13, October 22, 2004, pp 1406..1423
Standing at touchscreen, minimum target button size for numeric keypad is 20mm.
- [ColoradoBar04]
Colorado Bar Association
"JurisNotes: Patent containing mere germ of an idea invalid for lack of enablement",
Colorado Bar Association Intellectual Property Section Newsletter, Vol. 8 No. 8, November 2004, p. 3
Bar association article on Anoto AB v. Sekendur, patent dispute on optical pattern digitizer. Turn of phrase: plaintiff "miserably failed".
- [Computerwoche05a]
"Bill Gates glaubt immer noch an den Tablet PC",
Computerwoche.de, June 28, 2005
Bill Gates still supporting Tablet PC 3 1/2 years after announcement at Comdex 2001 (actually, earlier announcement in 2000). Tablet PC support on Longhorn / Windows 7.
- [ConferWJ05a]
Confer, William James
"The Activity Metric for Low Resource, On-Line Character Recognition",
PhD Thesis, Auburn Univ., Alabama, 16 December 2005
Trainable handwriting/gesture recognition using histograms (?) / activity parameters, intended as algorithm for use on very low power processors. Describes Graffiti (CIC) recognition as a variant of Unistroke (Xerox) recognition algorithms. Discussion of T-Cube pie-menu unistroke writing (sic) from Apple. Testing done with Kassel collection of handwriting samples.
- [CortopassiM04a]
Cortopassi, Michael and Endejan, Edward
"Method and apparatus for using pressure information for improved computer controlled handwriting recognition, data entry, and user authentication",
US Patent 6,707,942, March 16, 2004
Use pressure/force information in handwriting recognition to select upper/lower case, character set, font, color (of electronic ink?), attributes, etc. Also mentions using pressure information in signature verification/authentication. Unistroke character examples. Mentions using pressure data to distinguish "U" and "V".
- [CrawfordGP04a]
Crawford, Gregory P.; Cairns, Darran R.; Bowley, Chirstopher C.; Danworaphong, Sorasak; Fontecchio, Adam K.; Faris, Sadeg M.; and Li, Le
"Reflective liquid crystal strain gauge with aspected particles and polarization-sensitive devices",
US Patent 6,778,236, August 17, 2004
Optical strain-gauge (not force sensor) that can be applied to a surface, stretching of liquid crystals changes reflectivity.
- [CrawfordPJ04a]
Crawford, Peter James
"Thumb actuated x-y input device",
US Patent 6,724,366, April 20, 2004
Thumb touch pad on hand-held remote control/hand-held mouse pointer, with zero-force button under finger grip. Simulated/virtual trackball with edge-motion simulated buttons.
- [CrooksCE04a]
Crooks, Clayton E. II
"Developing Tablet PC Applications",
Charles River Media, 2004. ISBM 1-58450-252-5 (hardcopy book)
Includes example of using stylus angle for implementing a Joystick UI user interface. Chapter 18 cites to Graffiti for UI for a media player for Video and Audio, using gestures on Tablet PC including arrow gestures. Annotation (handwriting ink) on videos: compare with Freestyle at Wang.
- [Cypress05a]
Page, Andrew
"Add capacitive sensing to a digital handset",
EDN Magazine, August 29, 2005
Technical note by Cypress Semiconductor on using capacitive touchscreen / touch sensor interfaces in cellphones, as replacement for fixed buttons and sliders in user interface for web browsing, etc. States typical capacitive touch sensor capacitance about 30 pF, with 1 to 2 pF finger coupling, measured with relaxation (R-C) oscillator.
- [Cypress05b]
Seguine, Ryan and Lee, Mark
"Cypress Application Note AN2292 -- Capacitance Sensing: Layout Guidelines for PSoC CapSense",
Cypress Semiconductor Application Note AN2292, December 1, 2005, 001-41439 Rev. **
PCB layout guidelines for capacitive touch sensors. Button size should match object, e.g. human thumb 0.8 inches diameter. Interleaved slider electrodes. Diplex slider electrode design to double effective input point vs. number of actual inputs. Quantization effects in frequency measurement at high frequency (not just aliasing). Touchpad elements (like buttons) should have ground plane around contours of sensing elements. Traces should not be closely parallel because of noise coupling. Ground plane fill pattern mesh, 40% (60% open area ratio) provides ground without excessive coupling on capacitive touch sensors.
- [CypressSemiconductor04a]
Cypress Semiconductor Corp
"CY3633 Wireless USB LS Gaming DVK User's Guide Version 1.1",
Cypress Semiconductor, Application Note CY3633, 2004
Cypress PSoC project example and development kit: Wireless / USB gaming and joystick controller.
- [CypressSemiconductor05a]
Seguine, Dennis
"Capacitance Sensing: Capacitive Switch Scan",
Cypress Semiconductor, Application Note AN2233a, March 31, 2005
Technical note by Cypress Semiconductor on capacitive touch sensors as non-contact buttons/switches: self-capacitance to ground increases with proximity of a finger touch. Sensing techniques: capacitive bridge divider circuit, charge transfer (compare: R/C), relaxation oscillator with counting. CY8C21x34 switch scan sensor component. Arrays of touch sensors, electrode patterns for long distance sensors, short-distance sensors (interdigitated), linear slide switch.
- [CypressSemiconductor05b]
Cypress Semiconductor
"Net Seminar: Jazz-up your user interface with PSoC-enabled Capacitive Touch Sensing",
Cypress Semiconductor, August 18, 2005
Cypress Semiconductor on-demand training class on capacitive touch sensing ("CapSennse") using Cypress PSoC controller.
- [CypressSemiconductor05c]
Cypress Semiconductor
"Capacitive Touch Sensing with PSoC",
Cypress Semiconductor, September 7, 2005
Cypress Semiconductor on-demand training class on capacitive touch sensing ("CapSennse") using Cypress PSoC controller.
- [CypressSemiconductor05d]
Cypress Semiconductor
"Cypress Introduces PSoC-Based Capacitive Touch Sensor Solution to Meet Growing Demand in Cell Phones, Laptops, Cameras, Industrial Systems and White Goods",
Cypress Semiconductor press release, May 31, 2005: https://www.design-reuse.com/news/10511/cypress-psoc-capacitive-touch-sensor-solution-meet-demand-cell-phones-laptops-cameras-industrial-systems-white-goods.html
Cypress Semiconductor PSoC controller for capacitive sensing ("CapSense"): button, slider, touchpad controls, also controller for LED drive and LCD displays. Mentions ability to make rapid design/implementation changes in firmware.
- [CypressSemiconductor05e]
Cypress Semiconductor
"Cypress PSoC Mixed-Signal Array Fan Controller CG6457AM and CG6462AM",
Cypress Semiconductor, Document No. 001-00353, May 24, 2005
Datasheet on Cypress PSoC controller as fan motor controller. Cypress PSoC project example.
- [DRSTacticalSystems05]
DRS Tactical Systems
"DRS Technologies Acquires Walkabout Computers",
Press release, June 27, 2005, available at www.drs-ts.com
Ruggedized tablet PCs with integrated tablet and display: product line originally from Walkabout, acquired by DRS Tactical Systems.
- [DSInternational05]
"DigiMemo Digital Writing Pad",
Fentek Industries, Cottonwood AZ: www.fentek-ind.com/digimemo.htm, 2005
Clipboard-styled digitizer with internal storage for electronic ink -- no built-in display.
- [DaCostaH05a]
DaCost, Henry; Ramstein, Christophe; and Grant, Danny
"Systems and methods for adaptive interpretation of input from a touch-sensitive input device",
US Patent Application 2005/0110769 A1, May 26, 2005
Haptic/tactile output depending on touch input on a touchscreen, based on time of touch and pressure increase. (press-and-hold). Refers to speed filter (smoothing?) before checking a speed threshold. Refers to interpreting user's intent to make position change, based on pressure/dwell.
- [DeHerreraC04a]
de Herrera, Chris
"Tablet PC Hardware Comparison 2004",
www.tabletpctalk.com, 2004
Hardware feature comparisons for Microsoft Tablet PC vendors: all (?) use Wacom electromagnetic touchscreen/digitizer.
- [DeHerreraC05a]
de Herrera, Chris
"Tablet PC Hardware Comparison - 2004",
www.tabletpctalk.com, revised January 2, 2005
Hardware comparison of Tablet PCs' announced since September 1, 2003: essentially all vendors using electromagnetic digitizers by Wacom, a couple of resistive-film touchscreens.
- [DecheneJF04a]
Dechene, Joseph Fernand
"Computer or input device with back side keyboard",
US Patent Application 2004/0208681 A1, October 21, 2004
Tablet computer or smartphone with two-handed keyboard on rear/back side. Compare with rear touchscreen?
- [Dell05a]
Dell Computer
"Dell Axim X51 Pocket PC",
Dell Computer, 2005 (physical device)
Dell Axim WindowsCE pocket computer with touchscreen stylus running Windows Mobile 5.0. No wireless card.
- [Dell05b]
Dell Computer
"Dell Axim X50 Owner's Manual Mobile Computer",
Dell Computer, 2005
User guide for Dell version of Microsoft Pocket PC with touchscreen and handwriting recognition (tap gesture to recognize electronic ink: compare with deferred recognition and Slate). Soft keyboard / virtual keyboard. Windows Mobile Version 5.0, landscape/portrait views (orientation). See also 2003 manual.
- [DenoueL05a]
Denoue, Laurent and Foote, Jonathan T.
"Force-Feedback Stylus and Applications to Freeform Ink",
US Patent Application 2005/0243072, November 3, 2005
Haptic force-generating stylus which allows the user to feel a force generated electromagnetically; contrasted with other haptic devices, which are able to generate vibration but not actual force feed-back to the user. Compare with force-feedback devices developed at MIT Artificial Intelligence lab by Margaret Minsky (?) et al around 1980, which used mechanical linkages.
- [DeoN05a]
Deo, Nikhila
"Physiological Sensor System for a Wireless Tactile Display",
EE Master's Thesis, M.I.T., May 19, 2005
Wearable sensor for heart rate EKG/ECG/EEG monitoring using flexible fabric wire mesh electrodes instead of film electrodes.
- [DesturaGJA04a]
Destura, Galileo J. A.; van Berkel, Cees; Cirkel, Peter A.
"Touch Sensitive Display Device",
PCT Patent Application WO/2004/066136, 2004
Touchscreen digitizer using a touch sensitive layer between two optical (transparent) layers. Uses QTC quantum tunnelling composite or piezo-resistive material as the pressure/force-sensitive sensor, to be embedded between the pixels on an LCD display. I.e. FSR resistive touchscreen.
- [DiazMarinoR04a]
Diaz-Marino, Roberto Arturo; Tse, Edward; and Greenberg, Saul
"The GroupLab DiamondTouch Toolkit - The Video",
Video Proc. ACM CSCW Conf. on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, November 2004
Video Demonstration of UI Toolkit applications using DiamondTouch multi-touch (multi-user) touch tablet: multi-user/multi-touch drawing application, multi-user memory game, sound-manipulation art.
- [DietzPH05a]
Dietz, Paul H. Leigh, Darren L.; Yerazunis, William S.; and Lee, Johnny Chung
"Hand-held Haptic Stylus",
US Patent Application 2005/0248549, November 10, 2005
Haptic stylus with solenoid actuator in top of pen stylus, feedback effect is along axis of stylus.
- [Digibarn04]
Digibarn Computer Museum
"PenPoint tablet pen computer by GO Corporation",
www.digibarn.com/collections/systems/go, 2004
"Lombard" hardware prototype from GO Corporation, manuals, documentation, photographs. Several manual pages shown in readable photographs. Recorded interviews with donor Gary Downing.
- [DigitalInk04]
Digital Ink Inc.
"Company contact information: Digital Ink, Inc.",
Digital Ink, Inc., 2113 Wells Branch Parkway, Austin, TX 78750, 2004
Gary L. Barrett.
Pointers, touch-pads, touchscreens, resistive film (?), integrated with LCD display (digital ink touchscreen).
- [DixA04a]
Dix, Alan; Finlay, Janet; Abowd, Gregory D.; and Beale, Russel
"Human-Computer Interaction, 3rd ed.",
Pearseon / Prentice Hall, 2004
Textbook/reference on human factors, error-prevention in design of user interfaces, especially inadvertent input. Suggest HyperCard or Visual Basic for prototyping. Notes low accuracy of position via finger on touchscreen, Gorilla-arm. Large button size on touchscreen. Gesture recognition refers mostly to in-air hand gestures (cites to Put-That-There). Touchscreen is like mouse with no button (no proximity/hover tracking?). Mentions stroke recognition (stroke dynamics) in signature authentication.
- [Dodge05]
Dodge, Steve
"Reflowable Ink: Simple Reflow",
Microsoft Corp., MSDN documentation, January 2005, Tablet PC Technical Articles
Word-wrapping functionality with Tablet PC for editing ink: compare with van Raamsdonk.
- [DodisY04a]
Dodis, Yevgeniy; Reyzin, Leonid; and Smith, Adam
"Fuzzy Extractors: How to Generate Strong Keys from Biometrics and Other Noisy Data",
Proc. EUROCRYPT 2004, Int'l Conf. on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Interlaken, Switzerland, May 2..-6, 2004, pp. 523..540
Generate reliable (consistent) biometric keys (unique, random passwords/authentication) from biometrics using fuzzy extractor. See also revised 2008 version.
- [DohertyRJ05a]
Doherty, Robert J.; Tierney, Peter L.; and Arnoutoglou-Andreou, Marios
"System and embedded license control mechanism for the creating and distribution of digital content files and enforcement of licensed use of the digital content files",
US Patent 6,920,567, July 19, 2005
digital rights management: file access and use control using associated dynamic license database, enforcing license restrictions for particular use.
- [Dolphin04a]
Dolphin Computer Access
"Dilphone SuperNova/Lunar Plus screen magnifiers, HAL talking typewriter speech input, Cicero Cipher Braille translator",
Product information, Dolphin Computer Access, 2004
Family of accessibility software for visually impaired: screen readers, Braille printer and text converter for Braille tactile display or Braille embosser printer, screen magnifier, speech recognition talking typewriter.
- [DownsR05a]
Downs, Rick
"Using resistive touch screens for human/machine interface",
Analog Applications Journal, 3Q 2005, www.ti.com/aa, Analog and Mixed-Signal Products, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Four-wire resistive touch screen (with resistive and conductive layers) works as voltage divider, measured by ADC converter. Differential measurement avoids offset from supply voltage variation, but also mentions using supply voltage as reference voltage for single-ended configuration. Refers to settling-time errors (at touch-down), data-averaging to reduce noise, Z-axis measurement (contact area? contact resistance?) for touch pressure/force for debouncing. Cites to TI touchscreen controllers TSC2003, TSC2046, TSC2101, TSC2200, TSC2301 and application notes.
- [DozortsevD05a]
Dozortsev, D'mitri
"System and method of enforcing executable code identity verification over the network",
US Patent 6,944,772, September 13, 2005
Virus checking of signatures for malware detection: if not in local signature database, or status (good/bad/unexamined) not known, send to central computer for examination. Status/permission returned after examination complete.
- [Dresevic05a]
Dresevic, Bodin
"Natural Input on Mobile PC Systems: Full client Usability for the Highly mobile Market",
Powerpoint presentation at WinHEC 2005 on Tablet PC "sneak peek"
Microsoft WinHEC presentation on Tablet PC additions in Windows Vista/Longhorn: flick gestures, visual feedback on system gestures/shell gestures, change in checkbox behavior for stylus/gesture input. Short mention of n-trig touch+stylus electrostatic digitizer, but says "for best recognition accuracy use a high-resolution EM (electromagnetic) digitizer" with coil in pen. Finger-Touch input. Discussion of pen-enabled and voice-enabled system for Tablet PC.
- [E-Ink05a]
E-Ink Corporation
"World's First Electronic Paper Watch Demonstrated",
Press Release: www.eink.com, 2005
E-Ink electronic ink product: digital wristwatch with Seiko Watch Corporation.
- [EatonJ05a]
Eaton, John and Moog, Robert
"Multiple-Touch-Sensitive Keyboard",
Proc. 2005 Intl. Conf. on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME05), Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 26-28, 2005, pp. 258-259
Single touchpad sensor on each key of music keyboard, sensing X/Y location, area of contact (multi-touch?), depth of key travel, and force when at limit of travel. Additional multi-touch control touchsurface for global parameters.
- [EliassonJ05a]
Eliasson, Jonas Ove Philip and Oerstergaard, Jens Wagensblast Stubbe
"Graphical data entry apparatus",
US Patent Application 2005/0162398 A1, July 28, 2005
(tablet == graphical data entry apparatus): Optical sheet (FTIR?) tablet/touchscreen with light source in the pen/stylus, or stylus causing light to be refracted into optical layer. Describes stylus with (hard) rounded tip so that physical contact area always the same, and soft stylus to get better contact area.
- [ElyDTE05a]
Ely, David T.E. and Dames, Andrew N.
"Position sensor",
US Patent 6,888,538, May 3, 2005
Electromagnetic touchscreen with resonant cordless stylus powered by resonance (inductive charging) from touchscreen electronics: compare with Wacom? Note: International patent classification for electromagnetic touchscreen G06F3/046.
- [EscamillaE04a]
Escamilla, Eduardo and Cepeda, Darin Lee
"Scroll wheel device for portable computers",
US Patent 6,724,365, April 20, 2004
Scroll wheel (like mouse scroll wheel, has press-button action also) mounted in center of touchpad on laptop. Adjust volume, menu scrolling.
- [EsentherA05a]
Esenther, Alan and Wittenberg, Kent
"Multi-User Multi-Touch Games on DiamondTouch with the DTFlash Toolkit",
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories report MERL TR2005-105, December 2005
Prototype multi-touch, multi-user games on DiamondTouch touchscreen surface. Documents/Windows may be flicked, rotated to varying orientations: two finger (one finger per user) rotation gesture, one finger/user gives center of rotation. Multi-finger input by one user for scraping gestures. DiamondTouch SDK based on Flash (cross-platform).
- [EslambolchilarP04a]
Eslambolchilar, Parisa and Murray-Smith, Roderick
"Tilt-Based Automatic Zooming and Scaling in Mobile Devices: A State-Space Implementation",
Proc. 6th Int'l Symp. on Mobile Human-Computer Interactions -- MobileHCI 2004, September 13-16, 2004, Glasgow, pp. 120-131
Human-factors study: PocketPC and accelerometer to use tilt gestures to move zoom window.
- [EverNote04]
"EverNote - ritePen product information",
www.evernote.com, 2004
Successor to Paragraph handwriting character recognition for Pen-Windows: Full-screen writing, floating toolbar, editing gestures for capitalization, any Windows application. Refers to forms recognition (with pre-defined and known fields?) rather than handwriting recognition.
ritePen and riteScript handwriting recognition technology for unconstrained handwriting recognition.
riteForm forms input with context-sensitive recognition with templates and dictionaries: compare with field types and subsets in PenCept, CIC, GridPAD.
gestures for text editing, word menu, pop-up punctuation pane, cut/paste, on-line dictionary.
on-line demo of gesture recognition using mouse / mouse gestures: JavaScript? Java? OCX?
- [EveryMac04]
"Newton MessagePad Series",
www.everymac.com, 2004
Technical specifications on Apple Newton MessagePad 130: textured display to give a more paper-like writing surface.
Newton OS attempted to recognize natural handwriting. Artificial intelligence to tie / link relevant information together.
- [EverythingPen05]
"Service Companies",
www.everythingpen.com, 2005
List of service companies working with Anoto technology: includes www.digipen.de, www.changing-tides.co.za, NetPen UK http://netb2b2.com, http://www.penvision.de.
- [FASGroup05]
FAS Group
"Forms Automation System",
www.fasgroup.net, 2005
Consortium of companies developing applications using "smart paper" or "digital paper" (see Anoto), no separate tablet, data capture occurs in real time on patterned paper. Datasheet, Forms Automation System 1.2, Digital Pen and Paper.
- [FabritiusH05a]
Fabritius, Henna
"Changing an Orientation of a User Interface via a Course of Motion",
US Patent Application 2005/0114788, May 26, 2005
Diagonal stroke gesture rotates display 180%, stroke along edged of display rotates 90% in the direction of the stroke: e.g. portrait/landscape. Compare to slide-to-unlock. Later US Patent 7,814,419.
- [Fakespace05a]
Fakespace, A Subsidiary of Mechdyne Corporation
"Pinch Gloves: The simple, effective way to get your hands in a virtual world",
http://www.fakespace.com, archive 2005
Pinch Gloves: Data-glove-like devices, five-finger gloves with one motion tracker mount, contact switches for fingertips to detect when two or more digits/fingers come into contact. Shown as virtual reality devices used with head-mounted display.
- [FastA04a]
Fast, Arlen and Owen, Thomas J. jr.
"Register system for contrabassoon",
US Patent 6,765,138, July 20, 2004
Additional octave keys / whisper keys for contra bassoon, with linkages to low E key (vent pad), and alternative C-sharp tone hole.
- [FederHA04a]
Feder, Harold A. and Houck, Max M.
"Feder's Succeeding as an Expert Witness 4th edition",
CRC Press, 2004
Tutorial on expert witness, especially for forensics. Discusses abuse of witness. Calls out "chartjunk" -- graphics would be kept visually very simple, left/right layouts for comparisons, solids that show up well at a distance: multiple examples.
- [FeichtingerA04a]
Feichtinger, A.
"Dokumentation/Beschreibung Usability Tests Paper Prototyping",
Fachhochschule Joanneum Informationsmanagement, d. 4. Dezember 2004
Outline of project for paper prototyping of interactive mapping user interface. Paper user interface designs for touchscreen PDA, Wizard of Oz simulation of computer interaction. Has additional references.
- [Fingerworks05a]
Fingerworks Inc.
"Fingerworks multi-touch keyboard, multi-touch touchscreen, MyGesture Editor",
www.fingerworks.com, 2005
File of materials from Fingerworks web site before it went off-line, 2002-2005. Documentation on types of gestures, gesture editor, hardware products. Multi-touch Touchpad digitizer tablet with built-in gesture recognition.
Fingerworks includes: Mouse Emulation - Gesture Guide; Typing With Gestures on the TouchStream ST _ ExtremeTech; MyGesture Editor; XWinder -- The Future of Window Management; XWinder for Mac OS X and Windows XP; RightHand_GestureMap; TouchStream_QuickGuides; TouchStream Booklet; iGesture withKeys Booklet; MyGesture Editor; The Only Touchpads with Ergonomic Full-Hand Resting and Relaxation; Frequently Asked Questions; TouchStreamLPQWERTYSupplement; TouchStreamLPQWERTYManual; Tips_Tricks; iGesture_QuickGuides; iGesturePad_Installation_Operation; iGesturewithKeysBooklet; TouchStreamBooklet; ThirdParty Cypress_sensor_an2233a, TouchStreamLongCable Yechiam_Erev_Yehene_Gopher, multi-touch-CHI-DC, multicursors-gi2006, JTSdefense1; Advantages of MultiTouch Technology -- The First Seamless Integration of Pointing, Typing, and Hand Gestures.
- [Fingerworks05b]
Fingerworks Inc.
"Fingerworks Summary as of April 26, 2005, Updated September 2, 2005",
http://fingerfans.dreamhosters.com, 2005
User commentary on Fingerworks ceasing operations: purchase by Apple, information on gesture-based tablet pc from Apple, Apple files for patent to Elias.
- [Fingerworks05c]
Fingerworks Inc.
"FingerWorks Installation and Operation Guide for iGesture Products w/Keys: MyGesture Editor",
http://fingerfans.dreamhosters.com, 2005
Collection of FingerWorks documentation: MyGesture Editor, etc.
- [FiorentinoM05a]
Fiorentino, Michele; Unva, Antonio E.; and Monno, Giuseppe
"The SenStylus: A Novel Rumble-Feedback Pen Device for CAD Application in Virtual Reality",
Proc. WSCG '2005, January 31 .. February 4, 2005, Plzen, Czech Republic
Haptic feedback stylus for virtual reality pen+tablet interactions, rumble vibrator actuators at front and rear end of stylus, 3D (6DOF) tracking of stylus position by optical markers and stereo/multiple cameras. Prototype software using Microsoft DirectX API. Additional buttons on stylus: zoom in/out, clutch button for holding/touch.
- [FishkinKP04a]
Fishkin, Kennth P.; Jian, Bing; Philipose, Matthai; and Roy, Sumit
"I Sense a Disturbance in the Force: Unobtrusive Detection of Interactions with RFID-tagged Objects",
Proc. Ubicomp 2004, pp. 268..282
Detect motion/gestures (not 3D position?) of passive RFID tags by observing dynamic change in signal strength of returned signal: depends on both distance and orientation of RFID tag antenna. Signal strength estimated by number of times RFID tag is detected or not with rapid polling.
- [FitrianieS05a]
Fitrianie, Sika and Rothkrantz, Leon J.J.
"Language-Independent Communication using Icons on a PDA",
TSD '05: Proc. 8th Int'l. Conf. on Text, Speech and Dialogue, September 2005, pp. 404..411
Graphical user interface for users who speak (read) different language to put words together as represented by pictographic icons, PDA programming to translate to sentences in target language. Compare with icons used in chimpanzee-language studies?
- [FleckDC04a]
Fleck, David C.
"Digitizer system with cursor shape changing as function of pointer location on a menu strip and/or physical structure on tablet surface indicating menu strip location",
US Patent 6,689,965, February 10, 2004
Change cursor to indicate where a stylus is in "hover" over a fixed menu on a hardware tablet surface (versus displayed menu). Compare with Penpoint, Slate?
- [FleckDC04b]
Fleck, David and Yamamoto, Sadao
"Method of triggering functions in a computer application using a digitizer having a stylus and a digitizer system",
US Patent Application 2004/0150631 A1, August 5, 2004
Two levels of pressure on stylus tablet. Mentions activate application function from higher threshold only after falling below first threshold, with maximum time threshold, maximum position change (dwell): compare with activate-on-lift?
- [FleischmannM04a]
Fleischmann, Monika; Strauss, Wolfgang; Li, Yinlin; Groenegress, Christoph
"Gesture-based input device for a user interface of a computer",
European Patent EP1457863, September 15, 2004
Hardware patent (but is labeled "Software Patent") on electrostatic/capacitive non-contact digitizer, similar in principle to a theremin, to sense in-air gestures. Hardware for iPoint device from Fraunhofer Institut?
- [ForlinesC05a]
Forlines, Clifton; Shen, Chia; and Buxton, Bill
"GLIMPSE: A novel input model for multi-level devices",
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories Report TR2005-024, May, 2005
Use three-level force/pressure sensor to "preview" the effects of a change, as better alternative to Undo operation in a user interface. Snap: Similar to bounce at end of scroll?
- [ForlinesC05b]
Forlines, Clifton; Shen, Chia; and Vernier, Frederic
"Under My Finger: Human Factors in Pushing and Rotating Documents Across the Table",
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories Report TR2005-070, September, 2005 / Proc. IFIP TC13 INTERACT 2005, Int'l Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction
On tabletop-system, rotate/move/drag using one finger (users around a tabletop digitizer): when touched, documents rotate to be oriented to center of table; documents orient to direction of drag motion; orient to center of table after being dragged/moved (preferred by users).
- [ForlinesC05c]
Forlines, Clifton; Balakrishnan, Ravin; Beardsley, Paul; van Baar, Jeroen; and Raskar, Ramesh
"Zoom-and-Pick: Facilitating Visual Zooming and Precision Pointing with Interactive Handheld Projectors",
Proc. UIST '05, October 23..27, 2005, Seattle, Washington, pp. 73..82. Also MERL Technical Report TR2005-095, October 2005
Hand-held projector with camera, projects image (e.g. desktop) on wall or other surface, re-registers projected image to stay fixed based on visual registration as hand-held projector is move: projector then used to point/select. Compare with put-that-there? Cites to pointer-enhancement (accuracy) in WindowsXP, not work well with absolute (vs. relative) pointing input (touchscreen/tablet vs. mouse/joystick). Accuracy by showing dead zone / hysteresis zone around selection point, movement within zone does not move selection point (combined with single-pixel movement). Cites to fisheye lens.
- [ForlinesC05d]
Forlines, Clifton and Shen, Chia
"DTLens: Multi-user Tabletop Spatial Data Exploration",
Proc. UIST '05, October 23..27, 2005, Seattle, Washington, pp. 119..122
Two-finger zoom/pinch gesture (with two hands) on tabletop system: user selects rectangle of interest with two fingers, control appears for minimize/close/annotation/resizing/magnification, with region of interest still highlighted. Multiple regions of interest can be moved together for visual comparison by multiple users.
- [FortR05a]
Fort, Randy and Shao, David
"Kernel Support for Distributed Systems",
San Jose State University, California, CS 249 Seminar, November 22, 2005
History and overview of Mach OS and micro-kernel vs. monolithic kernel discussion. Copy-on-write added performance overhead on in micro-kernel, also IPC overhead (security checking, copying), inability to fine-tune paging in kernel.
- [FosterLR05a]
Foster, Lennon R. and Bachmann, Glenn
"Wrox Professional Palm OS Programming",
Wiley Publishing, 2005
Palm OS Garnet programming. Transition from M68000 processor to ARM, used on smartphones. Emulated M68000 applications run faster on ARM: OS calls implemented natively. Multi-processing applications only supported as subroutine call to chain to new application: sub-launching of applications (e.g. String Search). Separate context for background threads. Command stroke gesture on touchscreen launches command toolbar. Slide to unlock. Power management: off is actually resting/sleep mode. Notification via lowBatteryChr/lowBatterChr to applications of low-battery mode (compare with PenWindows?). Multimedia (video) play support, compared with Apple iPod. Add-on video camera and GPS. Pen events and slider stylus events on touchscreen.
- [FrankeK04a]
Franke, Karin; Guyon, Isabelle; Schomaker, Lambert; and Vuurpijl, Louis
"WandaML: a markup language for digital document annotation",
Proc. 9th Intl. Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (IWFHR), 2004, 10 pp.
Markup language for adding annotations to electronic (image/text) documents, extensible to other materials: jpeg images, SVG (XML-format) vector images, etc. Application is for attaching forensic information (age of writer, etc.) to documents. Cites to InkML Ink Markup Language, Unipen, IAM, XMillum, TrueViz, other XML-based formats. Annotations separate from underlying data, can be tied to regions/object/structures in the data.
- [FrankeK05a]
Franke, Karin; Schomaker, Lambert; and Köppen, Mario
"Pen force emulating robotic writing device and its application",
Proc. IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts, June 12..15, 2005, Nagoya, Japan
Signature analysis (verification) testing: mechanical robot for reproducing motion and dynamics of human handwriting in controlled fashion for studying effects of motion/tip-force(pressure)/angle on inking and ink deposition as shown in off-line signature.
- [FrankeK05b]
Franke, Karin
"The influence of physical and biomechanical processes on the ink trace: Methodological foundations for the forensic analysis of signatures",
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Groningen, Netherlands, 2005
Comprehensive examination of ink trace examination for forensics. Includes extensive treatment of on-line electronic signature verification. Biometrics both for ink deposition for paper-and-ink handwriting and signatures, and electronic signatures on a tablet / recorded pen movements. Robotic system for producing inking on paper in controlled fashion with writing force, angle, etc, also used for testing electronic touchscreen/tablets. Paper, emotional state, texture of surface affect handwriting. Empirical studies of tablets: force sensors affected by lateral angle of stylus, also whether stylus friction pushes stylus tip back up into body. Separate acceleration sensor on robotic system (CNC flatbed machine). Overshoots in pen force when first making contact. Unreported manipulations of images in scanners -- compare with vendor specifications on tablets? Tablet inaccuracy: "The most important finding of our studies that one cannot fully rely on electronic pen and tablet data". Also studied pen tilt, lack of vendor specification on pressure/tip-force range and scale. Does not discuss touchscreen vs. tablet, nor passive vs. active stylus/pen.
Non-downloadable copy at http://technodocbox.com/3D_Graphics/78838953-The-influence-of-physical-and-biomechanical-processes-on-the-ink-trace.html.
- [FrankeK05c]
Franke, Katrin and Schomaker, Lambert
"Robotic writing trace synthesis and its application in the study of signature line quality",
Journal of Forensic Document Examination, vol 16 no 3, pp 119..146, 2005
Using numerically-controlled NC robotic control to draw ink marks in controlled fashion to determine how writing movements/force/angle/tilt of stylus affect ink marking. Compare with electronic handwriting capture on a tablet. Compare actual ink marks and forces and position with data from tablet. Cites to 1986 for force/pressure on signature authentication.
- [Fraunhofer04a]
Fraunhofer-Institut für Rechnerarchitektur und Softwaretechnik
"Fraunhofer-Institut: Touchglobe 3-D-Eingabegerät auf Polymer-Basis",
Fraunhofer-Institut, Berlin, 2004
Touchglobe: multi-touch input device using sensor skin of piezo-electric polymers: pressure-sensitive and multi-touch capable.
- [Fraunhofer05]
"Projekte und Themen - GestureID",
www.melodiesuche.de/de/projekte_themen/gestureid.htm, 2005
In-air hand gestures based on visual processing to remove a known background and detect handgesture visually.
- [Freescale05a]
Freescale Semiconductor
"MMA7260Q 1.5g-6g Three Axis Low-g Micromachined Accelerometer, Rev 1",
Freescale Semiconductor, June, 2005
Three-axis low-g (tilt/gravity sensor) accelerometer, used in ITHROW device. Includes sleep mode for handheld electronics, disable outputs, internal sensors still active so no wake-up time.
- [FujiokaS04a]
Fujioka, Susumu
"Method and apparatus for inputting information including coordinate data",
US Patent 6,674,424, January 6, 2004
Two (or more) camera-based touchscreen surface, reading proximity to surface. See also 7,342,574.
- [Fujitsu05a]
"Fujitsu Stylistic 1000 Pen base computing",
www.cadigital.com/1000.htm, 2005
Technical information and photographs of Fujitsu Stylistic 1000, Windows for Pen Services 1.0, Windows for Pen Services 2.0 (a.k.a. PenWindows).
- [FullerA04a]
Fuller, Andrew and Schoppa, Chris
"Auxiliary Displays for Mobile PCs",
Microsoft WINHEC 2004, archived 2005 from http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/8/f/18f8cee2-0b64-41f2-893d-a6f2295b40c8/TW04004_WINHEC2004.ppt
Basically a presentation of Windows SideShow: second auxiliary display in exterior lid of Windows Laptop. Notifications, music and media playback on auxiliary display, mentions integration with cellphone. Notifications of email, battery level, calendar, etc. Music/media player when laptop PC is off. No particulars on navigation controls (e.g. touchscreen, buttons, etc.).
- [GTCOCalcomp04a]
"WinTab no longer supports scaling and rotation",
www.gtco.com, October 8 2004
Scaling and rotation transformations removed from industry-standard Wintab devices drivers. Resolution part of patent lawsuit between Schumer and LCS/pointing.com.
- [GannageME04a]
Gannage, Michel E.; Gobburu, Venkata T.; Challa, Nagesh; and Tracy, Charles A.
"Battery operated ink capture device that operates in a normal power mode during active use and a minimum power mode during absence of active use",
US Patent 6,691,233, February 10, 2004
Handwriting touchpad for use with PDA or computer for taking handwritten annotations in electronic ink. Power management by waking up tablet when IR infra-red signal from tablet is detected. Refers to writing pad as "digital image capture device".
- [GeaghanB05a]
Geaghan, Bernard O. and Robrecht, Michael J.
"Light Emitting Stylus and User Input Device Using Same",
US Patent Application 2005/0110781, May 26, 2005
Optical digitizer, stylus emits collimated light (e.g. laster pointer), optical photo-detectors detect beam. Interpolation to higher resolution when multiple sensors illuminated. Determine angle (and height?) of stylus by cross-section of light cast on touchscreen, infer hand position. Same photo array can detect shadows of hand, etc. Information (switches, buttons, pressure/force) can be encoded by modulating light beam. Stylus as touchscreen input.
- [GennariL05a]
Gennari, Leslie; Kara, Levent Burak; Stahovich, Tohmas F.; and Shimada, Kenji
"Combining geometry and domain knowledge to interpret hand-drawn diagrams",
Elsevier Computers and Graphics, vol 29, 2005, pp. 547..562
On-line sketch-recognition for inputting analog electronic circuit diagrams: order of strokes not used in parsing input, multiple symbols can be done in one connected stroke: free-form sketch recognition?
- [GerpheideG04a]
Gerpheide, George; Taylor, Brian; and Lee, Daniel
"Touchpad having increased noise rejections, decreased moisture sensitivity, and improved tracking",
US Patent 6,730,863, May 4, 2004
Capacitive grid touchpad with additional interdigitated "water" sensor electrode to detect and filter out false touches from water/moisture droplets. Adaptive sensing speed for slow-moving objects (more averaging) and fast-moving objects (greater responsiveness).
- [GerpheideG04b]
Gerpheide, George; Taylor, Brian; and Lee, Daniel
"Flexible touchpad sensor grid for conforming to arcuate surfaces",
US Patent 6,680,731, January 20, 2004
Flexible capacitive grid touchpad to fit around curved surfaces, conductors/traces using conductive ink. Substrate can be plastic or mylar. Sensing electrodes on bent or curved plastic sheets.
- [GibetS05a]
Gibet, Sylvie; Courty, Nicolas; Kamp, Jean-Francois Eds.
"Gesture in Human Computer Interaction and Simulation",
Published proc. of Gesture Workshop 2005
Hand and body gestures, including music user interface for performance.
- [GibsonR04]
Gibson, Rich
"Introduction to the Gumstix tiny linux computer",
www.oreilly.com, 2004
Tiny computer with Linux and XScale processor, on a USB drive. Can be used to re-boot Windows computers? Similar concept to "Stunt Box" of approximately 1977.
- [GlatkowskiPJ04a]
Glatkowski, Paul J. and Arthur, David J.
"Optically Transparent Nanostructured Electrical Conductors",
US Patent Application 2004/0265550, December 30, 2004
Flexible alternative to ITO for shielding and touchscreens: graphite/carbon nanotube network in patterns, nano-patterned (micropattern) conductive mesh approximate 300 nm, 0.3 microns. Transparency over 99%, haze value to 0.1% or less. Contains explanation of mesh screen, aperture size, wavelength of EM radiation/visible light (e.g. Faraday cage effect).
- [Go05a]
Fried, Ina
"Go files antitrust suit against Microsoft",
Cnet http://news.com.com, July 1, 2005
Jerry Kaplan, US District Court, Anti-trust suit vs. Microsoft.
- [GocinskiF04a]
Gocinski, Frank
"Tablet 101 Column 3: Strokes and Recognition",
Microsoft Corp. MSDN documentation, December 2004, TabletPC Edition Development Kit 1.7
Term: passive/resistive digitizer versus active/electromagnetic digitizer: 40 points/sec versus 100 points sec, 0.25 mm versus better.
"Building ink chat" instant messaging using electronic ink: compare with Telautograph.
Specific reference to arrow-left, circle, and check gestures.
- [GoertzM04a]
Goertz, Magus
"User Interface",
US Patent Application 2004/0109013, June 10, 2004
PDA touchscreen user interface: separate menu and display areas, slide/swipe motions (not to scale) in menu area as gestures to select functions in lists, etc. Compare with slide to unlock?
- [GoertzenG05a]
Goertzen, Gerald and Null, William A. jr.
"Vehicle having an anti-dive/lockout mechanism",
US Patent 6,851,711, February 8, 2005
Compensation for movement in automobile suspension coupling. Mentions accelerometer as appropriately damped pendulum mercury switch, or electronic accelerometer Analog Devices ADXL202.
- [GokturkSB04a]
Gokturk, S. Burak; Yalcin, Hakan; and Bamji, Cyrus
"A Time-Of-Flight Depth Sensor - System Description, Issues and Solutions",
Proc. IEEE 2004 Conf. on Computer vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop, July 27 .. July 2, 2004
Depth-sensor camera using time-of-flight (optical radar/lidar) for depth perception -- or actually phase of light reflected signal. Uses multiple frequencies to overcome ambiguity from aliasing of wavelength/phase. Cites to depth-from-motion (compare Nelson structure-from-motion), depth-from-shape, depth-from-focus. Refers to stereo vision as form of structured light sensing. Example modulation frequency is 50 MHz.
- [GoldbergA04]
Goldberg, Arin
"Developing Tablet PC Software by Using the Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 Recognition Pack",
Microsoft MSDN, October 2004
Microsoft documentation, describes how to install Tablet PC SDK 1.7 recognizers on non-Tablet PC versions of Windows for development purposes only, external/separate tablet is still not supported. Tablet data rate is much higher than mouse, mouse not for recognition accuracy.
- [GoldenbergAS04a]
Goldenberg, Alex S.; Vassallo, Steven P.; Martin, Kenneth M.; and Braun, Adam C.
"Haptic Feedback Effects for Control, Knobs and Other Interface Devices",
US Patent Application 204/0032395 A1, February 19, 2004
Haptic feedback for rotary controls (knobs, scrollwheels) with simulated detent position e.g. for scrolling lists. Mentions combinations of voice input and haptic-enhanced touch input e.g. setting thermostat temperature. Spinning knob can be stopped by touch pressure: compare trackball? Force profiles can include vibrations (vibrotactile), jolts, textures, interactions with displayed virtual objects. Detent output force may be a jolt or bump force (compare: click?) versus resistive/assistive/attractive forces. Knob is preferably a continuous rotational device, rather than an analog potentiometer (with a finite range). "Envelope": range or velocity or other limit, when exceeded, force profile changes: e.g. stop (repetitive) detents when at barrier end. Mentions passive actuators (brakes, friction etc.) and torquers. Jolt/pop can be single period of wave (vibration). Multiple force effects/definitions combined in "force model" (== force profile), may be invoked by command (with parameters) from host computer. Knob can be pulled in/out, tilted (like a joystick), or pushed sideways/laterally (8 directions) to combine other modalities in single input element.
- [Golem05]
"Wacom stellt elektronischen Stift für PDAs vor",
www.golem.de/0507/39388.html, 2005
Wacom introduces electronic stylus for PDAs. Super Slim Pen from Wacom, intended for PDA market. Mentions screen / electromagnetic digitizer of 4.3 inches size or smaller. Mentions use of proximity sense, rear-mounting of digitizer to display, asserts better visual clarity and physical robustness (no scratches?).
- [GorbunovA05a]
Gorbunov, Artem and Voronezh, Roma
"Infoskroller, or Scroll bar in the submission of content in the form of graphic symbols",
http://artgorbunov.ru/bb/ul/infoscroller, fetched 2008
Scrollbar with small images in the scroll bar for what you are scrolling through: eg. scrollbar has thumbnails of document pages. Russian patent. Includes video demonstration.
- [GorenM05a]
Goren, Michael
"Rapid entry of Data and information on a Reduced Size Input Area",
US Patent 6,980,200, December 27, 2005
Virtual keyboard for touchscreen (or other), two-level hierarchy of characters. Cites to thumb keyboards. Compare with Buxton?
- [GotzeM05a]
Gotze, Marcel
"A Framework for the Standardized Description of Handwritten Annotations",
Proc. DC -2005, Intl. Conf. on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, Madrid, Spain, September 12..15, 2005
Handwritten annotations added to mark-up language HTML using SVG and XML, fits into Document Object Model (DOM).
- [GouzmanR04a]
Gouzman, Roman and Karasin, Igor
"Tactile interface system for electronic data display system",
US Patent 6,762,749, July 13, 2004
Mouse with tactile feedback, multiple braille-like pins under fingers. One is fiduciary point indicating position of cursor on display, others display surrounding parts of image. Pins can be partially activated for gray scale.
- [GregorioP04a]
Gregorio, Pedro; Hayward, Vincent; and Ramstein, Chriophe
"Hand controller",
US Patent 6,781,569, August 24, 2004
Hand-grip for stylus controller in pantographic / force-feedback device (tablet) with grip, haptic feedback. Pressure/force sensors in grip for grip pressure, stronger user pressure reflects user intent to perform an input action: strong grip used to give more detailed/stronger feedback. Haptic feedback may be proportional to input force/pressure.
- [Grid05]
GSCS Inc.: formerly GRiD
"GRiDCASE Data Sheets and Product Information",
www.pd.com, www.grid.com, 2005
Technical specifications on 2005 models of GRiD Computers: ruggedized portables, pen input optional.
- [Groklaw05]
"A New Antitrust Lawsuit - GO Corp. v. Microsoft",
www.groklaw.com, July 4, 2005
News article on filing by Jerold Kaplan, former GO CEO, against Microsoft and certain vendors: numerous reader comments.
Photocopy of NDA between GO Corporation and Microsoft, Signed by Bill Gates 7/8/88.
See also "GO/Microsoft" file.
- [GrossmanT04a]
Grossman, Tovi; Wigdor, Daniel; and Balakrishnan, Ravin
"Multi-Finger Gestural Interaction with 3D Volumetric Displays",
Proc. UIST '04, October 24-27, 2004, Santa Fe NM, pp.
Rotating volumetric display inside a clear globe: multi-finger/multi-point input on surface using commercial (www.vicon.com) video motion tracking system and colored dots on fingers. Tap and tap-and-hold (press-and-hold) gestures. Mentions resistive touchscreen surface could also be used, but would not permit tracking of multiple fingers. Menus displayed dynamically at correct position and orientation (rotated) for user: in prototype, menus physically taped onto display surface. Three-dimensional 3D ray cursors: projected line from 3D pointing finger into 3D display.
- [GrossmanT05a]
Grossman, Tovi and Balakrishnan, Ravin
"The Bubble Cursor: Enhancing Target Acquisition by Dynamic Resizing of the Cursor's Activation Area",
Proc. CHI 2005, April 2..7, 2005, Portland OR, pp. 281..290
Circular (bubble) area cursor (for touchscreen/mouse accuracy) which adapts to locate selection/pointing target nearest to center of user input: thus adapts to dense target packing. Display cursor distorts/expands to encircle target.
- [GuhaA05]
Guha, Angshuman
"Feature Extraction for Real-Time Pattern Recognition Using Single Curve per Pattern Analysis",
US Patent 6,898,315, May 24, 2005
Feature extraction in handwriting/gesture recognition, Chebyshev polynomials, also aspect ratio and center of gravity. Mentions using tip force (a.k.a. pressure) from stylus as a Z value in gesture/handwriting recognition.
- [GuiardY04a]
Guha, Angshuman
"Object pointing: A complement to bitmap pointing in GUIs",
Proc. Graphics Interface 2004, May 17..19, 2004, London, Ontario, Canada
Targeting accuracy on pointer (mouse, not tablet): when in an object, act as bitmap pointer. When leaving object, jump cursor to next object along line of travel. Two cursors shown, one with object pointing, one with bitmap pointing, modal as to which cursor. Mentions "brief oscillation" of mouse (shake gesture?) to change modes.
- [GuimbretiereF05a]
Guimbretiere, Francois; Martin, Andrew; and Winograd, Terry
"Benefits of Merging Command Selection and Direct Manipulation",
ACM Trans. on Computer-Human Interaction vol 12 no 3, September 2005 pp. 460-476
Follow-on to Toolglass: benefit is combining command selection and direct manipulation more than using two hands. Control menus (one hand) faster than FlowMenu.
- [HP04a]
"Startup Guide: HP Tablet PC Series, second edition",
HP, Document Part Number 334201-002, August 2004
Start-up guide for TC1100 and similar HP/Compaq convertible tablet PCs, "Enhanced for Accesibility" (reference to the PDF file?). See HP03d (first edition), HP03b Hardware Guide, similar content.
- [HP05a]
Hewlett-Packard Development Company
"HP iPAQ hx2495 Pocket PC Data Sheet",
Hewlett-Packard Development Company, 2005
Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC Premium Edition, hand-held/palm-top computer. Touch sensitive display for stylus or fingertip (resistive?), WiFi connectivity, microphone. Syncronization with desktop over USB.
- [HP05b]
Hewlett-Packard Development Company
"HP iPAQ rz1700 series Pocket PC QuickSpecs Overview",
Hewlett-Packard Development Company, 2004
Microsoft Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition Pocket PC, hand-held/palm-top computer. Passive stylus stored in top edge for touchscreen. Portrait and Landscape Display Modes. Pocket Internet Explorer browser. Optional foldable keyboard. (Pictures show 2004 date.)
- [HP05c]
Hewlett-Packard Development Company
"HP Compaq Tablet PC TC1100 QuickSpecs",
Hewlett-Packard Development Company, 2005
Specifications for HP Compaq Tablet PC TC1100, Windows XP Tablet Edition.
- [HP05d]
Hewlett-Packard Development Company
"Maintenance and Service Guide: HP Compaq tc1100 Tablet PC",
Hewlett-Packard Development Company, Document Part Number: 335572-004, October 2005
Convertible HP Compaq Tablet PC TC1100 Tablet PC firmware/hardware debugging/reset guide. Keyboard is detachable/optional. Rotate button for portrait/landscape. Tablet "Windows security button" for ctrl+alt+delete. Slide-and-release button for standby/resume: compare with slide-to-unlock gesture? Docking station holds tablet only, external keyboard.
- [HafnerE05a]
Hafner, Ernst; Bubb, Peter; and Götz, Matthias
"Setting system for an air-conditioner in a vehicle",
US Patent 6,848,263, February 1, 2005
GUI for touchscreen/touchpad/touch-sensitive display for control of automotive air conditioner. Shows two-dimensional X/Y input control for front/rear/left/right air distribution, rather than two separate sliders.
- [HakenL04a]
Haken, Lippold
"Continuous Music Keyboard",
US Patent 6,703,552, March 9, 2004 (published 2003)
Multi-touch musical keyboard surface, up to 10 fingers. Hall effect sensor and magnet detect deflection of key rod for Z/pressure, resistance sensing for Y along rod, X for which rod. To detect sliding of finger across "keys", computes X/Y/Z peak using surrounding sensors, effectively giving a continuos-valued input in X/Y/Z.
- [HammondT04a]
Hammond, Tracy and Davis, Randall
"SHADY: A Shape Description Debugger for Use in Sketch Recognition",
AAAI 2004 Fall Symp. on Making Pen-Based Interaction Intelligent and Natural, pp. 71-77
Debugging techniques for LADDER: sketch recognition language defining sketch recognition constraints. Constraint definitions automatically transformed into shape recognizers, editing recognizers, and shape displayers. Works by user sketching a shape the definition should recognized, and debugger displays what constraint(s) were not matched.
- [HammondT04b]
Hammond, Tracy and Davis, Randall
"Automatically Transforming Symbolic Shape Descriptions for Use in Sketch Recognition",
Proc. AAAI 2004 19th National Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, 2004, pp 450..456
Tests of LADDER sketch recognition language using shape of drawn object, not pen/tablet dynamics, bounding box, etc. Sample problem domains/application include UML class diagrams, simplified 2D mechanical engineering, flow charts, etc. For text uses Microsoft Tablet PC/XP. Cites to Stiny 1971 for shape recognition.
- [HammondT05a]
Hammond, Tracy and Davis, Randall
"LADDER, a sketching language for user interface developers",
Computers and Graphics, Vol 29, pp. 518-532. http://Elsevier.com, 2005
LADDER: sketch recognition language defining sketch recognition constraints. Sketch recognition techniques for multiple problem domains: class diagrams, GUI design, web page design, stick figures, etc. Sketch interfaces becoming common as pen-based input systems become common.
- [HanJ05a]
Han, Jeff
"Low-Cost Multi-Touch Sensing through Frustrated Total Internal Reflection",
Proc. 18th Annual ACM Symp. on User Interface Software and Technology, 2005
Fingertip Touching on internal illuminated glass causes partial internal reflection, detected by optical sensors. Cited elsewhere (iPhone) as multi-touch reference.
Mentions "Minority Report" gesture user interface in three dimensions, bi-manual two hands.
See also Fingerworks reference, FTIR (Frustrated Total internal Reflection).
Paper files mention LED Touch display, touching on a grid of LED diodes, the LEDs also act as photodiodes and detect contact reflection, as digitizer / touchscreen.
- [HanJ05b]
Han, Jeff
"Multi-Touch Sensing through LED Matrix Displays: Using an LED display bidirectionally to optically detect finger touches",
https://mrl.nyu.edu/~jhan/ledtouch/index.html, archived 2005 (video presentation)
Video demonstration: Use LED matrix/grid to act simultaneously as multi-touch input. Compare with FishFace? Cites to Forrest M. Mims "Engineer's Notebooks" for LED use as photodiode.
- [HancockMS04a]
Hancock, Mark S. and Booth, Kellogg S.
"Improving Menu Placement Strategies for Pen Input",
Proc. Graphic Interface May 17..19, 2004, London, Ontario, Canada, pp. 221..230
pop-up (pie and rectangular) menus with stylus. Best was rectangular pop-up menu with side location based on handedness of user, because stylus usually direct-input device with hand occlusion. Compare with Tablet PC/PenPoint design guidelines?
- [Handtops04]
Handtops.com Handtop Computers
"OQO's Wacom Penabled screen",
www.handtops.com, September 28, 2004
OQO using Wacom electromagnetic digitizer: refers to Sony U50/ U70 using a "passive" digitizer, as contrasted to a Wacom "active" digitizer -- reference to proximity sensing, higher data rate, and higher resolution than a PDA touchscreen at 40 points/sec instead of 130 points/sec.
- [HanlonM05a]
Hanlon, Mike
"MIT unveils the $100 computer designed to educate the children of the Third World",
https://newatlas.com/mit-unveils-the-100-computer-designed-to-educate-the-children-of-the-third-world/4687, October 1, 2005
News report on proposed OLPC One Laptop Per Child project at M.I.T. media labs. Pictures of proposed design shows single-axis hinge, folding back over 270 degrees or more for "theater" presentation. Prototypes show both writing pad / touchpad and tablet touchscreen display, power crank, tablet/handheld/laptop modes, power modules / batteries in hinge axis.
- [Haptitouch05a]
F-Origin, Ltd. / Technology Business Unit
"HaptiTouch Product Sheet",
F-Origin, Ltd. / Technology Business Unit, 2005
Touchscreen using FSR force sensitive resistors at four corners of touchscreen, combined with haptic/tactile feedback transducer / haptic element. Notes that touchscreen "hard cover" may be curved. Touch location/position accuracy to 1% of distance between sensors.
- [HaskellB04a]
Haskell, Bert
"Portable Electronics Product Design and Development",
McGraw-Hill publishers, 2004 (hardcopy book)
Palm-top PID/PDA and other devices Fig. 1.11, Contains references to 1991 Kyocera Refalo and 1987 Casio IF-8000, Fig 10.1, IBM Simon 1994. 1997 Nokia 9000 Communicator. HP Journada Smart Phone / PDA with touch screen input. Section 4.5 pen input / stylus input via ITO resistive film sheets. Display may be integrated by making top surface of LCD glass be lower later of two ITO sheets.
- [HawkinsJC05a]
Hawkins, Jeffrey C.; Rees, William B.; Chyi, Debbie O.; Haitani, Robert Y.
"Interface for Processing of an Alternate Symbol in a Computer Device",
US Patent 6,975,304, December 13, 2005
User interface pop-up display of alternate characters for a main character: e.g. Accented versions of "E" for the letter "E", alternate currency symbols (Pound, Yen) for currency symbol. Mainly to reduce size of keyboard or simulated keyboard in a palm/PDA device, or to simplify handwriting recognition. Has extensive bibliography, numerous references.
- [HechtDL05a]
Hecht, David L.; Flores, L. Noah; and Gorbet, Matthew G.
"Operations on Images having Glyph Carpets",
US Patent 6,935,562, August 30, 2005
Xerox dataglyphs dot pattern for encoding information in pictures and printed documents. Encoded information can be can be for tactile, audible, visual or other information for user. Compare with Anoto optical pattern digitizer pen.
- [Heisei05]
Heisei Electronics Col. Ltd.
"Come-Book Palmtop/Handheld PC",
www.computex.biz/heisei, 2005
small Tablet-PC like product, resistive touch-screen digitizer, OS is Windows CE / Windows Mobile (?), might be considered a large-format Windows Mobile / Pocket PC device.
- [Heller05]
Heller, Martin
"Programming for the Tablet PC",
http://byte.com, January 10, 2005
Mentions addition of dictionary/context/linguistic information to specific dialog windows of non-Pen application using Context Tagging tool: compare with JAWS scripts for accessibility aids for screen readers for the blind.
- [HenzenA04a]
Henzen, Alex; Ailenei, Neculai; van Reeth, Frank; Vansichem, Gert; Zehner, Robert W. and Amundson, Karl
"An Electronic Ink Low Latency Drawing Tablet",
SID 04 Digest, 2004, pp. 1070..1073
E-Ink direct electrophoretic display drawing tablet. States bad behaviors of touchscreens comprise visual parallax, backlighting eye fatigue, surface friction unlike paper (e.g. slick), time lag (i.e. latency) between input and electronic ink production. Basically putting E-Ink writing surface on Wacom electromagnetic tablet. Original ink impression created instantaneously, slower update by E-Ink display.
- [HenzenA05a]
Henzen, Alex; Ailenei, Neculai; van Reeth, Frank; Vansichem, Gert; Zehner, Robert W. and Amundson, Karl
"An Electronic Ink Low Latency Drawing Tablet",
Proc. GRAPHITE '05: 3rd Int'l. Conf. on Computer graphics and interactive techniques in Australasia and South East Asia, November 2005, pp. 51..60, https://doi.org/10.1145/1101389.1101399
E-Ink direct electrophoretic display drawing tablet. States bad behaviors of touchscreens comprise visual parallax, backlighting eye fatigue, surface friction unlike paper (e.g. slick), time lag (i.e. latency) between input and electronic ink production. Basically putting E-Ink writing surface on Wacom electromagnetic tablet. Original ink impression created instantaneously, slower update by E-Ink display. User/artist can "re-draw" over parts of input to smooth out kinks, nervous-hand artifacts (hand tremors, irregularities when drawing slowly), edit portions of marked lines freehand input.
- [HertzumM05a]
Hertzum, Morten and Hornbaek, Kasper
"TouchGrid: Touchpad pointing by recursively mapping taps to smaller display regions",
Behaviour and Information Technology, vol 24 no 5, 2005, pp. 337..346
Touch-grid: touchpad targeting / pointing by user tapping in different large regions of touchpad, each tap moves cursor by smaller increment in related direction.
- [HiggensonTB04a]
Higgenson, Timothy B.
"Universal Keyboard",
US Patent 6,703,963, March 9, 2004
small form-factor keyboard, similar to phone keypad, with selection keys (separate user interface?) for which alphabetic character should be selected from 3 on key. Criticizes stylus virtual keyboard on touchscreen, QWERTY keyboard. Touchscreen/touchpad/touch-sensitive surfaces may be used for keyboard.
- [HillD04a]
Hill, David Wayne; Karidis, John Peter; and Leonard, Brian Hargrove
"Flip-Touch Handhel Device",
US Patent Application 2004/0026136 A1, February 12, 2004
Palm-top PC with touchscreen and laptop-style keyboard. Display position sensor switches to landscape mode when hinge angle is opened: user can override portrait/landscape setting manuals. Up/down scroll navigation buttons changed to left/right based on orientation mode. Display raises on extended hinge arms.
- [HinckleyK04a]
Hinckley, Ken; Ramos, Gonzalo; Guimbretiere, Frencois; Baudisch, Patrick; Smith, Marc
"Stitching: pen gestures that span multiple displays",
Proc. AVI '04, working conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces
Dual displays/monitors or touchscreen: interpolate/extrapolate drag gesture from one tablet/screen to a second one; opening document in one tablet/screen that are selected in another.
- [HinckleyK04b]
Hinckley, Kenneth P. and Bathiche, Steven N.
"Method and system for accelerated data navigation",
US Patent 6,738,045, May 18, 2004
Accelerate scrolling based on user input using look-up acceleration table, scrolling inhibited if user scrolls in opposite direction (to fix overshoot). Inertial scrolling.
- [HinckleyK04c]
Hinckley, Ken; Jacob, Robert J.K.; and Ware, Colin
"Input-Output Devices and Interaction Techniques",
ACM Computer Science Handbook, 2nd Edition, 2004, Chapter 20
Input/output Devices and Interaction Techniques. Pen-based gestures and hand gestures, bimanual input, touchscreen (direct) vs. mouse (indirect) manipulation. Force and tactile displays (force feedback).
- [HinckleyK05a]
Hinckley, Ken; Baudisch, Patrick; Ramos, Gonzalo; Guimbretiere, Frencois
"Design and Analysis of Delimiters for Selection-Action Pen Gesture Phrases in Scriboli",
Proc. CHI 2005, April 2-7, Portland, Oregon, pp. 451..460
Selection actions with pen gestures: lasso combined with pig-tail gesture, timeout without motion and without lifting pen resulting in pie/flick gesture menu, clicking on separate button.
- [HinckleyK05b]
Hinckley, Kenneth P.; Bathiche, Steven N.; Cauthorn, James H.; and Sinclar, Michael J.
"Automatic Scrolling",
US Patent 6,975,306, December 13, 2005
Scroll to line, paragraph, or other document boundary. Scrolling initiated by minimum gesture movement, with second threshold to stop autoscrolling or scroll back if touch location has not moved on touch-sensitive surface.
- [HinckleyKP05c]
Hinckley, Kenneth P.; McLoone, Hugh E.; Bathiche, Steven N.; Cauthorn, James H.; Kerestegian, Stiven; and Muss, Timothy Michael
"Touch-sensitive device for scrolling a document on a display",
US Patent 6,972,749, December 6, 2005
Split keyboard with touchpad/touch-sensitive virtual scroll buttons and slider at sides of keyboard splits near thumbs (compare: thumb keyboard?). Cites to synaptics scrolling zones/sliders implemented in touchpad. (Passive) tactile cue: ridge/barriers or bezel on touchpad for orientation with visual distraction. Compare with detent?
- [HinckleyKP05d]
Hinckley, Kenneth P.; Sinclair, Michael J.; Szeliski, Richard S.; Conway, Matthew J.; and Hanson, Eirk J.
"Method and apparatus for computer input using six degrees of freedom",
US Patent 6,844,871, January 18, 2005
6-DOF / 3D mouse: recognizes rotational position on three axes as well as /Y position by reading regular / repeating optical pattern underneath mouse and checking from trapezoidal / angular distortion: compare with Anoto pattern? Limited ability for proximity height / hover determination above pattern. Described as real-time vision algorithm.
- [HoIMT04a]
Ho, Iu-Meng Tom
"Power and ground shield mesh to remove both capacitive and inductive signal coupling effects of routing in integrated circuit device",
US Patent 6,734,472, May 11, 2004
Multi-layer grid mesh for power and ground shielding, for both capacitive and inductive shielding. May be interwoven mesh.
- [HolderD04a]
Holder, David ed.; Lionheart, William; Polydorides, Nicholas; and Borsic, Andrea
"Electrical Impedance Tomography: Methods, History and Applications: Part 1",
Institute of Physics Publishing, 2004
Reference/tutorial on electrical impedance tomography / EIT. Practial design considerations: mesh size, mesh shape, regularization.
- [HolmanD05a]
Holman, David; Vertegall, Roel; Altosaar, Mark; Troje, Nikolaus; and Johns, Derek
"PaperWindows: Interaction Techniques for Digital Paper",
Proc. CHI 2005, pp 591-599
Optical/visual motion capturing to recognize gestures on paper ("augmented paper"), such as rubbing to transfer image from paper to electronic touchscreen, two-handed pointing, single-hand pointing. See also deformable displays.
- [HoneycuttJ05a]
Honeycutt, Joerry
"Microsoft Windows Registery Guide, 2nd. Ed.",
Microsoft Press, 2005
Reference on Microsoft Windows system registry: registry scripting, servers scripting, server configuration, finding registry settings/keys/values, system management, file associations, network settings, per-user and per-computer settings. Kerberos security settings, group policies. Administrative templates for creating user interfaces to manage registry. Command-line programming. Discusses per-user-configuration document and temporary directories.
- [Honeywell05a]
"Honeywell LED Infrared Optical Touch Screens",
Honeywell Corp, 2005
Honeywell Application Note AP 00033 / Data sheets for SEP 8736 and SDP 8436 Series emitters and sensors for infrared touchscreens: side-emitting/sensing components, strobe design for optical touchscreens.
- [HookC04a]
Hook, Christian and Kempf, Jürgen
"A Novel Digitizing Pen for the Analysis of Pen Pressure and Inclination in Handwriting Biometrics",
Proc. BioAW 2004, Biometric Authentication Workshop ECCV 2004, Prague, Czech Republic May 15, 2004
Biometric smart pen (BiSP) prototype using pressure/force sensor to measure X/Y/Z force/pressure and X/Y angles for signature verification. Also mentions acoustic recording in the pen/stylus (compare with Anoto?). See also OTH papers on BiSP project.
- [HopkinsM05]
Hopinks, Mark
"Mobile Ink Jots 6: Using Gestures in Tablet PC Applications",
http://msdn.microsoft.com, 2005
Tablet PC SystemGestures: gestures DoubleTap, RightTap, Tap, Drag, RightDrag, HoldEnter, HoldLeave, HoverEnter, etc. gestures. Defines "gesture" as an ink stroke or pen movement that matches the set of glyphs defined by a recognizer. See also "Integrating Application Gestures": "a glyph defines the shape traced by the gesture".
- [HortonTE04a]
Horton, Thomas E.
"HabilisDraw: A Tool-based Direct Manipulation Software Environment",
Master's Thesis, Dept. of Comp. Sci, NCSU, Raleigh NC, 2004
Direct-manipulation on touchscreen using graphical tools: compass, straight edge (to align objects), inkwells (select drawing color), straight pins (to fix position of an object), glue bottles (to group objects). Graphical tools can be combined/composited: e.g. compass and stretch ruler to draw a spiral. Second prototype implemented on DiamondTouch multi-touch tabletop.
- [HotellingSP05a]
Hotelling, Steve; Strickon, Josha A.; and Huppi, Brian Q.
"Multipoint Touchscreen",
PCT Patent Application WO2005114369A2, December 1, 2005
Mutual/self-capacitive multitouch touchscreen, single layer of isolated electrodes for self-capacitance, cross-grid matrix of horizontal and vertical lines for mutual capacitance at intersections.
- [HowY05a]
Hoy, Yijue and Kan, Min-Yen
"Optimizing predictive text entry for short message service on mobile phones",
Proc. of Human Computer Interfaces International (HCII 05). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Las Vegas, July 2005. ISBN 0805858075
Overview and analysis of different methods of reduced-keyboard text input using SMS text corpus. Automatic word completion (dictionary/probability), key re-mapping.
- [HoyleMD04a]
Hoyle, Martin David
"Computer interface method and apparatus with portable network organization system and targeted advertising",
US Patent 6,771,290, August 3, 2004
Automatically-upgrading application over internet, showing advertisements. CIP of 6,141,010.
- [HuHL05a]
Hu, H.L.; Xu, T.M.; and Hui, S.E.
"A high-accuracy, high-speed interface circuit for differential-capacitance transducer",
Elsevier Sensors and Actuators A 125, October 13, 2005, pp. 329..334
High-speed capacitive transducer/sensor using differential capacitance. States immune to parasitic capacitance, resistances, and variations in source. Uses array of reference capacitors to measure at a wide range. Cites to Baxter book on capacitive sensor design.
- [HuS05a]
Hu, Shaotang
"Methods and systems for testing a cluster management station",
US Patent Application 2005/025648 A1, November 17, 2005
Control system for generating test of computer clusters, refers to GUI with positional input device: mouse, trackball, touch sensitive digitizer panel (refers to touchpad / touchscreen) and/or keyboard.
- [Huang04]
Huang, Gregory T.
"Microsoft's Magic Pen",
MIT Technology Review magazine, May 2004
Article on a optical digitizer technology at Microsoft's research lab in China, using a printed pattern on paper for regular documents. Compare with Anoto, Sekendur, and Silverbrook?
- [HuangX05a]
Huang, Xiaodong; Krone, John James; Velamakanni, Salram Gopalan; and Cetinkunt, Sabri
"Operator input device with tactile feedback",
US Patent 6,917,867, July 12, 2005
Brake controller for vehicle (caterpillar tractor) with haptic force feedback to give virtual detent position at three or more locations in each of two directions based on position sensor. Resistive actuator / force actuator.
- [HuberWB04a]
Huber, William B.; Cha, Sung-Hyuk; Tappert, Charles C. and Hanson, Vicki L.
"Use of Chatroom Abbreviations and Shorthand Symbols in Pen Computing",
Proc. Student/Faculty Research Day, CSIS, Pace University, May 7, 2004, pp. 9.1..9.7
Shorthand / script using well-known chat room abbreviations in pen computing for faster text entry. Includes special symbols for common words/phrases. Example of unistroke forms for symbols including plus, at-sign, lunch, yes, no, want, etc.
- [HudsonJA04a]
Hudson, James Allan
"Point and click gesture",
WPO Patent Application WO 2004/111816 A2, December 23, 2004
Timeout threshold for starting a 2D gesture: compare with press-and-hold dwell time? Point-and-click / mouse-click gesture vs. "2D gesture" (drawing shape).
- [HudsonSE04a]
Hudson, Scott E.
"Using Light Emitting Diode Arrays as Touch-Sensitive Input and Output Devices",
Proc. UIST '04, October 24-27, 2004, Santa Fe, USA pp 287-290
Array of bidirectional LEDs used as photo sensors as well as display light sources: one LED used as light source, adjacent LED used as sensor for light passing through partially-translucent human finger. Includes optical (display) press feedback. (In-cell sensing).
- [HuelskemperM04a]
Hülskemper, Michael; Klinke, Stefano Ambrosius; and Lorenz, Frank
"Built-in device for a mobile terminal",
PCT Patent Application WO 2004/082331 A1, September 23, 2004
Mobile terminal (smartphone) with piezoelectric actuator for improved audible/acoustic output. Compare with Motorola audio/tactile transducer?
- [HuijsingJH04a]
Huijsing, J.H.; Steyaert, Michiel; and van Roermund, Arthur, eds.
"Analog Circuit Design: Sensor and Actuator Interface Electronics Integrated High-Voltage Electronics and Power Management, Low-power and High-Resolution ADCs",
Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 2004
Handbook and reference on analog circuit design. Discussion of DC offset of ADC: can be subtracted digitally, but high offset implies larger drift. Noise may vary with signal level.
- [Hullender05a]
Hullender, Gregory and Gounares, Alexander
"Ink Gestures",
US Patent 6,938,222, August 30, 2005
Ink gestures recognized using Chebychev Polynomials and Bayes net. Refers to an ink gesture being included in a stroke: gesture is part of a larger stroke? In description, lists example gestures and their semantics: e.g. braces (discontinuous selection), circle-tap, flick (scroll), double-right-flick for scroll to end, double-left-flick, triple-up-flick, etc. Appears to be same basic set of gestures as Microsoft "Unimplemented Glyphs". Compare with GO/PenPoint flick and other gestures? Compare ink editing with electronic ink editing of van Raamsdonk? Refers to an ink gesture being included in a stroke: gesture is part of a larger stroke? (Compare with Jourjine?)
- [HuntBD05a]
Hunt, Bryan D.; Sobota, Jerry P.; and Heigl, Keith D.
"Mobility hand control device and method",
PCT Patent Application WO2005053178A1, June 9, 2005
Vibratory, audio, visual feedback of warning signals to hand-held controller. Refers to vibratory (vibrotactile) force feedback; vibratory-force feedback providing a user with a kinesthetic sensation. Also mentions low power "sleep" mode until awoken by closure of any button on keypad, then reading input port (scanning) to determine which key is pressed, sending message to host computer.
- [HuotS04a]
Huot, Stephane; Dumas, Cedric; Dragicevic, Pierre; Fekete, Jean-Daniel; and Hegron, Gerard
"The MaggLite Post-WIMP Toolkit: Draw It, Connect It and Run It",
Proc. UIST '04, October 24..27, 2004, Santa Fe, New Mexico, pp. 257..266
Toolkit for defining Post-WIMP UI's: MaggLite. Free-hand Sketch user interface image, specify actions, and run. Uses a ToolGlass for defining attributes. Gesture actions/commands can be restricted to particular zones. Cites to Garnet toolkit, graphical behavior editors, graphical interface builders.
- [HyodoM05a]
Hyodo, Manabu
"Camera with touchscreen",
US Patent 6,919,927, July 19, 2005
Pressure/force sensing touchscreen user interface on camera: greater pressure scrolls through images faster.
- [Hyperlabel05a]
"Hyperlabel product information",
www.hyperlabel.com, 2005
hidden optical printed pattern on labels allows for encoding of digital signatures, for tracking of product through the distribution chain. Does not refer to tracking the provenance of manufacturing, or to security documents. Mentions encoding of web hyperlinks.
Silverbrook product announcement -- Australian patent house. Compare with Anoto, and with Digimark filing "Protection of Identification Documents using Open Cryptography".
- [Hyperlabel05b]
"Introduction to Hyperlabel Technologies",
www.hyperlabel.com, 2005
Application notes on Hyperlabel optical printed pattern. Tracking documents, product codes (vs RFID), batch numbers, etc.
Compare with Anoto, and with Digimark filing "Protection of Identification Documents using Open Cryptography" WardJR04.
- [IDC04a]
IDC Technologies
"Practical Instrumentation for Automation and Process Control for Engineers and Technicians",
IDC Technologies, http://www.idc-online.com, 2004
Handbook and textbook (training course notes) on measurement, instrumentation and process control. Definition of sensor and transducer. Zero adjustment for zero offset, mentions input-output curve rather than transfer function. Add deadband (deadzone) to overcome some problems of repeatability.
- [IPen4You05]
"i-Pen - Presentation Digital Pen / Optical Pen Mouse",
www.ipen4you.com, 2005
Optical digitizer pen, similar to Anoto / Microsoft? Talks about writing on any surface, also writing on any screen. Include RitePen handwriting recognition software, annotation applications.
- [IRISPen04a]
Data ID Online
"IRISPen: Text recognition where you want it, when you want it",
www.dataid.com/irispen.htm, 2004
Product information on on IRISPen: hand-held optical scanner with OCR for portable document scanning. OCR software includes capturing formatting information e.g. tables.
- [IRex05]
IRex Technologies
"Electronic Reader ER 0100 "iliad"",
www.irextechnologies.com, 2005
EInk display electronic book: 1024x768 display resolution. Includes stylus for adding electronic ink text and scribbling, OS not certain, not a Pen Computer: USB port, support PDF XHTML Mp3 other formats. Internal storage is 256 MB Flash. See also www.eink.com, electrophoretic display technology.
- [IchinoseT04a]
Ichinose, Tshihiko
"Touch panel input for automotive devices",
US Patent 6,819,990, November 16, 2004
Automotive touchscreen control with haptic/tactile feedback when user's finger crosses a boundary (detent?). Touch pad may be mounted on steering wheel, used by thumb. Compare with haptic/tactile displays? Enlarge target object for more accurate input (or to show it is elected?) when cursor is over it: compare with ToolGlass, "fat thumb" targeting solutions?
- [IgarashiT05a]
Igarashi, Takeo; Moscovich, Tomer; Hughes, John F.
"As-rigid-as-possible shape manipulation",
ACM Trans. Graphics, Vol 24, No 3, July 2005, pp. 1134-1141
shape editing/ direct-manipulation deformation user interface using triangle mesh for flexible stretch/compress of images. Uses multi-touch (more than two) finger touches and fits deformation to however many points are used. Clay-like editing of simulated 2D and 3D objects. Cites to Rekimoto for multi-touch touchscreen digitizer.
- [IgarashiT05b]
Igarashi, Takeo; Moscovich, Tomer; Hughes, John F.
"As-rigid-as-possible shape manipulation",
www.ui.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~takeo/research/rigid, 2005
Video demonstration of as-rigid-as-possible shape manipulation, shows multi-touch direct manipulation of 2D two-dimensional cartoon figures.
- [IgnatCL04a]
Ignat, Claudia-Lavinia and Norrie, Moira C.
"Grouping in Collaborative Graphical Editors",
Proc. CSCW '04, November 6-10, 2004, Chigaco
Collaborative group graphical editing (shapes colors). Conflicting user actions on locally-cached copies of object (no central copy?) resolved by simple serialization and some ordering rules, suggest locking of object / sub-objects also needed. Compare with whiteboard systems with editing gestures?
- [IgnatchenkoS05a]
Ignatchenko, Sergey; Mirlas, Lev; and Tantsorov, Igor L.
"Secure Document Management System",
US Patent 6,978,366, December 20, 2005
Document management server managing digital signatures to enforce ACL's (DRM), authenticate documents as they are updated, new signature/checksum.
- [Immersion04a]
Immersion Corporation
"Immersion Mobility: VibeTonz",
Immersion Corporiation, Archived October 28, 2004
Product information on VibeTonz developer toolkit for adding haptic/tactile feedback to mobile phone keypads. Cites to developer's SDK.
- [InksterRD04a]
Inkster, Robert D.
"Touch pad using a non-electrical deformable pressure sensor",
US Patent 6,788,295, September 7, 2004
Pressure touchpad using optical pressure sensors with deformable touch surface of compressible (elastomeric) material. Can detect multi-touch input by independent sensing of multiple indentors (buttons).
- [Inovatech05]
"Toshiba T200CS als Webpad einsetzen",
http://T200.html, 2005
Technical information, software, support on converting Toshiba T200CS Dynapad pen computer (early 90s) as a web-pad unit for internet access with a stylus computer.
Refers to PenPad software from Toshiba: same name used for hardware handwriting recognition product by Pencept in 1980's.
Links to Dynapaedia for same topic: Dynapaedia documentation on Wacom 500 tablet in Toshiba T200.
- [InterLink04a]
InterLink Electronics
"ePad Electronic Signature Tablets",
Product listings, http://steadlands.com, 2004
ITO resistive touchscreen for point-of-sale POS signature capture. Claims that signatures can be bound to documents, signature verified/authenticated later.
- [Intermec05a]
Intermec Technologies Corporation
"Intermec 700 Series Color Mobile Computer User's Manual",
Intermec Technologies Corp., July, 2005 (updated sections from 2002)
Windows CE / Windows Mobile 2003 Pockect PC: Intermec 700 Series Color Mobile Computer with laser scanner for 1D and 2D bar-codes. Handwriting recognition writing anywhere on the display touchscreen with the stylus (compare: acetate layer?).
- [Intersil05a]
Analog Devices
"Intersil Application Note AN517 Applications of Monolithic Sample-and-Hold Amplifiers",
Renesas Electronics Corporation, August 9, 2005
Application note on use of sample-and-hold S/H amplifiers. Charging rate and leakage current of sampling capacitor, noise spikes on switch turn-off, low-offset and high slew rate in output amplifier. Differential S/H usually configured with external feedback like op-amp, to form filter, integrator, amplifier etc. HA-5320 and HA-5320 monolithic S/H with integrated sampling capacitor. Track-and-hold tracks level continuously, holds it when switch opening. Sample-and-hold switch closed briefly to take sample. De-glitching of multiplexed signals, reconstruction (D/A?) of multiplexed signals. Peak detector, capture of high-speed signals for display.
- [IoannidisJPA05a]
Ioannidis, John P. A.
"Why Most Published Research Findings Are False",
PLoS Medicine, Vol 2 No 8, e 124, pp. 0696-0701, 2005
Bias in research results: small sample size, weak correlation, analysis defined after-the-fact, also financial interest. See also "Unskilled and unaware of it", NagyG83b, Gelman 1994. See "p-hacking", defining hypothesis after the data collected, based on results?
- [IrelandAJ04a]
Ireland, Anthony J.
"Variable whistle pitch control for model train layouts",
US Patent 6,747,579, June 8, 2004
Control keys for playable whistle sound effect in model trains. Proportional control by using force sensing key switches arranged in an array. Switches have threshold level to turn on/off, then proportional control by force/pressure sensing above that.
- [ItoM05a]
Ito, Masahito
"Designing method of electromagnetic shield and its mesh structure pattern",
Japanese Patent Application JP2005150427, June 9, 2005 (later JP4280843B2)
Method for calculating/manufacturing transparent pseudo-random irregular conductive mesh as alternative for ITO in electromagnetic shield or touchscreen. Slight randomness in rectangular mess pattern prevents Moire interference and fringe patterns. Narrow line width (20 micron example) to get 90% transparency/transmissivity.
- [Itronix04a]
Itronix Corporation
"Itronix GoBook Tablet PC Help",
Itronix Corporation, February 13, 2004
Tablet PC, no keyboard. "digitizer touch panel" with pen/stylus. Bad behavior: refers to warps or pillows on touch panel in high humidity: pin-cushion distortion? Wake-up in power management from CDMA/GSM/GPRS cellular data card: mentions optional land-line network connection.
- [IwamotoT04a]
Iwamoto, Takayuki; Akaho, Daisuke; and Shinoda, Hiroyuki
"High resolution tactile display using acoustic radiation pressure",
Proc. SICE Annual Conf., Hokkaido Ins. of Tech., August 4-6, 2004, pp. 1239-1244
Proposal and design report for ultrasound haptic/tactile display using acoustic radiation pressure in water (not in air). X and Y orientation of two linear arrays ultrasonic transducers.
- [Jaimes05]
Jaimes, Alejandro and Sebe, Nico
"Multimodal Human Computer Interaction: A Survey",
IEEE Intl. Workshop on Human Computer Interaction, in conjunction with ICCV 2005, Beijing China October 2005: same title and authors Computer Vision and Understanding, Vol 108, pp. 116-134 (2007)
handwriting recognition, gesture, facial gesture recognition, voice input.
- [JamesT04a]
James, Taylor and Campbell, Gerry
"Search cart for search results",
US Patent Application 2004/0162820 A1, August 19, 2004
USer can collect search results (from Google, etc.) into a cart/collection for review. Main gesture is mouse-over click gesture.
- [JanesDM04a]
Janes, David Micahel; Oberg, Rodney Warrn; and Fergusun, Michael A.
"System and process providing remote data capture with later upload to a real estate multiple listing service",
US Patent Application 2005/0091218, April 28, 2005
pen-based computer/tablet (e.g. Microsoft Pocket PC or Microsoft Tablet PC: refers to Palm OS PDA as "PCD") used as business terminal with signature capture for buyer/seller access to MLS real-estate listings, including required signatures for MLS listing agreements/contracts.
- [JassoA04a]
Jasso, Alexander; Vassalo, Steven P.; and Martin, Kenneth M.
"Method and apparatus for providing haptic feedback",
PCT Pattent Application Wo 2004/042693 A1, May 21, 2004
Actuator under a rocker switch or touchpad (for simulated switch device?) or scroll wheel, simulated force-feedback detent positions. Vibration output includes jolts, textures, etc.
- [JazzMutant05a]
"The Lemur Owner's Manual",
www.jazzmutant.com, 2005
Multi-touch controller touchscreen interface, used for multi-touch control of music mixing. Include zoom/drag two fingers apart gesture. Electronic file contains additional materials, including product announcements from 2004. Virtual buttons, virtual knob, virtual slider. Virtual control devices may move gradually (to avoid sudden fader effects): interpolate, mass-spring effect, attraction/friction.
- [JensenK05a]
Jensen, Kyle and Stephanopoulos, Gregory
"Bioinformatics and handwriting/speech recognition: Unconventional applications of similarity search tools",
Proc. 4th Singapore-MIT Alliance Conf. on Molecular Engineering of Biological and Chemical Systems, 2005
Application of algorithms/techniques for handwriting recognition and speech recognition to DNA and protein sequencing. Focus on similarity matching.
- [Kairer05]
Kairer, Ryan
"palmOne LifeDrive Review",
www.palminfocenter.com, May 22nd 2005
Review of Palm LifeDrive / Palm Pilot PDA: same digitizer as Palm T3.
- [KaltenbrunnerM05a]
Kaltenbrunner, Martin; Bovermann, Till; Bencina, Ross; and Costanza, Enrico
"TUIO - A Protocol for Table-Top Tangible User Interfaces",
Proc. GW 2005, 6th Int'l Workshop on Gesture in Human-Computer Interaction and Simulation, 2005, Vannes, France
Standardize API/support for multi-touch touchscreen and tabletops. From reacTable. Includes blobs, blob tracking, direct manipulation of multiple objects, gestures, tracking of tagged object, recognition of object geometry on surface. Capacitive, optical/camera touchscreens. Electronic file contains additional information from TUIO project website.
- [KamM05a]
Kam, Matthew; Wang, Jingtao; Iles, Alastair; Tse, Eric; Chiu, Jane; Glaser, Daniel; Tarshish, Orna; and Canny, John
"Livenotes: A System for Cooperative and Augmented Note-Taking in Lectures",
Proc. CHI 2005, April 2..7, 2005, Portland, Oregon, pp. 531..540
Shared whiteboard system for lectures, and for students to share real-time notes. Both electronic ink and text annotations. Implemented with Microsoft Tablet PCs.
- [KanamoriK05a]
Kanamori, Kano
"Information processor",
Japanese Patent Application JP2005071297A, March 17, 2005
Laptop/notebook computer with dual-axis hinge, configurations include frame mode with keyboard faced downward, also chair-like "mountain" mode with keyboard over user's knees.
- [KaplanSJ05a]
Kaplan, S. Jerrold
"Legal Complaint: Kaplan v. Microsoft lawsuit",
http://docs.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/california/candce/5:2007cv01389/189975/889/1.pdf - fetched 2008
Publicly available on multiple web sites: Filings in GO/Microsoft lawsuit under Cartwright Act in California, concerning PenPoint and Pen Windows pen computers. Goes into some detail about NDAs signed by Microsoft and broken, also with third parties, and lying.
- [KaplanSM04a]
Kaplan, Steven M.
"Wiley Electrical and Electronics Engineering Dictionary",
John Wiley & Sons, 2004
Dictionary of electrical engineering and electronics engineering.
- [KaraLB04a]
Kara, Levent Burak and Stahovich, Thomas F.
"Hierarchical Parsing and Recognition of Hand-Sketched Diagrams",
Proc. UIST '04, October 24..27, 2004, Santa Fe, New Mexico. CHI Letters, vol 6 no 2, pp. 13..22
SimuSketch: sketch recognition for Simulink models for Matlab. After ink parsing and stroke grouping, symbol recognition is image-based (bitmap: user defined templates) using polar coordinates. Particular problem on arrow recognizer. Gestures are tap, press-and-hold, marking menus (?).
- [KarlsonAK05a]
Karlson, Amy K. and Bederson, Benjamin B.
"AppLens and LaunchTile: Two Designs for One-Handed Thumb Use on Small Devices",
Proc. CHI 2005, April 2-7, Portland, Oregon pp. 201-210
User-interface for one-handed/one-finger (thumb) touchscreen PDA (Palm Pilot): Informational fish-eye magnified view of data when thumb is over UI element. Notification zoom, context zoom, Full zoom levels of information at appropriate detail. Applications represented by tiles, tiles group into zones of a worldspace. User can scroll between zones, but UI snaps to zone when released.
- [KarpDA05a]
Karp, Davi A.; Mott, Troy; and O'Reilly, Tim
"Windows XP in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition",
O'Reilly, February 2005
User guide on Windows XP. Show Desktop button in taskbar to hide all open windows: actually ToggleDesktop. "Active Desktop" functionality removed from Windows. .abm photo album file extension. Example of "Family Photos" folder/album.
- [KawagoeK05a]
Kawagoe, Kanji and Chijimatsu, Shigenobu
"Electronic Device and Display Control Method",
Japanese Patent Application JP2005168036A, June 23, 2005
Folding electronic device / notebook PC with camera. Sensor detects rotation on hinge opening to flat, and inverts display mode. Also swaps stereo speakers. Figures show swivel hinge, also main hinge lying flat at 180 degrees.
- [KawamuraK04a]
Kawamura, Koichi; Takahashi, Miki; Yagihara, Moria; and Nakayama, Takao
"Conductive Film",
US Patent 6,811,878, November 2, 2004
Conductive polymer replacement for ITO and indium oxide. High optical transmittance/transparent. Less fragile/brittle, flexible. Previous conductive films also low scratch resistance, poor adhesion to support substrate.
- [KayeS05a]
Kaye, Stephen T.; Timmons, David Eric; Eckert, Brad; Doubrava, Dana; and Jacobs, Wesley
"Collaborative Input System",
US Patent 6,930,673, August 16, 2005
Multiple-user whiteboard system. Using multiple untethered/wireless digitizer tablets to allow several users to annotate a drawing or document. Primarily discusses hardware. Schumer patent cited as prior art. See also eInstruction file.
- [KayeS05b]
Kaye, Stephen T.
"A Brief History of the Wireless Tablet in Classroom Instruction",
Product whitepaper: www.einstruction.com, 2005
Multiple-user whiteboard system using untethered electromagnetic digitizers and a central projection display. Using multiple untethered/wireless digitizer tablets to allow several users to annotate a drawing or document. Includes educational software for presenting images and annotation: can sub-divide display area into multiple virtual tablet displays for multiple student's work. Refers to dual-input digitizer whiteboard: wireless and USB/wired?
- [KaylPR05a]
Kayl, Paul R.
"Mobile Computer Hinge Assembly",
US Patent Application 2005/0155184 A1, July 21, 2005
Laptop computer with dual-axis hinge. Folds back 360 degree either to be used as tablet PC computer with touchscreen, or as flat-panel display on docking station. Keyboard automatically disabled when folded back-to-back in using pressure switch sensor. Tablet/laptop mode == "operative position".
- [KeelyB05]
Keely, Bert
"Full Client Usability in the Highly Mobile Market",
Powerpoint presentation at WinHEC 2005 on Tablet PC "sneak peek"
Microsoft WinHEC presentation on Tablet PC additions in Windows Vista/Longhorn. Mentions N-trig transparent digitizer as thinner/lighter than electromagnetic (Wacom). Microsoft patent on "direct hinge" alternative to clamshell, license included with Windows OEM agreement. Also mentions spatial audio on microphone array with Tablet PC. Changes to display to reduce parallax by thinner protective layer.
- [KeelyL04]
Keely, Leroy; Jones, David F.; Switzer, David; Tsang, Michael Hin-cheung; and Vong, William Hong
"Simulating Gestures of a Pointing Device using a Stylus and Providing Feedback Thereto",
US Patent 6,791,536, September 14, 2004
Simulating right-mouse-button input with press-and-hold gesture with dwell: Tap, Press, press-and-hold with stylus for left-click, right-click, and left-mouse-button drag gestures. Mentions (tactile/haptic) feedback to confirm gesture recognition/detection. Compare to Motorola/Microsoft on press-and-hold? Refers to mouse click as a gesture.
- [KeelyL05a]
Keely, Leroy; Lui, Charlton E.; Jones, F. David; Cukierman, Ryan Edward; Cazzanti, Susanne Alysisa Clark; Iwema, Marieke; and Jarrett, Robert
"High Level Active Pen Matrix",
US Patent 6,897,853, May 24, 2005
Tap, Press, press-and-hold with stylus for left-click, right-click, and left-mouse-button drag gestures. Refers to mouse click as a gesture. Both time and distance thresholds for a dwell/press-and-hold.
- [KeelyL05b]
Keely, Leroy B.; Iwema, Marieke; and Cazzanti, Susanne Alysisa Clark
"Selection Handles in Editing Electronic Documents",
US Patent 6,891,551, May 10, 2005
Text-editing user-interface with a stylus: when text is selected, also show manipulation handles for dragging/moving/resizing text, handles are easier to target. Handle for rotating also.
- [KehlstadtFM05a]
Kehlstadt, Florian Max
"Pointing device with hand detection",
US Patent 6,859,196, February 22, 2005
Power-management in mouse, capacitive proximity sensor, sleep/wake based on whether user's hand is in proximity. Compare with tap-to-wake on Wang Freestyle? Cites to capacitive touch in general, optical detection of hand.
- [KellogW05]
Kellog, Wendy
"A Conversation with Ray Ozzie: Cooperate, Communicate, Collaborate",
ACM QUEUE, November 2005, pp 18 ff.
Ray Ozzie, Inventor of Lotus notes, currently CTO of Microsoft. "Cornucopia of the commons" attributed to Dan Bricklin, benefits of open-source collaboration and development.
- [KempT04a]
Kemp, Thomas; Kompe, Ralf; and Tato, Raquel
"Method for processing speech using absolute loudness",
US Patent Application 2004/0128127 A1, July 1, 2004
Emotion recognition (within voice/speaker recognition/authentication) of human voice based on absolute loudness by using array of microphones to triangulate distance to speaker acoustically. Absolute loudness computed by distance times energy. Automatic switch to graphic/haptic input via a touch screen: touch screen as haptic input device.
- [KempfJ04a]
Kempf, Jürgen
"Biometrisches Schreibsystem und Verfahren zur Personenidentifikation und Handschriftenerkennung mittels biometrischer Daten",
German Patent Application DE10241328A1, March 18, 2004
"Biometric writing system and method for personal identification and handwriting recognition by means of biometric data". Microphone in stylus/pen picks up acoustic signals caused by writing motion. Cites to accelerometer stylus/tablet, Anoto tablet: criticizes Anoto tablet for not recording biometric profiles (??).
- [KesterW05a]
Kester, Walt (ed.)
"The Data Conversion Handbook",
Analog Devices, Inc., 2005
Reference (citing to Analog Devices components for examples) for ADC/DAC and related electronics components. Describes differential ADCs, internal sample-and-hold. Section on touchscreen digitizers (4-wire resistive with spacer dots) using AD7873 component, SAR (successive-approximation register) ADC. Cites to Reeves 1942 early ADC patent. Linear ADCs and DACs used for non-linear functions (e.g. companded input) via mapping with lookup tablet in hardware, software or firmware for transfer function.
- [KhellaA04a]
Khella, Amir and Bederson, Benjamin B.
"Pocket PhotoMesa: A Zoomable Image Browser for PDAs",
Proc. MUM 2004, Oct. 27-29, 2004, College Park, Md, pp. 19-24
Browse photos not by uniform thumbnails, but by (smoothly/animated) zoomable display (semantic zoom) of photos at different scales. Stylus touchscreen interface more limited than mouse because of lack of additional buttons, and of scroll wheel. (Does not consider multi-touch, even for side-tap of 2nd finger).
- [KholmatovA05a]
Kholmatov, Alisher and Yanikoglu, Berrin
"Identity authentication using improved online signature verification method",
Pattern Recognition Letters, Elsevier, vol 26 (2005), pp. 2400..2408
Linear classifier for algorithmic signature verification/authentication. Winner system of the SVC2004 Signature verification competition. Notes that elaborate signatures harder to forge than simple scribble signatures.
- [KikuchiY04a]
Kikuchi, Yoshiyuki; Suzuki, Sjoji; Miura, Kouichi; and Itoh, Akihisa
"Dual pointing screen cursor device comprising touch pad and stick wherein each has identifying bytes that is transmitted through single channel port",
US Patent 6,681,268, January 20, 2004
Laptop has both touchpad and joystick. Data sent in single stream with encoding of three-byte delta/relative position from joystick, six-byte absolute from touchpad. Touchpad can also send both absolute and relative data through same stream. Z/pressure data.
- [KimYS05a]
Kim, Yoon Sang; Soh, Byung Seok; and Lee, Sang-Goog
"A New Wearable Input Device: SCURRY",
IEEE Trans. Indus. Electronics, vol 52 no 6, December 2005, pp. 1490..1499
Wearable hand-held device (SCURRY), mounted on back of hand with wrist sensor and finger sensors, both accelerometers and gyros. Couples to on-screen virtual keyboard, detects clicking motion of fingers for typing. Cites to Zimmerman hand gesture device, data glove?
- [KinrotU04a]
Kinrot, Uri and Kinrot, Opher
"Edge Detector",
US Patent 6,737,664, May 18, 2004
detect that an edge of an object has entered a field of view by detecting motion indication via OTM, speckle pattern of reflected laser light.
- [KitamuraM05a]
Kitamura, Minoru
"Portable information terminal",
Japenese Patent Application JP2005115536A, April 28, 2005 (priority 2003)
Clamshell touchscreen/stylus PDA, dual display with keypad on back of one(?). Functions (applications) automatically chosen by hinge opening angle configuration: telephone, stand viewer (photo frame?), video phone, digital camera, digital video, pen input, wide screen (combined displays), keyboard input. Hinge includes rotating member so that two parts can be opened top/bottom or rotated to side-to-side. Hinges open combined to more than 180 degrees to free-standing configuration (frame configuration). Notebook personal computer configuration. Can open to arbitrary position in 360 degrees. Compare with other dual-axis hinge.
- [Klaehn05]
Klaehn, Martin and Schulthes, Stefan
"OCR Optical Character Recognition",
Semesterbericht im Rahmen der Veranstaltung Künstliche Intelligenz bei Prof. Dr. Eduard Heindl, Fachhochschule FurtWangen, Wintersemester 2004/2005, Germany
contains historical notes on optical character recognition, citing back to unidentified US patent from 1800, also to Gismo system by David Shepard in 1951: Gismo could read up to 23 different letters and speak them out loud, as well as recognizing Morse Code. Example experiment of character recognition with neural nets.
- [KlemmerSR04a]
Klemmer, Scott Robert
"Tangible User Interface Input: Tools and Techniques",
Ph.D. dissertation, UC Berkely, Computer Science, Fall, 2004
Papier-Mache software toolkit/APIs for building tangible user interfaces: computer vision, electronic tags, bar codes used in sensors. User interfaces built collaboratively on touch-sensitive electronic whiteboard. Books with Voices: augmented tagged paper. Cites to Anoto annotations, glyphs, bar code annotations.
- [KlimkeJ04a]
Klimke, Jens and Merz, Rodolf
"Keyboard with a supporting device",
US Patent 6,808,326, October 26, 2004
Keyboard cover on portable (boxy) computer, cover unfolds 270 degrees from keyboard to act as support for the keyboard.
- [Knerr05]
Knerr, Stefan
"MyScript and Vision Objects handwriting recognition technology",
1eres Recontres XAange Capital, Paris, March 23, 2005
Description of Vision Objects application development for Anoto digital/smart paper: interactive educational input for children using handwriting recognition.
- [KnippingL05a]
Knipping, Lars
"An Electronic Chalkboard for Classroom and Distance Teaching",
PhD Thesis, Free Univ. Berlin, 14 February 2005
Whiteboard system for distance teaching. Includes use of pie (marking) pop-up menus on whiteboard. Numerous references to uses of pen- and tablet-computers in education for whiteboarding.
Further information from www.echalk.de in paper file. See also FriedlandG.
- [Koblentz05]
Koblentz, Evan
"The Evolution of the PDA, 1975-1995",
Computer Collector Newsletter, www.snarc.net/pda/pda-treatise.htm, 2005
Side-reference that the history of handwriting recognition is old, and thus a bit unclear, but history of PDA hand-held device is simpler.
Historical reference Isaac Asimov "Pocket Terminal" and "PocketSec" for pen computing.
Photograph: 1980 Casio PF-8000 with character recognition.
Section on Linus Technologies WriteTop with Ralph Sklarew.
First hand-held pen/stylus computer: Litton Data Systems "handheld terminal unit", approximately 1977.
- [KonyoM05a]
Konyo, Masashi; Yoshida, Akinori; Tadokoro, Satoshi; and Saiwaki, Naoki
"A Tactile Synthesis Method Using Multiple Frequency Vibations for Representing Virtual Touch",
Proc. 2005 IEEE/RSJ Int'l. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, September 2005, pp. 1121..1125
Tactile display (especially for textures) with vibrotactile actuators on fingertips. Pressure (force) feedback sensations generated by very low frequency (below 5 Hz) vibrotactile/vibration output: compare with substitution of vibrotactile to force feed back? Cites to earlier paper (2003) in Japanese.
- [KopkaH04a]
Kopka, Helmut and Daly, Patrick W.
"A Guide to LaTeX, 4th ed.",
Addison-Wesley, 2004
(draft copy) Reference and tutorial on LaTeX, BibLaTeX mark-up language for drafting scientific and technical papers. See also IEEE reference on style definitions.
- [KoutamanisA05a]
Koutamanis, Alexander
"Sketching with Digital Pen and Paper",
Proc. 11th Int'l. Conf. on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures CAAD 2005, ISBN 1-4020-3460-1, Vienna, Austria, June 20..22 2005, pp. 321..328
Study of capturing free-hand sketching of architectural plans (including mark-up of documents) using Anoto pen and paper. Betterthan using a separate tablet, because visual focus still on paper, not on separate display. (Did not compare tablet PC?). Playback of strokes with Anoto useful to other users, ability to tie to computerized system very helpful. One complaint was that Anoto digital pen was thick, not thin. 60 degree maximum writing angle sometimes failed in drawing. Dot pattern problematic on tracking paper for copying/tracing drawings during sketching. Anoto pen also much more accurate than tablets. (I observed this.) Timing information of strokes could be used (mostly) for segmentation, compared to scanned drawings.
- [KristenssonPO04a]
Kristensson, Per-Ola and Zhai, Shumin
"SHARK 2: A Large Vocabulary Shorthand Writing System for Pen-based Computers",
Proc. UIST '04, October 24..27, 2004, Santa Fe, New Mexico, pp. 43..52. CHI Letters vol 6 no 2
stylus/tablet/touchscreen rapid text entry. Longhand handwriting maximum speed about 15 wpm, limited accuracy. Soft/virtual keyboard needs statistical/vocabulary help. SHARK SHorthand Aided Rapid Keyboarding uses gesture on key locations. SHARK 2 uses combination of elastic matching to gestures for words and dictionary. Compare with SWYPE virtual keyboard?
- [KrugerR04]
Kruger, Russell; Carpendale, Sheelagh; Scott, Stacey D.; and Greenberg, Saul
"Roles of Orientation in Tabletop collaboration: Comprehension, coordination and Communication",
Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Vol 13, No. 5-6, pp. 501-537, Dec. 2004
In Tabletop UIs for multiple users, orientation with respect to a given user is not best, users orient graphical objects in various ways to share. Observational study.
- [KrugerR05a]
Kruger, Russell; Carpendale, Sheelagh; Scott, Stacey D.; and Tang, Anthony
"Fluid Integration of Rotation and Translation",
Proc. CHI 2005, April 2-7, Portland OR, pp. 601.-620
single-touchpoint (vs. multi-touch) direct manipulation gesture for rotating and translating: if touch in central region (not exact center), just move object. If outside central region, drag with rotation due to dragging behind. Touch at corner (of rectangular window or document) to rotate only. Compare with handles on graphical objects?
- [KruijffE05a]
Kruijff, Ernst and Pander, Aeldrik
"Experiences of using Shockwaves for Haptic Sensations",
Proc. IEEE VR 2005 Virtual Reality Conf., Workshop on New Directions in 3D User Interfaces, January, 2005, pp. 37..42
Experiment using small air cannon to create haptic sensations using tactile effects of acoustic pulses. States that the particular design was a not very practical/useful: weak effect, short distance range.
- [KruvczukM04a]
Kruvczuk, Michelle
"Design of a Variable Capacitance Sense Amplifier for use in a MEMS Probe-based Data Storage System",
Master's Thesis, Canegie Institute of Technology, May 16, 2004
Capacitive probe sensor for data storage system. Uses correlated double sampling for noise filtering.
- [KuivasJ05a]
Kuivas, Juha; Jaali, Pankkonen; and Kauhanlemi, Ilpo
"Mobile Terminal with synchronizing hinge",
US Patent 6,900,981, May 31, 2005
Mobile terminal / clam-shell smartphone with touchscreen, opens to 360 degree fully-flipped / reversed configuration with keypad on back exterior side. Compare with easel mode?
- [KustanowitzJ05a]
Kustanowitz, Jack and Shneiderman, Ben
"Meaningful Presentations of Photo Libraries: Rationale and Applications of Bi-Level Radial Quantum Layouts",
Proc. ACM JCDL '05, June 7-11, 2005, Denver, pp. 188-196
Tree-maps/photo-browsing: For large collections of photos/albums, rather than groups by tags in a simple tree hierarchy, show in a circular layout: main topic in center, sub-topics or related topics (groups of photos) surrounding.
- [KyungKU05a]
Kyung, Ki Uk; Son, Seung Wool; Kwon, Dong Soo; Kim, Mun Sang; and Yang, Gi Hun
"Tactile mouse interface system",
US Patent Application 2005/0110758 A1, May 26, 2005
Tactile/haptic force-feedback mouse, mouse position determined by sensors in mechanical linkage to mouse.
- [LWN.net05a]
corbet / LWN.net
"On binary driver and stable interfaces",
Web posting, http://lwn.net, November 9, 2005
Essay against proprietary / binary-only device drivers, both for maintainability (e.g. for older hardware) and being captured to pay for updates, forced to buy newer hardware just for the software support. Comments go to stable kernel interfaces (compare with MACH/Unix API application programming interface development?). Describe Linux as a general purpose kernel, rather than a Unix operating system.
- [LXE05a]
LXE Inc.
"LXE MX6 PPC Reference Guide (For Microsoft Windows Pocket PC 2002 Equipped MX6s)",
LXE Inc., 2005
Windows Mobile Pocket PC 2002 handheld terminal with modified keyboard/keypad. Stylus mounts on rear. Touchscreen calibration "align screen". Touch screen responds to 4 oz. actuation force/pressure.
- [LaViola04]
LaViola, Joseph J. Jr. and Zeleznik, Robert C.
"MathPad(2): a system for the creation and exploration of mathematical sketches",
ACM Trans. Graphics, Vol. 23 No. 3, August 2004; Proc. 2004 SIGGRAPH Convergence, Session: Identifying and sketching the future
File includes references: Several citations to recognition/editing of mathematical expressions, but no citations to 1970's work, anything prior to 1990s.
- [LaViola05]
LaViola, Joseph J. Jr.
"Mathematical Sketching: A New Approach to Creating and Exploring Dynamic Illustrations",
PhD Thesis, Brown Univ., May 2005
recognition/editing of mathematical expressions: mentions gestures for equation editing.
- [LamotteJ05a]
Lamotte, Johan; Louwet, Frank; Cloots, Tom; and Van Aert, Huub
"Material for Making a Conductive Pattern",
US Patent 6,887,556, May 3, 2005
Conductive polymer as alternative to ITO for touchscreens.
- [LanJH04a]
Lan, Je-Hsiung, and Van Zandt, John
"Biometric Sensor",
US Patent Application 2004/0252867, December 16, 2004
Optical touchscreen (in-cell?) or touchpad also optical image system for fingerprint reading. Includes color filtering for improving fingerprint image.
- [LangdonP04a]
Langdon, P.; Keates, S.; Clarkson, P. J.; and Robinson, P.
"Using haptic feedback to enhance computer interaction for motion-impaired users",
Proc. 3rd Int'l Conf. Disability, Virtual Reality & Assoc. Tech., Alghero, Italy 2000, pp. 25-32
For motion-handicapped users (cerebral palsy), vibrotactile/vibrating haptic feedback not helpful, but force-feedback feedback is. Feedback prototypes use Immersion Technologies and SensAble Technologies devices.
- [LangeRJ05a]
Lange, Ruediger J.; and Schoellmann, Volker
"Light guide touch screen",
PCT Patent Application WO 2005/029394A2, March 31, 2005
FTIR internal reflection touch screen. In-cell optical detectors in matrix / between display pixels. No mention of multi-touch.
- [Langenscheidt04a]
"German Technical Dictionary, 2nd ed., Vol 1: German-English Deutsch-Englisch",
Routledge / Taylor and Francis Group, 2004
German-English technical dictionary. Includes tables for measurement units (space, distance, angle, time, magnetic/electrical, etc.).
- [LaplantePA05a]
Laplante, Phillip A. (ed.)
"Comprehensive Dictionary of Electrical Engineering, 2nd ed.",
CRC Press / Taylor and Francis, 2005
Reference dictionary for electrical/electronic engineering. e.g. capacitive coupling, touch input can be finger or other pointing device (stylus). Touch screen a singular display, includes SAW, strain gage, guides acoustic wave, force vector sensing, etc. Defines Brewster Window.
- [LapstunP04a]
Lapstun, Paul and Silverbrook, Kia
"Sensing Device for Coded Electronic Ink Surface",
US Patent 6,724,374, April 20, 2004
Patent development company in Australia. Pen digitizer, using printed pattern on same surface as electronic ink. Refers to detecting regions via a printed code: compare with dataglyphs. Refers to detecting motion of sensor, rather than position of sensor. Refers to Memjet and Netpage, printing of forms. Bennett and Sekendur patents as prior art. Compare also to Anoto and also "Protection of Identification Documents using Open Cryptography".
- [LapstunP04b]
Lapstun, Paul; Silverbrook, Kia; and Lapstun, Anne
"Method and System for Note Taking using Processing Sensor",
US Patent 6,829,387, December 7, 2004
Patent development company in Australia. Optical pen digitizer, using printed pattern on same surface as electronic ink. Refers to detecting regions via a printed code: compare with dataglyphs, Anoto? Refers to detecting motion of sensor, rather than position of sensor. Refers to Memjet and Netpage, printing of forms. Bennett and Sekendur patents as prior art. Compare also to "Protection of Identification Documents using Open Cryptography", WardJRW04.
- [LapstunP04c]
Lapstun, Paul; Silverbrook, Kia; and Lapstun, Anne
"Method and System for Note Taking",
US Patent 6,681,045, January 20, 2004
Take electronic ink notes using Anoto-like paper "digitizer", and index them. Cites to Sekendur, but not to Anoto?
- [LapstunP05a]
Lapstun, Paul and Silverbrook, Kia
"Hand-Drawing Capture via Interface Surface Having Coded Marks",
US Patent 6,947,027, September 20, 2005
Optical imaging digitizer pen and intelligent paper, combined with encoded information in a particular writing/drawing field: compare with dynamic handwriting recognition (e.g. Pencept) with actions on form fields. Cites Dymetman, Sekendur95, Bennett91, and Ward96. Uses term netpage for intelligent paper. Compare with Anoto?
- [Leapfrog05]
Leapfrog Enterprizes Inc.
"Instruction Manual: FLY PenTop computer",
www.leapfrog.com, 2005
Educational toy device: Anoto pen optical paper digitizer tablet, with educational games. One example is drawing a calculator on paper, then using the calculator. Unclear what recognition technologies (if any) used.
- [LecuyerA04a]
Lecuyer, Anatole; Burkhardt, Jean-Marie; and Etienne, Laurent
"Feeling Bumps and Holes without a Haptic Interface: the Perception of Pseudo-Haptic Textures",
Proc. CHI '04, April 24..29, 2004, Vienna, Austria, 8 pages
Simulate pseudo-haptic/tactile features (bumps, holes, texture) by animating motion of screen cursor to simulate haptics. Compare with sensory substitution?
- [LeeCH05a]
Lee, Chia-Hsun, Hu, Yuchang; and Selker, Ted
"iSphere: A Proximity-based 3D Input Interface",
Proc. 11th Int'l. Conf. on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures CAAD 2005, ISBN 1-4020-3460-1, Vienna, Austria, June 20..22 2005, pp. 281..290
"24-degree-of-freedom" (but only two hands?) input device for 3D modeling. Dodecahedron with capacitive proximity sensor on each side, detects near/far position of hand for push/pull gestures for shaping surface of a virtual object.
- [LeeJC04a]
Lee, Johnny C.; Dietz, Paul H.; Leigh, Darren; Yerazunis, William S.; and Hudson, Scott E.
"Haptic Pen: A Tactile Feedback Stylus for Touch Screens",
Proc. UIST '04, October 2004, Santa Fe NM, pp. 291-294
Haptic stylus for touch screens (including multi-user, and other surfaces), with pressure (tip force) sensor, using solenoid in top of pen stylus, so that it can simulate button-like forces along the axis of the touch stylus. Cites to Anoto as a passive-display pen touchscreen technology. Solenoid actuator can be driven for vibratory feedback or clicks at different strengths. Cites to ActiveClick. Haptic feedback possible in proximity sensing. Buzz sensation for error, or buzz strength as feedback for pressure input level. Edges indicated by thumps (jolt). States tactile feedback faster than visual feedback, usable when visual or audio feedback is impossible.
- [LeeJC04b]
Lee, Johnny C.; Dietz, Paul H.; Maynes-Aminzade, Dan; Raskar, Ramesh; and Hudson, Scott E.
"Automatic projector calibration with embedded light sensors",
Proc. UIST '04, October 2004, Santa Fe NM, pp. 123-126
Automatic calibration of patterns for object decoration (images, textures: e.g. onto passive tablet to register to tablet, pattern on blank model car) projected onto surfaces. Light sensors on object detect series of projected calibration pattern (Gray code, bar code) to identify position, source image then pre-warped to fit target. Sites to 60 bits / patterns to calibrate continental United States to millimeter accuracy: compare with Anoto pattern?
- [LeeM04a]
Lee, Mincy
"Computer Monitor Stucture",
US Patent Application 2004/0155859 A1, August 12, 2004
Two-hinge notebook computer, regular hinge can extend beyond 180 degrees to "easel" configuration (Figure 5), second pivot hinge can reverse the LCD display. Cites to Tablet PC(tm). Convertible easel.
- [LeeYT04a]
Lee, Yu-Tuan
"LCD and Touch-Control Method Thereof",
US Patent Application 2004/0150629, August 5, 2004
In-cell integrated capacitive touch screen with LCD. Uses capacitance between pixels of LCD itself.
- [Lemelson04]
Lemelson, Samuel (subject)
"Lemelson's Legacy: Great Inventor or Patent Hoarder?",
www.wweek.com, www.cognex.com, www.techdirt.com, other sources, 2004
Articles on Samuel Lemelson "submarine patents", Cognex lawsuit to invalidate, Lemelson foundation funding projects for small inventors at MIT, etc.
- [Lemelson05]
Lemelson, Samuel (subject)
"Press materials and reports: Lemelson v. Cognex, etc.",
Cognex/Lemelson, 2005
Press materials on Lemelson/Cognex patent dispute, reports on Lemelson.
- [LeonhardW05a]
Leonhard, Woody
"Windows XP Hacks and Mods For Dummies",
Wiley Publishing, Inc. 2005
"For dummies" on Windows XP: security settings, keyboard options, restoring "show desktop" icon, pinning web pages. Section on third-party camera software, Microsoft scanner and camera wizard for importing pictures. Photo image rotation/sizing/cropping. Photo Albums in filmstrip view (compare: timeline view?) in Windows Explorer.
- [Leszynski05a]
Leszynski Group
"Leszynski Group: inTegrate Tablet PC Extensions",
www.leszynski.com/tabletpc/tpcinTegrate.htm, archived 2005
Visual Studio add-ins and controls for Tablet PC development. inSpire Windows Form Designer lets user interface (basically graphical widgets, text areas, etc.) be sketched, translated to forms elements. compare with PenApps?
- [LeungCK05a]
Leung, Christopher K.
"Handling Ambiguous User Input on Touchscreen Kiosks",
Master's Thesis, MIT EE/CS, June 2005
Touchscreen accuracy limited: use circular targeting (near-miss) instead, or let user select using simple gestures. Compare with ink targeting and gestures in PenPoint and Slate PenApps, or stroke parsing in Pencept. Refers to predictive pointing to "learn" how to deal with selections that overlap multiple targets.
- [LevinMD04a]
Levin, Michael D.; Martin, Kenneth M.; Schena, Bruce M.; Braun, Adam C.; and Rosenberg, Louis B.
"Control Knob with Control Modes and Force Feedback",
US Patent 6,686,911, February 3, 2004
Physical rotary control (knob, scrollwheel?) with simulated haptic detent positions. Compare with simulated device scrollwheel on a touchpad or tablet? Force effects including damping, texture, jolts, obstruction, assistive, vibration/periodic, and end-of-travel forces.
- [LiJ05a]
Li, Junfeng; Zhang, Xiwen; Ao, Xiang; Dai, Guozhong
"Sketch Recognition with Continuous Feedback Based On Incremental Intention Extraction",
Proc. IUI '05, January 2005, San Diego, pp. 145-150
Sketch recognition in real time, primarily for arcs and straight lines and connected multi-lines, not domain-specific objects or shapes.
- [LiY05a]
Li, Yang; Hinckley, Ken; Guan, Zhiwei; Landay, James A.
"Experimental Analysis of Mode Switching Techniques in Pen-based User Interfaces",
Proc. CHI 2005, Paril 2-7, Portland, Oregon, USA, pp. 461-470
Modes for switching between electronic ink input and gestures: did not like pressure mode of digitizer, preferred switching with other (non-preferred) hand. Barrel-button (compare with Pencept recognition macros: may depend on design of barrel button?), press-and-hold (says this was the worst), eraser end of pen/stylus. Note: press-and-hold pen travel threshold.
- [LiebenowF05a]
Liebenow, Frank and Vossler, Stephen
"Digital Information Appliance Input Device",
US Patent 6,909,424, June 21, 2005
Hand-held device (PDA, two-handed tablet computer) with touchpad sensor or two-handed keyboard on rear instead of touchscreen, so as not to block/obscure view. Additional thumb buttons on front. Mentions force/pressure sensing resistive touchpad, or infer from area of finger contact for elastomeric fingertip.
- [LinJ05a]
Lin, Jaoching
"Sensing an Object with a Plurality of Conductors",
US Patent 6,891,531, May 20, 2005
Electrostatic/capacitive grid touch tablet.
- [LinR04a]
Lin, Ruijiang
"Double hinge device",
Chinese Patent CN2627170(Y), July 21, 2004
Double-axis hinge for laptop / notebook computer. Shows laid flat (180 degrees), frame mode (greater than 270 degrees), easel mode ("photograph stand"), tablet mode configurations.
- [LinjamaJ04a]
Linjama, Jukka and Kaaresoja, Topi
"Novel, minimalist haptic gesture interaction for mobile devices",
Proc. NoriCHI '04, October 2004, Tampere, Finland, pp. 457-458
Tactile haptic feedback in handheld device using vibrating DC motor with counterweight. Effects include bouncing of ball, centering spring, and damping. Feedback synchronous with graphic and tactile events (tap, kick), combined with 2-D acceleration sensor. Cites to Immersion in cell phones.
- [LinjamaJ04b]
Linjama, Jukka
"Method for providing an interaction in an electronic device and an electronic device",
US Patent Application 2004/0169674 A1, September 2, 2004
Use motion sensor/accelerometer to detect tap and multiple-tap gestures on a hand-held device/smartphone, vibrotactile feedback (one or more vibration pulses) as confirmation response. Refers to "tap" as a three-dimensional gesture. Pulse is from vibrating alert actuator. Refers to user touching the device, but does not mention touchscreen.
- [LinjamaJ05a]
Linjama, Jukka; Häkkilä, Jonna; and Ronkainen, Sami
"Gesture interfaces for mobile devices - Minimalist approach for haptic interaction",
Proc. CHI Workshop Hands on Haptics: Exploring Non-Visual Visualization Using the Sense of Touch, Portland, Ore, USA, April 2005
Refers to haptic input (e.g. tilting for zooming and scrolling, rotating) on hand-held smartphones/PDAs. Use of accelerometer/inertial input and vibration/vibrotactile feedback.
- [LittSA04a]
Litt, Samuel A.
"Mac OS X Bible, Panther Edition",
John Wiley & Sons, 2004
Reference on Mac OS X operating system. Discusses handwriting recognition / conversion in Inkwell. Separate (third-party) graphics tablet. Option to write anywhere on tablet/display. Language selection English, French, German (dictionaries? accent marks?): display font that illustrates "reliability" writing style. Recognition on timeout or when stylus/pen out of proximity from tablet. Dwell time to enter mouse/pointing mode. List of gestures for cut/copy/paste/clear/tab, select all, escape. Word list / dictionary. Ink pad supports both handwriting recognition and ink sketching. Send button sends results/contents to current application document. Option to "play sound" while writing: audio feedback of pencil on paper?
- [LiuKH05a]
Liu, Kwang, H. and Negru, Sorin L.
"Biasing system and method for low voltage DC-DC converters with built-in N-FETs",
US Patent 6,903,535, June 7, 2005
DC-to-DC voltage converter using switched-capacitor circuit, charge transfer from bucket capacitor to output capacitor. Compare with scoop and bucket capacitor circuits in charge-transfer sensors?
- [Logitech04]
Logitech Inc.
"Logitech io2 Digital Writing System, Logitech io Digital Pen",
www.logitech.com, 2004
Logitech version of Anoto digital pens: applications include handwritten notes, handwriting recognition. MyScript notes by Vision Objects with shape recognition. Background handwriting recognition for indexing documents.
- [LohbihlerA04a]
Lohbihler, Andrew and Jaeger, Denny
"Method and apparatus for powering detecting and locating multiple touch devices on a touch screen",
US Patent Application 2004/0056849, March 25, 2004
Transparent CDMA (capacitive?) digitizer with two styli, styli are powered from an EM standing wave generated in a layer of the tablet: multi-touch.
- [LokhorstDM04a]
Lokhorst, David M. and Alexander, Sathya R.
"Pressure Sensitive Surfaces",
US Patent 6,715,359, April 6, 2004
Tactex: touch digitizer with pressure sensitive sensors (in a grid), membrane or surface that distributes force across adjacent sensors, interpolate pressure/force image to determine accurate fine position. Protrusions over the sensors under the covering membrane to focus force on sensors. Resistive, optical, piezo force sensors. Membrance can have fine structure (holes, etc.) to focus force.
- [LongPJG05a]
Long, P. J. G.
"Introduction to Octave",
www.octave.org, September 2005
Octave: MATLAB clone. Graphical plotting and numeric mathematical utility with keyboard input user-interface. Octave introduction based on Tutorial Guide to Matlab by Paul Smith.
- [LoprestiD05a]
Lopresti, Daniel
"Leveraging the CAPTCHA Problem",
Proc. 2nd Int'l. Workshop on Human Interactive Proofs, Bethlehem, PA, May 2005
Text-based CAPTCHAs (human interactive proofs) have been broken, including by third-party use of CAPTCHAs on other sites. Suggests hiding "implicit" CAPTCHAs in navigation / user-interface, or requiring user to carry out instructions as part of CAPTCHA, and including collection of useful information (for other CAPTCHAs) in user interface e.g. labeling other CAPTCHA images.
- [LoyCC05a]
Loy, Chen Change; Lim, Chee Pen; and Lai, Weng Kin
"The Development of a Pressure-based Typing Biometrics User Authentication System",
Submission to ASEAN Virtual Insrumentation Application Contest, 2005
Biometric authentication of users from keyboard typing force using processing board from National Instruments and pressure-sensitive ink to prototype pressure-sensitive keyboard. Says pressure data measured at high resolution.
- [LuPorter04]
Lu-Porter, Li, and Helfrich, Antje
"Handwriting Recognition Improvements in Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition Service Pack 2",
MSDN documentation, Microsoft Corp., March 2004
Changes to improve handwriting recognition in Tablet PC Service Pack 2: Remove unusual words from lexicon dictionary, improve recognition of umlauts and other diacritical marks, better support for delayed strokes: quotation marks, etc.
- [LuSN04a]
Lus, Sheng-Nan
"Notebook Computer Hinge with Spring Opener",
US Patent 6,748,625, June 15, 2004
Notebook/laptop computer hinge with torsion spring to hold display in open or closed position.
- [Luff04a]
Luff, Paul; Heath, Christian; Norrie, Moira; Signer, Beat; and Herdman, Peter
"Only touching the surface: creating affinities between digital content and paper",
Proc. 2004 ACM conference on Computer Supported Co-operative Work, Chicago Illinois
Co-axial pen reads pattern on (enhanced) paper with invisible position/paper-ID pattern in conductive inks, electromagnetic pen/stylus: compare with Anoto optical digitizer paper, Xerox DataGlyphs. Guimbretiere: Paper augmented digital documents. Grasso/Karsenty/Susani: Augmenting paper to enhance community information sharing. (See also Anoto.)
- [LuiCE04a]
Lui, Charlton E. and Blum, Jeffrey R.
"Time based hardware button for application launch",
US Patent 6,727,830, April 27, 2004
click, press-and-hold, and double-click on buttons in a PDA. Different functions/applications depending on how long a button it held, or if tapped/clicked multiple times. Buttons may be on a touchscreen. Compare with gesture sensitive buttons?
- [LuiCE04c]
Lui, Charlton E.
"Adaptive input pen mode selection",
US Patent 6,683,600, January 27, 2004
Automatic switch from input / drawing mode with stylus/pen by making short stroke on an object. Compare with gesture mode in Windows for Pen Computing, text-input virtual areas in Pencept?
- [LuiCE05a]
Lui, Charlton E.
"In-situ digital inking for applications",
US Patent 6,867,786, March 15, 2005
Electronic ink / digital ink services implemented as an application object/service non native to the operating system. (Microsoft). Mentions note-taking (annotation), press-and-hold as known in the art.
- [LutowskiR05a]
Lutowski, Rick
"Software requirements: Encapsulation, Quality, and Reuse",
Auerbach Pblications, Taylor & Francis Group, 2005
Textbook on software development software engineering, project management. Discusses information-hiding module architecture (object-oriented classes), with no direct access to internal data for maintainability, need for stable interfaces / APIs. Describes device drivers as hardware-hiding modules, classes/objects as design-decision-hiding modules: required-behavior-hiding module would be business logic modules/classes? Compare with encapsulation, abstraction.
- [MacInnisAG04a]
MacInnis, Alexander G.; Tang, Chengfuh Jeffrey; Xie, Xiaodong; Patterson, James T.; and Kranawetter, Greg A.
"Apparatus and Method for Blending Graphics and Video Data",
US Patent 6,700,588, March 2, 2004
Combine computer graphics (windows) with video image via alpha blending (composite alpha value).
- [MacKayB05a]
MacKay, Bonnie; Dearman, David; Inkpen, Kori; and Watters, Carolyn
"Walk 'n Scroll: A Comparison of Software-based Navigation Techniques for Different Levels of Mobility",
Proc. MobileHCI '05, September 19..22, 2005, Salzburg, Austria, pp. 183..190
Touchscreen while walking/mobility, touch-and-drag gesture easier than scrollbars on a PDA. Touchscreen not as good at single-hand operation as mechanical buttons. Also touch-and-go: user presses, screen image moves from center towards point of touch as long as touch held.
- [MachadoRL04a]
Machado, Ronald L.
"An Introduction to Tablet PCs",
Family Practice Management, October 2004, pp. 36..38
Magazine article on Windows XP Professional -- Tablet PC edition, for medical staff. Mentions speech recognition and handwriting recognition. Notes lack of many application for medical offices.
- [Maentyjaervi04]
Maentyjaervi, Jani; Kybergh, Kjell; Himberg, Johan; and Hjelt, Kari
"Touch Detection System for Mobile Terminals",
Proc. MobileHCI 2004, LNCS 3160, pp. 331-336, 2004
Impedance measurements (resistive?) touch-screen touch detection system for mobile phones: Recognizes/detects touch of different objects such as cases and cotton trouser pockets, not just finger touch.
- [MalikS04]
Malik, Shahzad and Laszlo, Joe
"Visual Touchpad: A Two-handed Gestural Input Device",
Proc. 6th Intl. Conf. on Multimodel Interfaces, State College, Pennsylvania, 2004, pp. 289-296
Optical touchpad digitizer (intended to simulate a multi-touch touchpad) using optical camera to read hand positions over a desktop surface, and finger orientation/directions. Mentions advantage over actual touchscreens, because screen is not obscured by hand. Cites Enhanced Desk, 4D Touchpad.
- [MalikS05a]
Malik, Shahzad; Ranja, Abhishek; and Balakrishnan, Ravin
"Interacting with large Displays from a Distance with Vision-tracked Multi-Finger Gestural Input",
Proc. UIST '05, October 25-37, Seattle, USA pp 43-51
Multi-user multi-hand tracking system: uses optical/camera tracking of hands over black touch surface, able to read all fingers and entire hand, not just points of contact: compare with other multitouch?. Gestures by hand/fist posture: e.g. pointing, double pointing, open hand. Compare with "Put that there"?
- [ManchesterS04a]
Manchester, Scott
"Self-orienting display",
US Patent Application 2004/0210595, October 14, 2004
Self-orienting touchscreen display/hand-held device: display image is automatically rotated portrait/landscape base on any kind of sensors or combination. Also shows UI element layout changed automatically (soft buttons).
- [MandrykRL05a]
Mandryk, Regan L.; Rodgers, Malcom E.; and Inkpen, Kori M.
"Sticky Widgets: Pseudo-haptic Widget Enhancements for Multi-Monitor Displays",
Proc. CHI 2005, April 2..7, 2005, Portland OR, pp. 1621..1624
Pseudo-haptic targeting (for mouse: see also fat-finger) cursor motion slows down near possible target, faster in empty space between objects. For cross-over errors on multiple monitors, simulated stickiness at edges of monitors plus mouse ether/space between displays.
- [MarkoffJ04]
Markoff, John
"Newly Released Documents Shed Light on Microsoft Tactics",
New York Times, March 24, 2004
Minnesota antitrust lawsuit v. Microsoft. Jerry Kaplan of GO/PenPoint, also cites Marlin Eller book "Barbarians led by Gates" on PenWindows was intended to stop GO from doing business with Intel.
- [MarmaropoulosG05a]
Marmaropoulos, George and Plulford, Katharine
"A touch sensitive interface",
PCT Patent Application WO 2005/001678 A2, January 6, 2005
Touch (proximity) sensors embedded in fabric using conductive textile threads. Single touch switches.
- [MasryM05a]
Masry, M.; Kang, D.; and Lipson, H.
"A freehand sketching interface for progressive construction of 3D objects",
Computers and Graphics, Elsevier, vol 29, 2005, pp. 563..575
2D sketches interpreted as (most plausible) 3D object. Microsoft Tablet PC (Microsoft funded). Uses vertices as basis to derive 3D interpretation, Z axis.
- [MathewsJE05a]
Mathews, James E.; Thacker, Charles Patrick; and Tsang, Michael Hin-Cheung
"In-air Gestures for Electromagnetic Coordinate Digitizers",
US Patent 6,903,730, June 7, 2005
In-air gesture (a.k.a. "shake"), stylus must stop moving to indicate completion. Does not mention Polhemus. Spike motion is basis for gestures. Proximity position sensing. Does not refer back to Windows for Pen Computing, which may have had some of the same gestures.
- [MatsonJV04a]
Matson, Jack V.; Daou, Suha F.; and Soper, Jeffrey G.
"Effective Expert Witnessing: Practices for the 21st Century, 4th edition",
CRC Press, 2003
Tutorial on expert witness. Chapter 7 "The Art of Expert Witnessing".
- [MatsushitaN05a]
Matsushita, Nobuyui; Ayatsuka, Yuji; and Rekimoto, Junichi
"Apparatus and method for manipulating a touch-sensitive display panel",
US Patent 6,958,749, October 25, 2005
Algorithm for recognizing a two-finger (multi-touch) gesture on a resistive-sheet digitizer, where one finger is fixed and the other is moving. Example is rotating an object. The digitizer technology cited is resistive sheet, recognize that there are two fingers from reduced resistance between the two sheets. Also applied to shift-key (two finger typing) on virtual on-screen keyboard. Rekimoto co-inventor, filing date in 2000.
- [MatthewsJE05a]
Matthews, James E.; Thacker, Charles Patrick; and Tsang, Michael Hin-cheung
"In-air Gestures for Electromagnetic Coordinate digitizers",
US Patent 6,903,370, June 7, 2005
in-air gestures on tablet with proximity sensing (or video input). Buffer recent data, gestures terminated by stopping motion, gesture brings up user interface panel. (Shake gesture for bringing up SIP/TIP input panel.) Compare with in-proximity pointing gestures with PDA/Scriptel, SIP on Pen Windows?
- [MauP05a]
Mau, Peter and Muller, Markus
"Calibration device",
US Patent Application 2005/0223513 A1, October 13, 2005
Calibration device for the pressure of a scraping device blade, contact pressure measured by a tactile pressure sensor: piezo transducer. Notes need to distribute pressing/pressure forces across an area.
- [MayserC04a]
Mayser, Christoph
"Kraftfarhzeug mit einem Fahrassistenzsystem mit Spurführung",
German Patent Application DE10303970A1, August 12, 2004
Kraftfarhzeug mit einem Fahrassistenzsystem mit Spurführung, (Motor vehicle with a driver assistance system with tracking). Haptic/tactile automotive steering aid: As car nears side of lane (lane deviation), vibration/vibrotactile feedback on steering wheel with asymmetric vibration (torque). Motion/force in one direction is slow, so user/drive braces to compensate, then force/acceleration motion is opposite direction is fast, user does not have time to react. Effect is user tends to turn wheel in desired direction in response to haptic signal (pseudo-force?), because driver tends to oppose the gradual torque force, but does not have enough time to react to the more sudden torque forces. Compare with stick-shaker, Amemiya pseudo-force asymmetric vibration directional haptic effects?
- [McEwanTE04a]
McEwan, Thomas E.
"Radiolocation System Having Writing Pen Application",
US Patent 6,747,599, June 8, 2004
Touchscreen/tablet, stylus/pen has radio-transmitters at both ends (erasure end and writing tip), four receivers at corners of display (or below it, or on corners of housing). Also mentions use for any pointing or location device, including VR. Compare with SAC acoustic digitizer for triangulation?
- [McGrathMJ04a]
McGrath, Mark John and Kydd, Andrew
"Editing device and method",
US Patent 6,771,285, August 3, 2004
Video/audio editing using temporary steps in position of two clips/recordings. Digital jog/shuttle control wheel using (rotary?) position encoder, button to select jog or shuttle modes. Six bits of movement/change in position of wheel, but change in recording position may be by different amounts.
- [McIntoshJ04a]
McIntosh, Jason; Stone, Chris; Toporek, Chuck
"Mac OS X Panther in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition",
O'Reilly, June 2004
Reference on Mac OS X operating system. Mentions handwriting recognition / conversion in Inkwell. Separate (third-party) graphics tablet. Option to write anywhere on tablet/display. Language selection English, French, German (dictionaries? accent marks?). List of gestures for cut/copy/paste/clear/tab, select all, escape. Word list / dictionary. Refers to carriage-return/newline as "vertical space" in gestures discussion.
- [McVey05]
McVey, J.
History of the Telautograph, as precursor both to the Fax/facsimile machine, and to digitizing tablets. First invention by Elisha Gray 1881, other early patents by George S. Tiffany and Foster Ritchie. See also "Dead Media Project".
- [MediaLab05a]
M.I.T. Media Lab
"One Laptop Per Child and Nomadic Displays",
M.I.T. Media Lab, http://www.media.mit.edu/events/2005-10-21-reunion/mlj2005-1021.pdf, 2005
Prototype for OLPC One Laptop Per Child project at M.I.T. media labs. Prototype design shows single-axis hinge, folding back 270 degrees or more for "theater" presentation. Prototypes show both writing pad / touchpad and tablet touchscreen display, power crank and batteries in hinge axis. File includes 2005/2006 press reports with same figures. Laptop, writing pad, tablet, ebook, frame/theater modes.
- [MedinaRT04a]
Medina, Rocio Toscano
"Reconocimiento de caracteres manuscritos on-line (en linea) usando la function spline",
Master's Thesis, Escuela Superior de Ingenieria Mecanica y Electrica, Unidad Culhuacan, Mexico D. F., Mexico, October, 2004 (in Spanish)
Spline functions (compare: Elastic matching) used for recognizing handwriting digits. Cites to 1987 Ward/Philipps digitizer paper for tablet technologies.
- [MenardRJ04a]
Menarg, Raymond J. and Bryan, McNeil
"Interactive motion sensitive sensor",
US Patent Application 2004/0066302 A1, April 8, 2004
Accelerometers: mercury ball / mercury switch, micro-mechanical (MEMS), cantilevered beam, flexible beam, resistive element (bending?), weighted switch.
- [MessinaKM05a]
Messina, Kevin M.
"Authentication system for identification documents",
US Patent 6,920,437, July 19, 2005
Machine check of encoded information in identify documents to get ID of issuer, display data (age, etc.) for age check and human verification. Compare with Ward/Digimarc identity document cryptographic signing for provenance.
- [MichelitschG04a]
Michelitsch, Georg and Williams, Jason
"Method for operating a haptic interface unit",
US Patent Application 2004/0085294 A1, May 6, 2004
Haptic feedback output inversely proportional to velocity of position input: "inverted damping". Implementation uses PHANToM force-feedback pantographic input device. A holding force (detent) with breakout? Force well for selection? Refers to closed-loop system between haptic input and audio or visual/graphic feedback: haptic input device?
- [Microsoft04a]
Microsoft Corporation
"Windows XP Tablet PC Edition: Tablet PC: An Overview",
http://msdn.microsoft.com, August 25, 2004
Electronic ink / gesture integration with Microsoft Office: specifically states that Tablet PCs use an electromagnetic digitizer (with proximity) and not a resistive-touch screen: mentions palm-rest (palm rejection) bad behavior of resistive touch screens.
- [Microsoft04b]
Microsoft Corporation
"Issues that may occur with mobile devices that use Outlook Mobile Access and the Windows Mobile operating system or the Pocket PC 2003 operating system",
http://msdn.microsoft.com, KB871185, 7/21/2004
Failure to support extended (non-ASCII7) characters in Pocket PC OS: explicit reference to Windows Mobile Operating System, Pocket PC operating system.
- [Microsoft04c]
Microsoft Corporation
"WISPTIS.EXE running on Terminal Server",
Google Groups: microsoft.public.windows.terminal_services, June 28, 2004
WISPTIS.EXE Windows Ink Services for Pen, Tablet Input Subsystem: installed automatically by Adobe Acrobat 6 and other application even if not originally present on Windows XP Operating System, not just Tablet PC.
- [Microsoft04d]
Microsoft Corporation
"Deploying Microsoft Windows XP TabletPC Edition 2005",
www.microsoft.com/technet: updated August 5, 2004
Automated installation scripting for Tablet PC: notes that Tablet PC must have additional hardware buttons for changing orientation of the display, CTL-ALT-DEL reboot. TabTip.exe, tpa.exe, wisptis.exe services. Linearity Data in system registry for correction of position accuracy errors in the particular digitizer tablet.
- [Microsoft04e]
Microsoft Corporation
"Anatomy of a digitizer: Tablet 101 Column 3: Strokes and Recognition",
http://msdn.microsoft.com/technet: originally fetched 2008
Shows Microsoft architecture of "active" digitizer: electromagnetic coil digitizer rear-mounted to display, with shielding layer (ground plane), active (electromagnetic) digitizer required to qualify as a Tablet PC. Software notes on InkData, InkCollector objects. Tablet PC digitizer specification.
- [Microsoft05a]
Microsoft Corporation
"Die Geschichte des Pen Computing",
www.microsoft.com, 2005
Microsoft press note on the history of pen computing: factual errors include statement of RAND Tablet Grafacon as the first digitizing tablet. Mentions Hewette Crane at Stanford Research Institute with 1964 patent, but not earlier work. Also omits later references to CIC, only to SRI.
Alan Kay Dynabook: does not specifically repeat assertion that the Dynabook "vision" included handwriting recognition or pen/tablet computing.
- [Microsoft05b]
Microsoft Corporation
"Microsoft Tablet PC - Ink Data",
http://msdn.microsoft.com, 2005
Defines stroke as pen-down/pen-move/pen-up. Stroke data consists of packets of X/Y co-ordinates and other PacketDescription data: pressure (tip-force), angle, etc. "Cusps" changed by Bezier processing (filtering/pre-processing) into loops. Describes cusps as parse points for erasing electronic ink, without regard to handwriting recognition.
- [Microsoft05c]
Microsoft Corporation
"Microsoft Knowledge Base: Drag-and-Drop Editing not Functional with Pen Windows",
http://msdn.microsoft.com, 5/20/2005, KB110398
Notes conflict between behaviors of mouse GUI and tablet PC GUI (mostly likely PressHold gesture?) in Windows for Pen Computing 1.0.
- [Microsoft05d]
Microsoft Corporation
"Platform Builder for Microsoft Windows CE 5.0: Debugging Resources Overview",
http://msdn.microsoft.com, 2005
Debugging/development tools for Windows Mobile 5.0: reference to Windows Mobile OS, Windows Mobile 5.0 as an OS.
- [Microsoft05e]
Microsoft Corporation
"Windows Mobile Version 5.0 SDK: Code Samples",
http://msdn.microsoft.com, 2005
Explicit reference to Windows Mobile OS.
Dvorak Soft Input Panel / SIP / simulated/virtual keyboard on Windows Mobile.
- [Microsoft05f]
Microsoft Corporation
"Microsoft Tablet PC - Ink Analysis - Ink Recognition - Ink Collection",
http://msdn.microsoft.com, 2005
Ink Analysis has Divider and DivisionResult processing to segment ink for electronic ink editing, compare to van Raamsdonk. Ink Collection InkCollector object intercepts device input (any Tablet PC device including mouse) to lay down ink. InkOverlay extends InkCollector with events for start/begin/end stroke, ink editing (cut copy paste) and annotation. Multiple recognizers and alternate results -- recognition only on collections of strokes.
- [Microsoft05h]
Microsoft Corporation
"How to Buy a Tablet PC / How to buy the right Tablet PC",
www.microsoft.com, 2005
List of hardware vendors for Tablet PC.
- [Microsoft05i]
Microsoft Corporation
"Visual Studio 2005 -- Internet Archive",
www.microsoft.com, 2005
Internet archive of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, includes penwin.h (Windows for Pen Computing).
- [Microsoft05j]
Microsoft Corporation
"Application Gestures and Semantic Behavior",
http://msdn.microsoft.com, MSDN, October 2005
Vista/Tablet PC SDK documentation from MSDN: defined gestures include scratch-out/erase, Triangle/insert, Check-off, Curlicue/fixed (compare with proofreader's marks), Double-Curlicue/copy, double-circle/paste, left-semicircle/undo, right-semicircle/redo, Caret gesture/paste, Inverted-caret/insert, flick left / backspace, flick right / space (compare with GO flick gestures), left/right/up/down corners with directional gestures. See also 2003 version of same reference.
- [Microsoft05k]
Microsoft Corporation
"WinHEC 2005 List of Tracks and Sessions",
http://msdn.microsoft.com, 2005
List of presentations/workshops at Microsoft WinHEC 2005 conference. "Natural Input on Mobile PC Systems" UMPC / ultra-mobile PC. "Full Client Usability for the Highly Mobile Market". Check for tablet calibration, coil in stylus, parallax.
- [Microsoft05l]
Microsoft Corporation
"Microsoft Windows User Experience -- Offical Guidelines for User Interface Developers and Designers",
http://msdn.microsoft.com, 2005
User interface guidelines/rules for Windows 95, Windows 2000, Windows Vista. context menu / pop-up menu / shortcut menu: invoked by Application key more than right mouse button / secondary mouse button. Publication date approximately 2005 (Windows Vista) earlier edition 1999. No mention of touchscreens, tablets, Tablet PC, pen computing.
- [Microsoft05m]
Microsoft Corporation
"Microsoft Mobile Device Hardware Overview (Pocket PC Developer's Guide)",
http://msdn.microsoft.com, 2005
Hardware guidelines for vendors building Windows Pocket PCs: navigation/program buttons, resistive film touchscreen / resistive touch panel (!), stylus. Input panel (SIP) with on-screen virtual keyboard or handwriting recognition. Audio input/output. Note: last update 2005, date for earlier version pre-2000?
- [Microsoft05n]
Microsoft Corporation
"Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 -- Tablet PC hardware models",
http://msdn.microsoft.com, 2005
Listing of Tablet PC manufacturers and models. TravelMate, convertible models, HP tc1100 small format (compare UMPC), ruggedized.
- [Microsoft05o]
Microsoft Corporation
"Microsoft Tablet PC Datasheet: Education",
Microsoft, 2005
Marketing application sheet on Tablet PC in education, especially note-taking in handwritten electronic ink, voice recognition commands and speech notes dictation.
- [Microsoft05p]
Microsoft Corporation
"Microsoft Digital Image Suite User's Manual, 2006 edition: Complete photo editing and organisation made easy",
Microsoft, 2005
Microsoft photo/image/video editing and management: Microsoft Digital Image Suite Editor / Microsoft Digital Image Suite Library applications. Web photo albums, slideshow viewer. Cites to Microsoft Digital Image Pro, MSN Photos for photo hosting / sharing / printing; sharing via photo CD/DVD. Ratings, keywords, captions metadata.
- [Milekic05]
Milekic, Slavoljub
"User Interface for Removing an Object from a Display",
US Patent 6,920,619, July 19, 2005
User interface via direct manipulation on a touchscreen: in particular a gesture-like flick (rapid motion) results in object being "thrown away" / deleted rather than being moved around: the recognition of the feature is based on the velocity only, not on shape. Appears to refer to directional gestures with different meanings, but apparently does not describe a recognizer of shapes per se. Other disclosures are about proximity sensing, using multi-finger (two-user) behaviors of touch input. Include two-user/two-finger "transfer/share" gesture for resistive-sheet touchscreen. Alternate spelling: Slavko Milekic.
- [Mimio04]
Mimio / Virtual Ink
"Mimio Interactive Whiteboards, by Virtual Ink",
www.mimio.com, 2004
wireless digitizer tablet / whiteboard, also works with laptop computer.
- [MisawaA05a]
Misawa, Atsushi
"Portable device with camera",
US Patent Application 2005/0134717 A1, June 23, 2005
Flip-phone with camera in single axis hinge with torsion spring, opens greater than 270 degrees. Shows detector switch sensor for full opening angle to change camera mode for stable close-up photography. Easel.
- [MisawaM05a]
Misawa, Mitsufumi
"Mobile device with camera",
Japanese Patent Application JP2005159741A, June 16, 2005
Flip-phone with camera in single axis hinge with torsion spring, opens greater than 270 degrees. Shows detector switch sensor for full opening angle to change camera mode for stable close-up photography. Easel.
- [Mitsubishi04a]
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
"Freehand Touch Gestures",
Available at www.merl.com, 2004
multi-touch hand gestures on an interactive tabletop. Compare with Entertaible.
- [Mitsubishi04b]
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories Press Release: November 25, 2004. Available at www.merl.com
Digitizer tablet using electrostatic/capacitive sensing in a table-top display surface. Multi-touch. Compare with Entertaible.
- [Mitsubishi05a]
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
"Haptic Stylus",
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories Press Release: July 14, 2005. Available at www.merl.com
Part of DiamondTouch project: solenoid vibrator in a handheld stylus to give different tactile feedback when stylus of digitizer is over a particular icon or object in proximity.
- [MiyaoH04a]
Miyao, Hidetoshi and Moaruyama, Minoru
"An Online Handwritten Music Score Recognition System",
Proc. 17th Int'l. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR '04), 2004
On-line recognition of musical scores, uses chain codes for stems, image data for heads of notes (composed of squiggles). Examples show neatly hand-written music only. Cites to Buxton score editing, which used modified strokes.
- [MizobuchiS05a]
Mizobuchi, Sachi; Terasaki, Shinya; Keski-Jaskar, Turo; Nousiainen, Jari; Ryynanen, Matti; and Silfverberg, Miika
"Making an Impression: Force-Controlled Pen Input for Handheld Devices",
Proc. CHI 2005, April 2..7, 2005, Portland, Oregon, pp. 1661..1665
Study of using force/pressure information from touchscreen stylus on handheld device e.g. smartphone. Large forces took more time, multiple levels (0..4) of pressure input. Cites to Srinivasan on actual force sensitivity/resolution required e.g. resolution of 0.1 Newtons. Points out difficulty of applying force measurements / user interface from one device (Wacom tablet) to other devices due to lack of standardization in force sensing/sensors.
- [MoayyadP04a]
Moayyad, Parviz and Rafizadeh, Schumann
"Graphic user interface for resources management of super operating system based computers",
US Patent 6,690,400, February 10, 2004
Graphical user interface GUI for managing/allocating multiple VMs virtual machine resources. Resources shown in form of (electronics) cabinets to represent physical machines.
- [ModyR04a]
Mody, Rashesh C. and Rao, Guruprasad, Y.P.
"Tablet computer system for industrial process design, supervisory control, and data management",
US Patent Application 2004/0201602, October 14, 2004
Tablet computer (Microsoft Tablet PC) used as mobile computer in industrial and process management settings, including signature capture. Communications with applications running on networked servers. Specifically refers to portrait/landscape orientations in Tablet PC. Refers to Pen Input Panel (compare: SIP on Pen Windows?).
- [MolgaardC04a]
Molgaard, Claus
"Digital camera with integrated accelerometers",
US Patent 6,747,690, June 8, 2004
Accelerometers in digital camera (compare: smartphone) to record tilt and motion for later correction, on-the-fly smear/shake compensation. Mentions earlier landscape/portrait sensors with mercury switch accelerometer: poor resolution, damage to human body (toxic), consume a lot of space vs. monolithic ICs / micro-mechanical accelerometer(MEMS).
- [MorrisonG05b]
Morrison, Gerald and Akitt, Revor
"Size/scale and orientation determination of a pointer in a camera-based touch system",
US Patent 6,954,197, October 11, 2005
Optical touchscreen, at least two cameras at sides/corners compute position by triangulation. Also detect edges of pointer (finger) to determine bound area, center, shape, and thus orientation. See also US7692625.
- [MorrisonGD04a]
Morrison, Gerald and Sing, Manvinder
"Passive Touch System and Method of Detecting User Input",
US Patent 6,803,906, October 12, 2004
Large-surface touchscreen, optical, cameras at four corners of the display. Detects hover, anticipates position of contact when touching. See also 7,236,162.
- [MorrisonGD05a]
Morrison, Gerald D.
"Applications of Large Displays: A Camera-Based Input Device for Large Interactive Displays",
IEEE CGA, July/August 2005, pp. 52..57
DViT (Digital Vision Touch): Touch-enabling large display (touchscreen) by optical/visual finger-tracking with four cameras at corners of LCD display. Infrared bezel to detect touch/click. Distinguish pen/stylus and finger by image/shape, use finger for mouse stylus for electronic ink only. Multiple-touch / multiple-users. No mention of occlusion/fat-finger. Cites to DigitalDesk, etc.
- [MoscovichT05a]
Moscovich, Tomer; Igarashi, Takeo; Rekimoto, Jun; Fukuchi, Kentaro; and Huges, John F.
"A Multi-finger Interface for Performance Animation of Deformable Drawings",
Paper and demonstration (video on YouTube) from UIST '05, User Interface Software and Technology, October 2005
"Dragimation": video shows using multiple fingertips (up to 5, with two hands) to animate cartoon images of flying bats, crawling snakes, etc. Includes demo of finger sensing image on SmartSkin touchscreen digitizer.
- [MotionComputing04a]
Motion Computing
"Motion Computing M1400 Tablet PC User Guide",
Motion Computing, 2004
User Guide for Tablet PC. Tablet PC Input Panel TIP (see PenWindows SIP): virtual keyboard/writing pad with recognition for input sent to active application/program. Speech recognition. Menu settings for left-handed users, "Sending as Ink" from the Input Panel, Windows Journal electronic ink note-tacking, Sticky Notes.
- [MotionComputing04b]
Motion Computing
"Tablet PC Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 User Guide",
Motion Computing, 2004
User Guide for Tablet PC operating system.
- [MotionComputing04c]
Motion Computing
"Addendum for the Motion M1400c (Celeron) and Motion M1400 (Centrino) Tablet PC, View Anywhere Display, and Wireless Card",
Motion Computing, 2004
Hardware specification for Motion Computing Tablet PC, with fingerprint sensor, stylus/pen with optional tether, Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, Windows Journal.
- [MotionComputing05a]
Motion Computing
"Motion Tablet PC Quick Start Guide",
Motion Computing, 2005
Tablet PC computer: Tablet Input Panel (TIP) soft keyboard / writing panel. Fingerprint reader may be used for vertical scroll (also horizontal?).
- [Motorola04a]
Motorola Corporation
"Motorola MPx product information",
www.motorola.com, 2004
Touchscreen (stylus) cell phone with dual hinge: can open as flip-phone or in portrait orientation using Windows Mobile 2003 OS. Handwriting recognition in separate areas for lowercase, uppercase, and numeric characters. File contains additional materials.
- [Motorola05a]
Motorola Corporation
"Finger Writing",
www.motorola.com, 2005
capacitive digitizer for determining center position of finger writing on a normal push-button keypad, Motorola Shanghai Human Interaction Research; Compare to Casio 8000 hand-PDA calculator unit from 1980's, which had handwriting input on pressure-membrane keypad.
- [Motorola05b]
Motorola Corporation
"MotoMING A1200 MotoManual",
www.motorola.com, 2005
MotoMING A1200 GSM cellphone. Built-in stylus for touchscreen. Handwriting recognition dual area for single characters, time-out or swap writing in the two areas. Compare with Wang GUIDE? Subset/mode selection alpha, numeric, shift-capitalize, special characters. Document viewer with drag gesture for scrolling. Two-stroke (tap-plus-line) for zoom gesture. tap and hold gesture for pop-up menu on item. Dwell/press and hold.
- [MulliganRC05a]
Mulligan, Roger C.; Badaye, Massoud; Wong, Alex K.; and Lim, Brian G.
"Lattice touch-sensing system",
US Patent 6,970,160, November 29, 2005
Cross-conductor capacitive grid for touchscreen digitizer, senses multiple touches for gaming application, or for rejecting multiple touches / multi-touch. NFI near-field imaging may use one set of conductive bars, X is ratio along bar, Y is which bar.
- [MulliganRC05b]
Mulligan, Roger C.; Badaye, Massoud; Wong, Alex K.; and Lim, Brian G.
"Capacitive touch sensor architecture with unique sensor bar addressing",
US Patent 6,961,049, November 1, 2005
Capacitive touch strips/linear bars combined to make a single-layer (sort of multi-touch) touchscreen.
- [MunsonJC04a]
Munson, John C. and Elbaum, Sebastian G.
"Dynamic Software System Intrusion Detection",
US Patent 6,681,331, January 20, 2004
Real-time detection of injected unauthorized code on a computer system by pattern matching to execution profiles for usual paths of code-path execution. Assigned to Cylant.
- [MunsonJC05a]
Munson, John C. and Elbaum, Sebastian G.
"Method of and System for Detecting an Anomalous Operation of a Computer System",
US Patent 6,963,983, November 8, 2005
Real-time detection of intrusion/injected unauthorized code on a computer system by pattern matching to execution profiles for usual paths of code-path execution. Assigned to Cylant. Compare with Cylant detection by violation of invariant conditions.
- [Mutoh05]
"Mutoh EasySIGN 4.5 Power Pack for Mutoh",
www.mutoh.be, 2005
Drawing/editing program for ink and text (?). Editing electronic ink and text: compare with van Raamsdonk?
- [MyersBA04a]
Myers, Brad A.; Nichols, Jeffrey; Wobbbrock, Jacob O.; and Miller, Robert C.
"Taking Handheld Devices to the Next Level",
IEEE Computer, December, 2004, pp. 36..43
Overview of projects for designing appropriate user interfaces on handheld touchscreen/keypad devices for controllers. Bulk text entry best left on PCs with full keyboards, handhelds for buttons, sitting/standing operation, appliance remote controls. Automatic generation of user interface appropriate to particular handheld device. User can define shortcuts in user interface. Prior project "Command Post of the Future". Cites to EdgeWrite.
- [MyersBA05a]
Myers, Brad A. and Wobbbrock, Jacob O.
"Text Input to Handheld Devices for People with Physical Disabilities",
CMU Institute for Software Research, Paper 727, 2005, to appear in HCI Interactional 2005, July 22..277, 2005, Las Vegas, NV
EdgeWrite: text input for disabled: joystick, touchpad, handheld controller.
- [MyoHtweS04a]
Myo Htwe, Swe; Higgins, Colin; Leedham, Graham; and Yang, Ma
"Knowledge based transcription of handwritten Pitmans Shorthand Using Word Frquency and Context",
Proc. 7th Int'l Conf. on Development and Application systems, Suceava, Romania, May 27..29, 2004, pp. 508..512
On-line handwriting recognition of Pitman shorthand (phonetic transcription). Comparison with Palantyp keyboard stenography. Notes that even with dictionary, approximately 5% of words have non-unique phonetic transcription (5% of dictionary, or 5% of text). Compare with Neisser 1960?
- [NASA05a]
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
"Nanoactuators Based on Electrostatic Forces on Dielectrics",
http://www.nasatech.com, April 2005
Electrostatic actuator: sliding dielectric pulled into space between plates on parallel-plate capacitor. By splitting one plate and alternating charge, can be moved within space: reciprocating linear actuator. Rotary motor constructed by moving ends of slab with multiple capacitors in opposite directions. Can also move particles/materials across plate with X/Y grid of electrodes. Example of capacitive sensor being bi-directional transducer?
- [NEWare05a]
"KeyStick: Test Entry for the Joystick Generation",
www.n-e-ware.com, archived 2005
KeyStick/ContaStick: Joystick/arrow-key text input for (keypad) smartphones. User selects one of four (dictionary) next characters or text. Compare with EdgeWrite?
- [NacentaMA05a]
Nacenta, Miguel A.; Aliakseyeu, Dzmitry; Subramanian, Sriram; and Gutwin, Carl
"A Comparison of Techniques for Multi-Display Reaching",
Proc. CHI 2005, Smart Interaction Techniques 2, April 2..7, Portland, Oregon, USA, pp. 371..380
Study of reaching/pointing techniques for tabletops and large displays, when object may be beyond physical distance user can reach. Pressure-sensitive expanding circle, combined with moving pen/stylus left/right once distance is set; slingshot reach; small "radar" image representation of whole tabletop (compare with "world view" in CAD systems?), Cites to Ramos pressure widgets, Hascoet throwing models for large displays.
- [NakamuraN05a]
Nakamura, Norio and Fukui, Yukio
"An Innovative Non-grounding Haptic Interface 'GyroCubeSensuous' displaying Illusion Sensation of Push, Pull and Lift",
Proc. SIGGRAPH '05, Poster Paper, July 2005, page 92
Tactile/force-feedback actuator generates simulated force sensations (pseudo force) without earth-grounding. Pair of eccentric rotor actuators can cause mass vibrations, torque (twist) rotational sensation, for directed push/pull sensation depending on phase relationship of rotors. Compare with Amemiya pseudo-force from asymmetric vibration actuators.
- [NakamuraS04a]
Nakamura, Shuji; Hayama, Masanobu; and Koike, Tamotsu
US Patent 6,677,930, January 13, 2004
Mouse with touch-sensitive surface instead of buttons, responds to degree of force and timing of taps on areas of mouse (instead of buttons): press-and-hold.
- [NakoK05a]
Nako, Kazuyuki; Kuwata, Minako; Iwasaki, Keisuke; and Kuga, Shigek
"Display Device",
US Patent 6,972,752, December 6, 2005
Dual-screen / dual-display touchscreen computer (compare Refalo?). Finger-sliding / flick gesture on touch sensors at corners to turn pages in electronic book, or alternatively tilt sensors in each page display unit. Hinge allows folding back-to-back for presentation/flip-book with two displays facing in opposite directions, single-axis hinge angle greater than 270 degrees.
- [NaturalPoint04a]
NaturalPoint Inc.
"NaturalPoint TrackIR 2: How It Works",
www.naturalpoint.com/trackir/products/howitworks.html, archived 2004
Head tracker substitute for mouse for video gaming: also works in absolute positioning mode, controlling viewpoint/viewport of user. Can also define dead zones (no motion effect) and non-linear motion scaling. Used IR reflective dot (corner reflector) on user's head or a cap. Can track multiple points (IR LED).
- [NaturalPoint04b]
NaturalPoint Inc.
"NaturalPoint TrackIR Software Version 3.10 Manual",
NaturalPoint, Inc. 2004
Head tracker substitute for mouse for video gaming. Installation and user manual.
- [NaturalPoint04c]
NaturalPoint Inc.
"NaturalPoint TrackIR Demonstration (video)",
NaturalPoint, Inc. 2004
Head tracker substitute for mouse for video gaming. Video demonstration.
- [NaturalPoint05a]
NaturalPoint Inc.
"NaturalPoint TrackIR 4 Manual",
NaturalPoint, Inc. 2005
Head tracker substitute for mouse for video gaming. Mounts on top of laptop/PC monitor, uses stick-on reflective targets on baseball cap worn by user.
- [NawrockiW05a]
Nawrocki, Waldemar
"Measurement Systems and Sensors",
Artech House, 2005
Textbook and reference on computer-based measurement techniques, sensor hardware. Capacitive/piezoelectric/resistive strain gauges, stress and force/pressure sensors. Quantization of ADC and DAC converters: resistor divider network, voltage-to-frequency conversion, Delta-Sigma ADCs. Effects of sampling and quantization. Several chapters on RS-232C, LAN, other connections.
- [Neonode04a]
"Neonode N1 Quick Start Guide",
www.neonode.com, 2004
Cellphone with optical touch screen. Right/left sweep/flick gesture for open/close tabs, up and down flick/sweep gestures for other functions. May be similar to marking menus?
- [NeuroScript05]
"Handwriting links",
www.neuroscript.net, fetched 2003
Bibliography, Web links to numerous patents, applications, papers on handwriting motor measurement, character and gesture recognition, other discussion forums.
- [Nevo04a]
Universal Electronics
"Nevo: New Evolution in Home Control / User Manual",
http://www.uei.com, 2002 (archived 2004)
Touchscreen remote controller for multiple devices. Used with e.g. Microsoft Media Center. Device wheel icons in graphical user interface for TV and household (smart house) remote control center. Includes macros for controlling complex switching among devices in multiple rooms, etc.
- [NguyenV05a]
Nguyen, Vu
"User Interface for Stylus-Based User Input",
US Patent 6,938,221, August 30, 2005
Pop-up marking menu on stylus/touchscreen, menu lets user select appropriate widget/simulated device for input. All input is directed to one application (input focus?). Helper icon/widget dismissed if user moves out of icon's area. Compare with PenWindows acetate layer?
- [NielsR05a]
Niels, Ralph and Vuurpijl, Louis
"Using Dynamic Time Warping for Intuitive Handwriting Recognition",
Proc. 12th Conf. of International Graphonomics Society, June 26..29, 2005, pp 217..221, Salerno Italy
DTW dynamic time warping for handwritten (cursive/script/connected writing) character recognition. Compare with elastic matching? Mentioned in Harralson 2013.
- [Nokia04a]
"Owner's Guide for Nokia 5510 Smartphone",
Nokia Corporation, 2004
User manual for NPM-5 5510 Nokia smartphone. Full (micro) keyboard for thumb typing, phone book and games applications. Scroll buttons for menus. FM radio.
- [Nokia05a]
"Nokia 770 Internet Tablet",
www.nokia.de, 2005
Small-format Internet Tablet / WebPad similar to Tablet PC / Apple iPad, stylus touchscreen, base OS is Linux, no cellular phone: instead VOIP over local WIFI or bluetooth connection to local workstation. Compare also with UMPC (see additional references in file).
- [NorrieMC05a]
Norrie, M. C. and Signer, B.
"Overlaying Paper Maps with Digital Information Services for Tourists",
Proc. ENTER 2005, 12th Intl. Conf. on Information Technology and Travel and Tourism, Innsbruck, January 2005
Printed paper maps enhanced with Anoto digitizer/optical pattern technology. Cites also to Pegatech, Mimio and LeapPad paper on electronic tablet electronic books. Prototype is map book for Edinburgh festival.
- [NorthropRB05a]
Northrop, Robert B.
"Introduction to Instrumentation and Measurements, 2nd edition",
Taylor & Francis, 2005
Electrical engineering textbook on instrumentation, measurements, and sensors. Signal conditioning, measurement errors (system, gross errors). Differential, integrating, amplifiers, noise, coherent interference. Resistive strain gauges (force sensors), magnetoresistive effect, piezoelectric transducers.
- [NorthwayC05a]
Northway, Craig
"Understand Compositing and Color extensions in SVG 1.2 in 30 minutes!",
www.svgopen.org/2005/papers/abstractsvgopen, August 23, 2005
Quick introduction to mechanics of alpha compositing / alpha blending of images.
- [NyceDS04a]
Nyce, David S.
"Linear Position Sensors: Theory and Application",
Wiley Interscience, 2005
Textbook and reference on linear position sensors. Definitions: sensor == monodirectional / input transducer, position == displacement; absolute vs. incremental, linear and angular configurations. Chapter 2: specifications, zero / span / range, lowest reading normalized to zero. Discussion of endpoint, lease-squares nonlinearity; hysteresis/backlash of wiper (potentiometer). Sensing: resistive, capacitive, inductive, LVDT, Hall effect, magnetostrictive, magnetoresistive, encoders (optical). Dead zones (deadzone) also at maximum range (saturation?), backlash, long-term and short-term drift (repeatability). Zero, span, and full scale.
- [ODowdJ05a]
O'Dowd, John; Callanan, Andreas; Banarie, Gabriel; and Company-Bosch, Enrique
"Capacitive sensor interfacing using sigma-delta techniques",
Proc. IEEE Sensors 2005, Irvine, Califronia, October 31, 2005, pp. 951..954
Sigma-delta capacitive sensor circuit for touch and non-touch switch sensing, proximity sensing, fingerprinting, humidity, pressure, robotics, motion sensors, etc. Compare unknown capacitance with known reference capacitance. Requires reference capacitors with 0.01% accuracy vs. 20% tolerance accuracy for on-chip reference capacitors. Amplifier offset cancelled by "chopping" -- measurement samples on both positive and negative offsets.
- [OModhrainS04a]
O'Modhrain, Sile
"Touch and go - designing haptic feedback for a hand-held mobile device",
BT Technology Journal, vol 22 no 4, October 2004, pp. 139..145
Essay on touch user interfaces (touchscreens, etc.) for personal digital devices should include broader use of human senses than simply touch input and haptic touch output. Multiple types of sense receptors in human touch: heat, cold, pressure, light vs. heavy, constant vs. varying, proprioceptive, kinesthetic sense, body (position/posture) mnemonics. Cites to squeeze user interfaces, guide devices for blind/visually-impaired.
- [OTM04a]
OTM Technologies
"VPen Product Information",
OTM Technologies, Inc., 2004
Optical digitizer pen, somewhat similar to Anoto, using optical tracking motion sensors (OTM) based on interferometry. (See also VIPDATA).
Mentions integration with a cell phone, both as drawing and as handwriting recognition input.
three-dimensional motion digitizer, one dimension is pressure sensor? Included mode button in side of pen, similar? to PenCept (1986) mode button for recognition mode / digitizer mode.
VPEN product: Virtual Input Pen: cell phone with built-in optical digitizer pen, reads differential image of surface: contrast with Anoto? Mentions use in multimodal user interface for military users: compare with Cohen reference (Natural Interaction Systems LLC).
- [OakleyI04a]
Oakley, Ian; Ängeslevä, Jussi; Hughes, Stephen; and O'Modhrain, Sile
"Tilt and Feel: Scrolling with Vibrotactile Display",
Proc. Eurohaptics 2004, Inst. of Automatic control Engineering, Munich, Germany, pp. 316..323
Combination of tilt/angle input and vibrotactile feedback for scrolling on hand-held device (IPAQ). Expansion jacked holds accelerometers (for tilt/orientation) and vibrators. Sensitivity of user's perception of vibration checks to determine effective vibration dynamic amplitude range. On advantage is that user can scroll with one hand (holding hand), vibrotactile feedback displays to user how fast/distance scrolling: effect with tilt was illusion of a friction-like force, and directional vibration. Mentions that up to eight sample vibration outputs can be uploaded (compare with vibrotactile force profiles?). Cites to Poupyrev for pop/click from burst of vibration for "rate of click" display. User may also hold one virtual button (with one-hand thumb) while tilting for different operations. Overlaid vibrations at different frequencies to show scrolling mode in effect, and speed of scrolling.
- [OdellDL04a]
Odell, Daniel L.; Davis, Richard C.; Smith, Andrew; and Wright, Paul K.
"Toolglasses, Marking Menus, and Hotkeys: A Comparison of One and Two-Handed Command Selection Techniques",
Proc. Graphics Interface GI '04, May 17..19, London, Ontario pp 17..24
Two-handed / bimanual user input better than single hand: bimanual marking menus. Toolglass very slow depending on details of layout. Bimanual marking menu: non-dominant (left) hand selects command/mode, right hand manipulates/draws.
- [OhashiT04a]
Ohashi, Tatsuya; Usami, Tomohide; and Sakashita, Naohiro
"Touch operation input device and method for generating vibration in touch operation input device",
Japanese Patent Application JP2004362428A, December 24, 2004
Touch panel (touchscreen?) control for thermostat / air conditioning, with continuous vibrotactile haptic feedback for setting, possibly vibration to indicate high/low modes. Input can be either by moving a touch position (virtual slider), or time period (hold), with vibrational feedback to indicate level/state.
- [OlodortR04a]
Olodort, Robert; Cazalet, Peter M.; Mead, Russell; and Tang, John
"Mobile Computer with Foldable Keyboard",
US Patent 6,798,649, September 28, 2004
Convertible mini-laptop/PDA with keyboard folding out to full size in two sections. Hinge allows folding over display back-to-back with keyboard base, as touchscreen PDA. Easel.
- [OlodortR05a]
Olodort, Robert and Cazalet, Peter M.
"Portable Communication Devices",
US Patent Application 2005/0091431 A1, April 28, 2005
Flip-phone/PDA with full QWERTY keyboard, rotation angle sensor in single-axis hinge. Switches from portrait to landscape mode (touchscreen) when angle is 180 degrees. Also shows swivel hinge embodiments.
- [Omnifax05]
Xerox Omnifax Division
"Historical Timeline: Elisha Gray, Telautograph machine, Omnixfax, Xerox",
http://www.omnifax.com/about/history.shtml, Archived 2005
History of Elisha Gray, Gray Electric Company, Telautograph Corp., Omnixfax, finally acquired by Xerox 1999.
- [Origami05a]
Origami WinHEC Product Announcements
"Small Form-Factor Devices to Take Center Stage at WinHEC",
www.microsoft-watch.com, 2005
Preview at WinHEC of Origami small tablet PC, formerly code-named Haiku, April 25, 2005.
- [OrossGA04a]
Oross, Glen A. and Helot, Jacques, H.
"Track pad pointing device with areas of specialized function",
US Patent 6,757,002, June 29, 2004
Touchpad with scroll and arrow control regions built in. Mentions multi-touch (1999). Vibration for haptic feedback when in function/control area. Function control areas are at sides of touchpad: compare with The Guide?
- [OsbornJ05a]
Osborn, John J.
"Absolute coordinate single user-interface element pointing device",
US Patent Application 2005/0243074 A1, November 3, 2005
Pantographic / mechanical linkage touchpad, intended as replacement for a mouse. Shows a stylus engaged with X/Y mechanical linkage / cantilever arm with desktop computer (pantographic tablet). Mentions bad behavior of pointing device moving between double-clicks, greater than double-click threshold distance. Mentions bad behavior of mouse, rotation of mouse changes effective X/Y directions. Left-mouse-button click by pressing down, right-mouse-button click by lifting stylus, or by changing tilt angle of stylus.
- [PallakoffM05a]
Pallakoff, Matt
"System and Method for Portable Multimedia Client",
US Patent Application 2005/012723, January 20, 2005
PDA/portable viewer with touchpad surfaces on sides, so that user can touch (and slide to scroll) without obscuring display with finger. Edge scrolling, compare with resistive slider strips?
- [Palm05a]
PalmOne Press Release
"palmOne Wins Summary Judgement Invalidating Xerox's Unistroke Patent",
http://pressroom.palmone.com, May 21 2004
Unistroke patent ruled anticipated, based on broad interpretation of claims by plaintiff.
- [Palm05b]
"palmOne LifeDrive User Guide/Handbook",
palmOne Inc., 2005
Graffiti 2 (see CIC). Vertical upwards stroke as mode-shift gesture to enable/select punctuation recognition. Separate areas for uppercase/lowercase/numeric numerals. Immediate tap after character interpreted as period, prevents use of menus and buttons until timeout. Tap touchscreen first to set input focus for characters. Up-right gesture for tab. Cut/Paste/Copy/Undo/Newline gestures (pigtail, etc.). Command stroke gesture (diagonal) following by alphanumeric for short-cuts/macros. 5-way navigator button (physical) instead of joystick or arrow keys. Scroll bar activated by taps only, not drag.
- [PalmInfocenter05a]
"Top 10 PDA "Failures" named",
http://PalmInfocenter.com, 2005
Comment on PenPoint as a failure / non-failure?
- [PalmInfocenter05b]
LegoDude522 (sic)
"Opening Palm Screen [Zire 72 and now T|C]",
www.palminfocenter.com, 2005
Series of photographs showing disassembly and reassembly of a Palm handheld PDA showing LCD display, digitizer.
- [PalmSource04a]
PalmSource Inc.
"Palm Powered Products",
PalmSource, 2004
List of various products using Palm OS: Treo smartphone by palmOne, Sony CLIE PEG-UX50 with full keyboard, Data Wireless by AlphaSmart with full keyboard and handwriting.
- [PalmSource05a]
PalmSource Inc.
"Palm OS Developer Suite 1.2 Data Sheet",
www.palmsource.com, 2005
Palm OS debuggers, compilers, simulators, SDKs, and related tools: mentions web browser. Palm OS Garnet release 5.4.
- [Panasonic05a]
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.
"Reference Manual: Personal Computer CF-18 Series",
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd., PCE0200A_XP, 2005
Reference manual ("on-line manual" on disk) for Panasonic CF-18 Toughbook convertible laptop/tablet computer. Tablet buttons (compare Wang "The Guide") in extended area of touchscreen include Input Panel for virtual/software keyboard (can be transparent/translucent), enter, Security button for Ctrl+Alt+Delete, Rotation button (portrait/landscape). Buttons can be re-assigned to launch application or any key combination. Both touchpad and touchscreen, scroll margins on touchpad. Soft button on taskbar to change stylus tap to right-click. Dedicated control panel item for icon enlarger (for tablet mode?), loupe/magnifier (snapshot image). See also 2006 version: Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 --> Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005.
- [Panasonic05b]
Panasonic Corporation
"Operating Instructions: Personal Computer Model No. CF-18 series",
Panasonic Corporation, FJ0805-0 DFQX5562ZA, 2005
Panasonic "Toughbook" convertible laptop computer with both touch pad and touchscreen with wireless stylus. Optional hand strap for balancing laptop on one hand PDA-style (in laptop mode). Cites to "On-screen Manual" (Reference Manual: see files) for operating instructions, image rotation (portrait/landscape). States Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005. Operating instructions and hardware specifications.
- [PaperPlusPlus05a]
"Beyond the Classroom Computer: Innovative Technologies, Learning and Education",
http://paperplusplus.com, 2005
Applications of optical digitizer smart paper in education: augmented story-telling book, augmented maths text book, using augmented paper. Compare to Anoto and Sekendur technology: illustration of pattern in materials is cross-hatch pattern.
- [PaperPlusPlus05b]
"Paper++ Project Overview",
http://paperplusplus.com, 2005
Non-optical pattern paper similar to Anoto: unit conductive barcode encoding page number and X/Y position, inductive barcode reader. Active areas on paper correspond to web content (links). list of papers 2001-2005.
Compare to Anoto and Sekendur technology: Non-optical?
- [ParadisoJA04a]
Paradiso, Joseph A.; Lifton, Josh; and Broxton, Michael
"Sensate media--multimodal electronic skins as dense sensors",
BT Technology Journal, vol 22 no 4, October 2004, pp. 32..44
Sensor skin (e.g. pressure sensitive tiles) with elements automatically configuring as a mesh network instead of separate wiring to each and all sensors. Intented to address wired for very large sensor areas: compare multiplexing in touchscreens.
- [ParadisoJA05a]
Paradiso, Joseph A. and Leo, Che King
"Tracking and Characterizing Knocks Atop Large Interactive Displays",
Sensor Review (special issue on Vibration and Impact Sensing), vol 25 no 2, pp 134..143, 2005
Passive "display wall" tablet sensors using acoustic sensor microphones at corners of surface, determine position from varying arrival times of knock/tap input. Absolute position: for simplicity in user interface, do not distinguish types of knock/tap gestures (fingernail flick, etc.)
- [ParkerJK05a]
Parker, J. Karen; Mandryk, Regan L.; Nunes, Michael N. and Inkpen, Kori M.
"TractorBeam Selection Aids: Improving Target Acquisition for Pointing Input on Tabletop Displays",
Proc. INTERACT 2005, DOI: 10.1007/11555261_10
Comparison of targeting enhancements for touchscreen/mouse targeting: expanding-cursor, expanding-target (magnification bubble), snap-to-target, and tractor-beam. Cites to bubble cursors, area cursors, semantic pointing. Tractor-beam uses 3D position and angle of stylus to point to objects "far away", use side button on cursor to select. (Pressing button changes pointing?). Prototype used Polhemus 3D stylus. Compare with Put-That-There?
- [ParkerJK05b]
Parker, J. Karen; Mandryk, Regan L.; and Inkpen, Kori M.
"TractorBeam: Seamless integration of local and remote pointing for tabletop displays",
Proc. Graphics Interface 2005, Victoria, BC, Canada, May 9..11, 2005, pp. 33..40
Tractor-beam targeting for tabletop displays with stylus. Tractor-beam uses 3D position and angle of stylus to point to objects "far away", use side button on cursor to select. (Pressing button changes pointing?). Prototype used Polhemus 3D stylus, top-projected display onto surface. Compare with Put-That-There? Cites to Krueger, Digital Desk, laser pointers, SmartSkin/Rekimoto.
- [ParksMJ05a]
Parks, Michael Jay and Lui, Charlton E.
"Universal File Format for Digital Rich Ink Data",
US Patent 6,850,228, February 1, 2005
Ink data format (compare with JOT standard?) with optional "rich" data concealed / encoded transparently in LSB bits, unused bits of color map, or past end of file marker. Cites to Ward 5,491,496.
- [PasqueroJ04a]
Pasquero, Jerome; Levesque, Vincent; Hayward, Vincent; and Legault, Maryse
"Display of Virtual Braille Dots by Lateral Skin Deformation: A Pilot Study",
Proc. Eurohaptics 2004, Munich, June 5..7, 2004, pp. 96..103
Prototype study for braille tactile/haptic display element in contrast to vertical pins with horizontal piezoelectric actuators. Dots move laterally/sideways slightly instead of vertically: modelled on brushing motion of fingertips by Braille users.
- [PeacockG05a]
Peacock, Gavin
"Data Exchange Between a Handheld Device and Another Computer system Using an Exchange Manager via Synchronization",
US Patent 6,868,451, March 15, 2005
Read format of data (in PDA/smartphone), pass to appropriate application.
- [Pegasus05]
Pegasus Inc.
"PC NoteTaker digitizer / Pegasus USB PC compact notetaker",
www.rapserv.com/au/prod5454.htm, 2005
Sonic digitizer, 100 DPI, intended as a portable product. Joint marking in a Refalo-style notebook, no OS built in, mentions interface to PenTel character recognition.
- [PenComputing04a]
Pen Computing magazine
"Fujitsu's flexible touchscreens",
Pen News: http://pencomputing.com, April 1, 2004
Flexible plastic substrate touchscreen from Fujitsu.
- [PenOne04]
Pen-One, Incorporated
"Fingerprint Sensor Pen",
Pen-One, Inc., www.pen-one.com, 2004
Writing pen with fingerprint sensor built-in: appears not to be biometric signature verification.
- [PenWindows05]
Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, Microsoft Corp.
PenWin.h include file: gives definitions for both Pen Windows Pen Services 2.0, and Pen Services 1.0. Last copyright date in file is 1995.
- [PenpointMuseum05]
Penpoint Museum
"The PenPoint Museum",
www.ojisan.com/penpoint/index.shtml, 2005
In Japanese: On-line museum for PenPoint. Images of documentation in Japanese, future models of Hobbit other hardware, PenMagic and other applications. Sketches from hand-written design notebooks for PenPoint?
- [Pentel05]
Pentel Co. Ltd.
"AirPen Storage Notebook product information, PC NoteTaker",
www.pegatech.com, 2005
AirPen: Notebook/filofax with built-in ultrasonic/acoustic digitizer and pen, storage of handwritten notes as electronic ink, transfer to PC later.
Descriptions in Japanese and English: Developed by Pegasus Technology of Israel, manufactured by Pentel Co. Ltd. of Japan: www.airpen.jp.
PC NoteTaker: ultrasonic/acoustic digitizer to be mounted on normal clipboard tablet.
Compare with Polhemus, Science Accessories acoustic/sonar digitizers, providing 3D position information.
- [PereiraJP04a]
Pereira, Joao P. and Ferreira, F. Nunes
"SmartSketches: A Multimodal Approach to Improve Usability in the Early States of Product Design: 2D Sketch Editor Manual and Report",
Final reports and documentation, SmartSketches project, http://smartsketches.inesc-id.pt, 2004
Sketch-editing UI with gestures: Gesture definition language (list of characteristics), ambiguous gesture result in pop-up selection, press-pause-and-drag (press-and-hold) with mouse is one Zoom gesture, press-and-hold near window's limits is rotate image. Gestures for solid-geometry images: block, pyramid, duct with rectangular section, revolution object. Rectangular-box gesture zoom is intentionally ambiguous (i.e. shape is not ambiguous, but may have different meanings depending on second menu input), produces expectation list / pop-up selection if zoom in, zoom out, zoom all.
- [PerskiH04a]
Perski, Haim and Morag, Meir
"Dual Function Input Device and Method",
US Patent 6,762,752, July 13, 2004
Combined touchscreen and electromagnetic/electrostatic grid stylus digitizer in one device. Finger touch does not sense proximity: resistive grid? States that can resolve multiple touches (up to two?) by re-scanning suspect matrix/grid conductors. N-trig.
- [PerskiH05a]
Perski, Haim and Rimon, Ori
"Noise reduction in digitizer system",
US Patent Application 2005/0189154 A1, September 1, 2005
Noise reduction in electromagnetic tablet/digitizer combined with capacitive finger input: refers to stylus (resonant?) antenna. Uses multiple frequencies to reduce crosstalk on simultaneous sensing, one of the frequencies used to measure noise, subtract from other signal?
- [PetterssonMP05a]
Petterson, Mats Petter
"Reconstruction of Virtual Raster",
US Patent 6,929,183, August 16, 2005
Anoto optical digitizer rasterization pattern and encoding.
- [PhatWare05]
PhatWare Corporation
"CalliGrapher 7.5 for Pocket PCs",
www.phatware.com, 2005
Handwriting recognition software for Windows CE: multiple/separate versions for European/Roman languages, includes pop-up keyboards, other GUI features, single-character mode, PenCommander mode (like recognition macros?).
- [PhilippH05a]
Philipp, Harald
"Anisotrpic Touch Screen Element",
US Patent Application 2005/0041018, February 24, 2005
Constrain pin-cushion distortion in capacitive (charge-transfer) resistive sheet touchscreen by bars/stripes in one direction with different conductivity. Anisotropic resistivity. Uses baseline reference signals at the four corners of capacitive sheet. See also 7,825,905.
- [PichlerK05a]
Pichler, Karl
"Transparent electrode optoelectronic apparatus and devices",
US Patent 6,936,761, August 30, 2005
Woven transparent metal mesh for electrodes in touchscreens, shielding. Wires under 50 microns / few tens of microns diameter, 80% open area. Alternative 1 to 100 nm/nanometer diameter. Rectangular mesh, honeycomb (hexagonal). Sheet resistance 0.1 to 100 ohms/square.
- [PlimmerB05a]
Plimmer, Beryl and Grundy, John
"Beautifying sketch-based Design Tool Content: Issues and Experiences",
Proc. AUIC 2005 6th Australasian User Interface Conf., Newcastle, 2005, pp. 31..38
sketch beautification/prettifying/recognition: alignment, scaling/size, automatic layout adjustment, rubber-banding/connection of arrows and links. Primarily deals with FreeForm and user interface sketches for GUI. Compare with Slate electronic ink editing, van Raamsdonk?
- [PoBA05a]
Po, Barry A.; Fisher, Brian D.; and Booth, Kellogg S.
"Comparing Cursor Orientations for Mouse, Pointer, and Pen Interaction",
Proc. CHI 2005, "Smart Interaction Techniques", April 2..7, 2005, Portland, Oregon, pp. 291..300
For tablet/touchscreen user interfaces and for remote-pointing interfaces, user preferred neutral-direction (circular) cursor, regardless of handedness of user. But then, users also preferred it for mouse. No investigation of different status/mode cursors for feedback.
- [PogueD04a]
Pogue, David
"Windows XP Home Edition: The Missing Manual, 2nd edition, Covers Service Pack 2",
O'Reily, December 2004 (hardcopy book)
User guide for Windows XP Home Edition. Does not cover Tablet PC extensions, which are built on Windows XP Pro.
- [Polyvision05]
Polyvision Corporation
"TS Series Interactive Whiteboards",
www.polyvision.com, 2005
Commercial interactive whiteboards: touch-sensitive projection screen, software to capture annotations on the projected image.
- [PontikakosC05a]
Polntikakos Costas; Glezakos, Thomas; and Tsiligiridis, Theodore
"Location-based services: architecture overview",
Proc. ITAFE '05: Int'l. Cong. on Inf. Tech. in Agriculture, Food and Environment, October 12, 2005, Turkey
Overview of Location-based services (LBS) / geographical information systems (GIS) / geolocation in client-server architectures in mobile devices in location-aware applications on Internet. User's request and geographical location sent by client.
- [PorrasPA04a]
Porras, Phillip Andrew and Valdes, Alfonso
"Network Surveillance",
US Patent 6,711,615, March 23, 2004
Network intrusion detection by analyzing network traffic, including network errors and packet inspection. Refers to neural network analysis: compare with Cylant?
- [PoupyrevI04a]
Poupyrev, Ivan; Okabe, Makoto; and Maruyama, Shigeaki
"Haptic Feedback for Pen Computing: Directions and Strategies",
Proc. CHI 2004, April 24-29, 2004, Vienna, Austria
Pen (stylus) similar to touchscreens, but faster and more fluid for drawing or small PDA displays. References to work on haptic mice. Important that haptic feedback not provide too much detail. Tactile/haptic feedback very useful in improving drawing/targeting precision by highlighting position of target. Haptic feedback not useful/noticed on tap/click, may be more useful on slow careful targeting of small targets.
- [PriorS04a]
Prior, Sean and Thomas, Graham
"Telephone handset having a touch input button on the rear surface of the handset",
US Patent 6,681,124, January 20, 2004
Touchscreen hand-held cellphone/smartphone with additional physical key interface on the rear side for audio controls: button's function can be changed. Refer to button as "softkey": compare with virtual/soft keyboard?
- [ProellWagenbuechlerS05a]
Pröll-Wagenbüchler, Sandra and Hallas, Antje
"Mobiles Datenverarbeitungsgerät (Mobile data processing device)",
German Patent Application DE10331185A1, February 3, 2005
Laptop/notebook computer (or cellphone/PDA/palmtop) with hinge that opens to almost 360 degrees, or can be separated. Shows opening to easel-like mode with inverted/rotated display (one use is TV/video display): separate IR/wireless keyboard, or touchscreen.
- [Psion05a]
Psion Teklogix Inc.
"Workabout Pro Hand-Held Computer with Windows Mobile 2003 SE User Manual",
Psion Teklogix Inc., Missisauga, Ontario Canada, 2005
Hand-held computer (format is like hand-held terminal) with Windows Mobile SE operating system, alphabetic (non-QWERTY) keyboard. Touchscreen used basically for mouse clicks.
- [Quantum04a]
Quantum Research Group
"Quantum QProx QT60168 / QT60248 16, 24 Key Charge-Transfer QTouch Sensor ICs",
Quantum Research Group, 2004
Controllers for capacitive proximity/touch sensing, up to 24 inputs, for any metal/conductive objects. Continuous self-calibration, key signal reference thresholds. Adjacent key suppression for weak key inputs.
- [Quantum04b]
Quantum Research Group
"Quantum QT110 QTouch Sensor IC",
Quantum Research Group, 2004
IC controller for capacitive touch sensor. Drift compensation, threshold set on power-up or long time-out. Piezo sounder drive for "tactile"/haptic feedback. Measures capacitance to ground: human body has several hundred free-space pico-farads capacitance (capacitive mass): mentions virtual capacitive ground.
- [Quantum05a]
Quantum Research
"Quantum Research Application Note: Secrets of a Successful QTouch Design",
Quantum Research Application Note AN-KD02: Secrets of a Successful QTouch Design, 2005
Matrix scanning touch panel / touchscreen for touch keyboards. Technical considerations on circuit/trace layout, component placement, especially adjacent paths to ground, coupling due to moisture films on surface. Multiple key sensing (compare multi-touch). ASK Adjacent Key Suppression for unintended (weaker) secondary touches by registering key with strongest signal, not all keys above threshold. Secondary sensor to check for large-area moisture (wiping to clean). Clear ITO on PET clear plastic with silver connections. Checking sensing field using oscilloscope and a metal coin. Open mesh/grid on ground plain. Unused electrodes and channels grounded, with side-effect of diminishing sensitivity especially at the edges of button electrodes. Built-in drift compensation. "wipedown detector": additional larger-area electrode to detect wet cloths / water film, or use adjacent key rejection. Refers to coupling (crosstalk), especially through floating/ungrounded traces and components.
- [Quantum05b]
Quantum Research
"Quantum E1080 User Manual: The New Vision of Touch for QT1080 8-key QTouch IC",
Quantum Research, 2005
Evaluation kit E1080 for Quantum QT1080 QTouch IC controller. Continuous touch (10 seconds default) causes controller to re-calibrate for touch, releasing after several second auto-calibrate for non-touch. Back-light using light-guide. Auto-calibrate on power-up, continuous drift compensation for environmental factors. AKS adjacent key suppression restricts to single-key input with strongest signal: AKS may be turned off for multi-touch. Long permanent touch calibrated out after 10 seconds. Spread-spectrum pulses for noise filtering, also reduce emitted EMI.
- [RameySE04a]
Ramey, Steven E. and Jaskot, Johnny
"Touch Pad Guard with Optional Wrist Pad",
US Patent 6,756,971, June 29, 2004
Arched guard over touchpad at front of keyboard, with optional palm/wrist rest, to prevent inadvertent touching by user's hand (palm rejection).
- [RamosG04a]
Ramos, Gonzalo; Boulos, Matthew; Balakrishnan, Ravin
"Pressure Widgets",
Proc. CHI 2004, April 24..29 2004, Vienna, Austria, pp. 487-494
Investigation of uses for pressure-sensitive touchscreen/tablet input: Wacom Intuos tablet, Rekimoto SmartSkin, and Mitsubishi DiamondTouch. Four gestures: Click/Tap, Dwell/press-and-hold, quick release, and stroke, recognized by pressure profile over time. Force/pressure at six levels.
- [RamosG05a]
Ramos, Gonzalo and Balakrishnan, Ravin
"Zliding: Fluid zooming and sliding for high precision parameter manipulation",
Proc. UIST '05, October 23-27, 2005, Setalle, pp. 143-152
Pressure-sensitive (electrostatic?) touch screen, gestures (non-shape) combine both location/pointing and pressure: i.e. fine-control slider controls finer resolution when user presses harder while dragging the stylus. Compare Zliding with pinch-to-zoom gesture?
- [RathusSA05a]
Rathus, Spencer A.; Nevid, Jeffrey S.; and Fichner-Rathus, Lois
"Method and Apparatus for Accessing Electronic Data via a Familiar Printed Medium",
US Patent 6,886,750, May 3, 2005
Hot-links in printed documents, read by scanner or other means, to computer information. (See Dataglyphs, Anoto).
- [RaymondSA05]
Radmon, Stephen A.
"Source Documents on Handheld Devices for Clinical Trials",
SBIR Contract NIMH N44MH22051 for PHS-2001-1 (026), "Electronic Source Documents", 2005
SBIR report on project to put psychological questionnaires on Tablet PCs: minimal use of electronic ink capture.
- [RekimotoJ04a]
Rekimoto, Junichi
"Input apparatus, portable electronic device and input method for a portable electronic device",
US Patent Application 2004/0164954 A1, August 26, 2004
jog dial / scroll wheel on hinge of clamshell/flip-phone/portable personal computer. Physical jog dial in prior art: use touch-sensing (X and Y) cylinder around hinge instead, exposed when hinge both in open and closed configurations. Refers to portrait/landscape orientation of image with respect to scrolling gestures.
- [RichardJT04a]
Richard, James T. and Smyth, William K.
"High transparency touch screen",
US Patent Application 2004/0188150, September 30, 2004
Resistive/conductive sheet, resistivity controlled/modified by random pattern of voids in the sheet to raise sheet resistance (random to avoid moire/interference effects). Holes made in layer of transparent conductor. Alternative to ITO.
- [RichterPJ05a]
Richter, Paul J.; Cairns, Darran R.; and Bottari, Frank J.
"Touch Input Sensing Device",
US Patent Application 2005/0073507, April 7, 2005
4-Wire (?) Resistive sheet capacitive touchscreen with stylus, with flexible glass on top.
- [RiddifordMP05a]
Riddiford, Martin Philip
"Computer with a pen or touch sensitive display",
US Patent 6,870,730, March 22, 2005
Modified clamshell for supporting touchscreen so that laptop/palmtop/PDA/smartphone does not flop backwards when touchscreen used. Base slides forward for display, keyboard projects. Compare with convertible tablet PCs? See also earlier filing.
- [RingelM04a]
Ringel, Meredith; Ryall, Katy; Shen, Chia; Forlines, Clifton; and Vernier, Frederic
"Release, Relocate, Reorient, Resize: Fluid Techniques for Document Sharing on Multi-User Interactive Tables",
Proc. CHI 2004, April 24-29 2004, Vienna, Austria, pp. 1441-1444
Usability study of multi-user / multi-touch user interfaces for sharing documents: compare two-finger/two-user "release" double-touch gesture with Milekic share/transfer gesture. Uses DiamondTouch touch table with identification of users.
- [RobbinsDC05a]
Robbins, Daniel C.; Sarin, Raman K.; Horvitz, Eric J.; and Cutrell, Edward B.
"Advanced Navigation Techniques for Portable Devices",
US Patent Application 2005/1095154, September 8, 2005
Zoom by zones using keypad: button to show zones (laid out same as keypad) on displayed image, press matching button to zoom in to that zone. May show world view of original image on top (semi-transparent). Uses Press-and-hold/pressing-and-holding/holding-and-releasing on button for temporary zoom.
- [RobinsonBA04a]
Robinson, B. Alex, and Longe, Michael R.
"Keyboard system with automatic correction",
US Patent 6,801,190, October 5, 2004
Improve software/virtual keyboard targeting by biasing positions of key targets to match where user tends to touch. Show dictionary list of best-match of words for user to select (Compare: spelling correction).
- [RodriguezH04a]
Rodriguez, Herman; Smith, Newton James jr.; and Spinac, Clifford Jay
"Method and apparatus for providing accessibility through a context sensitive magnifying glass",
US Patent 6,704,034, March 9, 2004
Show (context-appropriate) "magnified" information when pointer hovering over an object. Compare with ToolGlass, hover menus?
- [RoedjegardH05a]
Rödjegard, Henrik and Lööf, Anders
"A differential charge-transfer readout circuit for multiple output capacitive sensors",
Sensors and Actuators, A 119, 2005, pp. 309..315
Differential capacitive sensing circuit for micro-machined / MIMS accelerometer and gyroscopes, pressure/force sensors, with capacitive sensors connected to a common ground. Noise immunity: noise level reducible to thermal noise.
- [RogersY04a]
Rogers, Yvonne; Hazlewood, William; Blevis, Eli; and Lim, Youn-Kyung
"Finger Talk: Collaborative Decision-Making Using Talk and Fingertip Interaction Around a Tabletop Display",
Proc. CHI 2004, 24-29 April, Vienna Austria, pp. 1271-1274
Collaborative software for multiple users using multi-touch DiamondTouch touchscreen table: cites also to Rekimoto Smartskin, other tabletop displays. Users tended not to use interface simultaneously (social interaction), taking turns. Many gestures/manipulation were directed to inter-human communication in conjunction with speech, rather than manipulating calendar objects.
- [RonkainenS05a]
Ronkainen, Sami
"Portable Devices",
US Patent 6,850,150, February 1, 2005
Vibrating tactile alarm as haptic feedback on smartphone for visually/hearing-impaired users or silent phone alarm. Modulation for different alarm patterns, frequency, changing rated of amplitude, etc.
- [RosenbergLB04a]
Rosenberg, Louis B.; Matyher, Matthew; Grant, Danny; and Ramstein, Christophe
"Controlling haptic feedback for enhancing navigation in a graphical environment",
US Patent 6,750,877, June 15, 2004
Haptic/tactile force feedback sensations / haptic effects in virtual environments: may be based on velocity of cursor of object, rate of interaction, or amount of time cursor engages/contact virtual object. Shows mappings (profiles) of magnitude of effect to velocity, displacement, etc. Notes that sampling rate of sensor may miss data, forces can be interpolated from history of data. Other forces can be substituted for a spring force / barrier force, such as damping, pulse, vibration, etc. (Compare to sensory substitution?) Discusses inertia / inertial forces. Spring forces etc. may be applied to pull-down menus in GUI.
- [RosenbergLB05a]
Rosenberg, Louis B.
"Haptic sensations for tactile feedback interface devices",
US Patent 6,907,697, June 14, 2005
Haptic/tactile feedback sensations based on interaction of cursor position with graphical objects. Jolt/pop can be one or small number of periods of high magnitude vibration. Jolt/pop used to signify/confirm engagement with target. Ringing vibration to simulate different materials: metallic, rubbery, etc. haptic sensations. Compare with Kuchenbecker?
- [RosenbergLB05b]
Rosenberg, Louis B.; Beamer, Jonathan L.; Braun, Adam C. and Chang, Dean C.
"Cursor control using a tactile feedback device",
US Patent 6,894,678, May 17, 2005
Haptic/tactile mouse device, not freely moving on surface but connected to linkage mechanism with haptic feedback actuators. Discusses ballistic/scaled mapping of mouse input to display. Refers to "visual spring effect": Compare with pseudo-tactile force feedback illusion in display?
- [RosenbergLB05c]
Rosenberg, Louis B. and Schena, Bruce M.
"Rotary force feedback wheels for remote control devices",
US Patent 6,956,558, October 18, 2005
Haptic/tactile mouse with haptic/tactile feedback scroll wheel. Describes programmable restoring-force "snap-to" detents, also jolts at page breaks. In context, refers to detents as position-based, jolts as time-based.
- [RossiterJ05a]
Rossiter, Jonathan and Mukai, Toshiharu
"A Novel Tactile Sensor Using a Matrix of LEDs Operating in Both Photoemitter and Photodetector Modes",
Proc. 4th IEEE Intl. Conf. on Sensors. IEEE Sensors, Irvine, California October 30 - November 3, 2005, pp. 994-997
Use LED "in reverse" as an optical sensor for a touchscreen display using one set of LEDs. Uses deformable / elastomeric layer on top, light from one LED in emitter mode is reflected and detected by adjacent LED in detector mode, then the other way around, compute ratiometric position between the two. Prototype is 4x4 matrix. Cites to Albert Einstein's 1905 paper on the photoelectric effect. Compare with Abileah.
- [RowleyH04]
Rowley, Henry; Bennett, John; Abdulkader, Ahmad; and Slavik, Peter
"Reducing and Controlling sizes of Prototype-Based Recognizers",
US Patent Application 2004/0002986, January 1, 2004
For a training-based (handwriting) recognizer using fixed prototypes, method of determining the prototype which has the greatest contribution to error, and reducing the training set size by removing that prototype. Further reduction by removing prototypes with the least increase in error when they are removed.
- [RowleyH05]
Rowley, Henry; Bennett, John; Abdulkader, Ahmad; and Slavik, Peter
"Reducing and Controlling sizes of Prototype-Based Recognizers",
US Patent 6,970,882, November 29, 2005
For a training-based (handwriting) recognizer using fixed prototypes, method of determining the prototype which has the greatest contribution to error, and reducing the training set size by removing that prototype. Further reduction by removing prototypes with the least increase in error when they are removed.
- [RubinR05a]
Rubin, Ross
"Switched On: Cheapest laptop boasts rich innovation",
http://EndGadgent.com, October 5, 2005
Description of OLPC / One-laptop-per-child prototype. Touchscreen and handwriting input area below keyboard (usable as trackpad). Mention cylindrical hinge for laptop/clamshell mode, tablet mode (e-book reader), folded back for theater/presentation mode. Compare to 360-degree hinge?
- [RussinovichME05a]
Russinovich, Mark E. and Solomon, David
"Microsoft Windows Internals: Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 20000",
Microsoft Press, 2005
Reference and guide to architecture and internal structures of Windows NT/2003. Alternate data streams, NTFS file structures, Crash Dump Analysis. User profile (%USERPROFILE%) stored in user name Special Folder, also HKEY_CURRENT_USER in Registry.
- [RyuH05a]
Ryu, Hokyoung and Cruz, Katrina
"LetterEase: Improving text entry on a handheld device via letter reassignment",
Proc. OZCHI 2005, Canberra, Austratlia, November 23..25, 2005
Multi-tap character/typing entry on keypad: used all 12 buttons, instead of just 9 buttons for alphabetic characters as on conventional multi-tap typing. Uses in part letter frequency in actual SMS messages in English -- different letter frequency statistics than on general English text. (Compare: ETAOINS HRDLUCM).
- [RyuJ04a]
Ryu, Jonghyun and Kim, Gerard Jounghyun
"Using a Vibro-tactile Display for Enhanced Collision Perception and Presence",
Proc. VRST '04, November 2004, Hong Kong
Experiment in vibro-tactile haptic feedback for simulating collision/contact between user and virtual reality objects. Multiple vibrators strapped on to different parts of arms, legs. Works better if also used with stereo or binaural 3D sound for 3D location.
- [SaarinenP05a]
Saarinen, Pertti
"Stereophonic reproduction maintaining means and methods for operation in horizontal and vertical A/V appliance positions",
US Patent 6,882,335, April 19, 2005
Foldable (laterally) PDA or smartphone with touchscreen, accelerometer (as tilt sensor) to set portrait/landscape mode of display. Four speakers also reconfigured automatically for correct stereo audio sound. Automatic detection of display orientation better functionality than manual switch setting. Combined personal computer / radio telephone (smartphone) apparatus.
- [SalisburyK04a]
Salisbury, Kenneth; Conti, Francois; and Barbagli, Federico
"Haptic Rendering: Introductory Concepts",
IEEE CGA, March/April 2004, pp. 24..32
Overview/history article on virtualized haptics display (3D), special issue of CGA. Origination in 1970's in robotics and telematics (teleoperation). Earliest work on force-rendering by Noll in 1960's. Cites to Minsky Sandpaper textures.
- [SandburgB04]
Sandburg, Brenda
"Judge Torpedoes Dead Inventor's Patent Claims",
www.law.com, 2004
Lawsuit by Cognex against Jerome Lemelson "submarine patents" on machine vision from 1950's.
- [SantoroO04a]
Santoro, Ovid and Lagermann, Klaus
"System and Method for Simultaneous Display of Multiple Information Sources",
US Patent 6,724,403, April 20, 2004
Display/refresh information in from different sources at same time in separate tiled windows, arranged in a grid. States that present art does not auto-update (?). Compare with TV split-screen, or split frames in HTML?
- [Sattler05]
Sattler, Michael
"Newton: The Dawn of PDAs",
http://www.GeekTimes.com/michael/techno/computing/hardware/products/apple/newton/index.html, 2005
Personal history of past work at GO/Penpoint, Newton PDA MessagePad, MessagePad 2000 / MP2K development manager Sandy Bennett,
- [SchenaBM05a]
Schena, Bruce M. and Shahoian, Erik
"Controlling vibrotactile sensations for haptic feedback devices",
US Patent Application 2005/0219206 A1, October 6, 2005
Actuators for vibrotactile haptic feedback using rotatable eccentric mass. Drive signal can control direction, frequency, and magnitude of vibrations. Vibrations may be bi-directional or uni-directional. Uni-direction good for high-magnitude low frequency vibrotactile effects, bi-directional for high frequency vibrotactile effects. Two rotary motor actuators can be driven to provide vibrations in different directions. (Compare with asymmetric vibration / pseudo-force?) Refers to information command including parameters description magnitude and frequency: compare with force profile? Frequency and magnitude of vibration can be controlled separately.
- [SchillerJ04a]
Schiller, Jochen and Voisard, Agnes
"Location-based Services",
Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management, 2004
Reference collection of papers on location-based services (e.g. GPS-based search, navigation on smartphone), Location Interoperability Forum.
- [SchulerCL05a]
Schuler, Chester L. and Haberman, Seth M.
"Method and apparatus for providing tactile responsiveness in an interface device",
US Patent 6,876,891, April 5, 2005
Rotary control with haptic feedback output for detents/clicks on mouse or trackball.
- [SchulzSC04a]
Schulz, Stephen C.; Chernefsky, Anthony F.; and Geaghan, Bernard
"Flexible Capacitive Touch Sensor",
US Patent 6,819,316, November 16, 2004
Capacitive / resistive sheet touchscreen of flexible substrate material, with transparent shielding layer for electromagnetic noise from display. Conductive patterns on sides to linearize distortion (pincushion). Capacitive touchpanel is a proximity sensor.
- [SchwartzS05a]
Schwartz, Steve
"Organizing and Editing Your Photos with Picasa: Visual QuickProject Guide",
Peachpit Press / http://www.siliconwasteland.com, 2005
User guide for Picasa 2 photo-editing and photo-sharing application from Google. Album, Collage, import of photos from CD/DVD/camera (compare: DCIM) to picture library. Cites to "Hello" email photo-sharing service. Scalable thumbnail views.
- [SchweizerJ04a]
Schweizer, Joachim
"Multivalentes Notebook",
German Patent Application DE10314554A1, October 14, 2004
Swivel-hinge folding laptop, long hinge (single-axis) opens 270 degrees. Pivot angle detection device in long hinge automatically rotates display image (portrait/landscape/inversion) when folded back to roof-like (easel) configuration for presentation to second person. Detachable keyboard: slides out of base to be wireless keyboard.
- [SchwesigC04a]
Schwesig, Carsten; Poupyrev, Ivan; and Mori, Eijiro
"Gummi: A Bendable Computer",
Proc. CHI 2004, April 24-29, Vienna, Austria
Graspable user interface UI with flexible tablet and 2-D two-dimensional digitizer touch sensor on back side. Graspable/organic user interfaces.
- [SecurePhone04a]
SP Project
"SecurePhone project description",
http://www.secure-phone.info; 2004
European project IST-2002-506883 to develop secure cell phone: smartphone with neutral biometric authentication of user (voice recognition, signature identification/authentication on touchscreen, e-signing) for contract execution via smartphone.
- [SedraAS04a]
Sedra, Adel S. and Smith, Kenneth C.
"Microelectronic Circuits, 5th ed.",
Oxford University Press, 2004
Textbook and reference on circuit design. Operational amplifiers: DC offset voltages, input bias currents, op-amp differentiators, slew rate. Digital logic inverters, frequency response of amplifiers. Modeling of particular circuit components: bipolar junction transistors, MOSFET field-effect transistors. Current-source amplifiers. Differential amplifiers, feed-back amplifiers (op-amp), data converters (A/D / ADC, D/A / DAC). Digital and analog filters.
- [Seiko04a]
Seiko Instruments
"Seiko InkLink Handwriting System",
http://jdjstore.com, 2004
Distributor product listing for Seiko InkLink electronic pen: acoustic/sonic digitizer.
- [SekiguchiK04a]
Sekiguchi, Kanetak
"Liquid Crystal Display Device with an Input Panel",
US Patent 6,771,327, August 3, 2004
Resistive film touchscreen (display with an input panel), two transparent layers, transparent optical retardation layers included in optical stack with reflective LCD display.
- [SensAble04a]
SensAble Technologies Inc.
"SensAble PHANToM Omni User's Guide",
SensAble Technologies, 2005
Mechanical/pantographic 6DOF digitizer, with 3D force haptic feedback, desktop size.
- [SezginTM04a]
Sezgin, Tevfik Metin and Davis, Randall
"Scale-space Based Feature Point Detection for Digital Ink",
Proc AAAI 2004 Symp. on Making Pen-Based Interaction Intelligent and Natural, 2004, pp. 145..151
Scale-space filtering (adaptive filtering for size/scale of data). Feature-point (corner) detection on digitizers/tablets in presence of digitization noise and errors without low-pass filtering. Low-pass filtering (resampling) loses data while removing noise, and sketch/handwriting input tends to have sparse data already. Illustration of irregularities/errors in timestamps (but not sampling rate?) of tablet.
- [ShahoianEJ04a]
Shahoian, Erik J.; Schena, Bruce M.; and Rosenberg, Louis B.
"Haptic Interface for Laptop Computers and Other Portable Devices",
US Patent 6,822,635, November 23, 2004
Haptic feedback (including vibration) on touchscreen or touch input devices, such as laptop, remote control, or PDA. Describes "palm check" (see Synaptics PalmCheck): reject input if contact area is too large. Refers to haptic vibration output being audible as possible side effect. "pop" sensations can feel like detent slopes forcing user's finger in a direction.
- [ShahoianEJ04b]
Shahoian, Erik J. and Martin, Kenneth M.
"Increasing force transmissibility for tactile feedback interface devices",
US Patent 6,680,729, January 20, 2004
Vibrational haptic feedback actuator: compliance (spring resonance frequency) amplifies vibrations. High frequency vibrations tend to be stronger/intense. Single pulses/clicks via one cycle of movement, or short burst number of cycles at high frequency.
- [ShahoianEJ04c]
Shahoian, Erik J.; Martin, Kenneth M.; Schena, Bruce M.; and Moore, David F.
"Vibrotactile haptic feedback devices",
US Patent 6,693,622, February 17, 2004
Eccentric mass rotary actuator for vibrotactile haptic feedback, controllable magnitude and frequency. Vibration force feedback / vibrotactile force feedback.
- [ShahoianEJ04d]
Shahoian, Erik J. and Rosenberg, Louis B.
"Low-cost haptic mouse implementations",
US Patent 6,717,573, April 6, 2004
Haptic feedback in mouse or other device. Eccentric rotating mass actuator (vibrations) causes haptic sensation on component or housing of device. Describes haptic feedback as included force and tactile feedback. Tactile sensation include a single force or sequence of forces, e.g. vibrations, jolt, texture sensation. Refers to force profiles as look-up table, may be based on position. Low frequency vibrations good for producing surface profile and texture sensations. Rotary actuator can also produce rotational (torque) forces.
- [SharpJL05a]
Sharp, Jeffrey L.
"Touch Sensor System to detect Multiple Touch Events",
US Patent 6,856,259, February 15, 2005
Detect multiple touches overlapping in time (simultaneous) by comparing with known actual touch events: multi-touch. Cites to provisional Vibration Force Feedback Device Implementations. Section "Controlling force feedback vibrations". Prior art vibrotactile devices limit force feedback effects that can be experienced. User can experience force feedback via vibrations transmitted through housing.
- [ShenC04a]
Shen, Chia; Vernier, Frederic D.; Forlines, Clifton; and Ringel, Meredith
"DiamondSpin: An Extensible Toolkit for Around-the-Tablet Interaction",
Proc. CHI 2004, 24-29 April 2004, Vienna, Austria, pp. 167-174
Software toolkit for multi-touch multi-user interaction on a multi-touch tabletop (e.g. DiamondTouch table). Shows simulated documents/papers stacked: compare with Wang Freestyle (which was single-user)? Can display Java Swing windows at any rotation by rotated frame of reference. Also: electronic video file of demonstration.
- [ShiX05a]
Shi, Xuanming
"Touch Control Display Screen Apparatus with a Built-in Electromagnet Induction Layer of Conductor Grids",
US Patent Application 2005/0270272, December 8, 2005
Electromagnetic (induction) touchscreen with electronic pen/stylus. See also 7,796,122, different transliteration?
- [ShilmanM04a]
Shilman, Michale and Wei, Zile
"Recognizing Freeform Digital Ink Annotations",
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, September 2004, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-28640-0_30
Reflowing free-form electronic ink mark-up annotations on electronic documents, e.g. text is circled, and annotation made to the side. As text is re-flowed, circle same text even if circle must be broken into two for a new line break, annotation tracks to the circled text. Cites to interactive design sketch (recognition) user interfaces, but not to Van Raamsdonk. Appears to have identical figures to cited Bargaron 2003 paper?
- [ShimamotoH05a]
Shimamoto, Hajime and Araki, Satoshi
"Information processing apparatus having switch for inputting key data",
US Patent Application 2005/0063149 A1, March 24, 2005
Convertible laptop or palm-top/PDA with swivel to tablet with touchscreen, rotation angle sensor in lateral hinge detects conversion to tablet or to open-easel presentation, enables gravity accelerometer sensor to rotate portrait/landscape automatically. Two programmable buttons / key switches on back edge near hinge, one option is as second mouse button.
- [ShimanoK04a]
Shimano, Kenji
"Portable computer usable in laptop and tablet configurations",
US Patent 6,771,494, August 3, 2004
Laptop/convertible computer with dual-axis hinge, keyboard can fold up behind display for tablet mode. Alternatively double-hinge with second hinge in horizontal middle of display i.e. SwingTop like Vadem Clio laptop.
- [ShimojoM04a]
Shimojo, Makoto; Namiki, Akio Ishikawa, Masatoshi; Makino, Ryota; and Mabuchi, Kunihiko
"A Tactile Sensor Sheet Using Pressure Conductive Rubber With Electrical-Wires Stitched Method",
IEEE Sensors Journal, vol 4 no 5, October 2004, pp. 589..496
Robotic touch-sensing skin (compare touchpad) using pressure-sensitive conductive rubber, electrode mesh wires woven through rubber sheet. Cross-talk/ghosting between crossing points addressed with zero-potential scanning: grounding other electrodes.
- [SidersCM04a]
Siders, Clementina Maria; Samuel, Douglas, Joseph; and Burlingame, Scott
"Integrated Watchstation Training System",
US Patent Application 2006/0127865, June 15, 2006
Computerized professional testing and professional qualification application, using Tablet PC: mentions landscape/portrait orientations selectable by user.
- [SiekKA05a]
Siek, Katie A.; Rogers, Yvonne; and Connelly, Kay H.
"Fat Finger Worries: How Older and Younger Users Physically Interact with PDAs",
Proc. INTERACT '05 2005 IFIP TC13 Intl. Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction, pp 267-280
Study of fat-finger problem in older and younger users on PDA touchscreens: no difference.
- [Siemens04a]
"Siemens to show prototype PenPhone: Integrated handwriting recognition technology enters written data on mobile phone",
InfoWorld, 2004/02/09 (additional materials also in file)
Siemens prototype handwriting pen for smartphone "may be used on any surface" as digitizer with handwriting recognition, as alternative to thumb-typing SMS messages. Not a touchscreen: shaped like thick pen, with optical tracking scanner with (inking) pen tip. Handwriting recognition for composing SMS message. Infrared video scanner near stylus tip: German CeBIT report says several hundred images per second. Compare scanner technology with Anoto? (No special pattern.).
- [SignerB05a]
Signer, Beat
"Fundamental Concepts for Interactive Paper and Cross-Media Information Spaces",
PhD Thesis, ETH Dissertation 16218, Switzerland, 2005
Thesis on general topic of electronic paper / digitally augmented paper / smart paper: Paper++ pen technology: also Seiko InkLink acoustic (sonic) digitizer, WACOM two-stylus multi-touch tablet, SmartDesk multi-hand project, Bar Code grid (compare with Anoto) using inductive pen. Notes that Microsoft Universal Pen (u-Pen) similar to Anoto, interactive books (Sony LIBRIe, LeapPad).
- [Silberman04]
Silberman, Steve
"The Hot New Medium: Paper. How the oldest interface in the book is redrawing the map of the networked world",
http://Wired.com, April 2001, archive at www.wired.com
Tomas Edso and Mats-Petter Petterson devised dot-displacement pattern, Hugosson used larger and smaller dots.
Business model was to be a charge on all transactions that involved Anoto paper pattern, not directly on the licensing of technology.
Interview about Anoto with Christer Faehraeus, mentions comparison with Microsoft Tablet PC, which overshadowed their introduction at ComDex.
- [SilberschatzA05a]
Silberschatz, Avi; Calvin, Peter Baer; and Gage, Greg
"Operating System Concepts, 7th Ed.",
John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2005
Upper-level course textbook on operating systems design and architecture: Unix (Mach, UNIX BSD), Windows (XT/2000, 64-bit). Historical notes on Multics protection domains / ring system, ACLs and capabilities; demand paging 1960 on B5500 and Atlas. Case studies on Linux, Windows XP. Appendices on BSD UNIX, Mach system (a.k.a. MACH), Windows 2000. "Mach's communication system and philosophy are derived from Accent". " ... multiple operating systems can run concurrently on one Mach 3.0 kernel". See also later edition.
- [SilverbrookK04a]
Silverbrook, Kia; Lapstun, Paul; and Lapstun, Jacqueline Anne
"Method and System for Accessing the Internet",
US Patent 6,813,039, November 2, 2004
Optical digitizer for handwriting connecting directly to a Web page on the internet: web page with links would be printed, not displayed dynamically. Compare with Sekendur and Anoto.
- [SilverbrookK04b]
Silverbrook, Kia; Lapstun, Paul; and Lapstun, Jacqueline Anne
"Method and system for collaborative document markup",
US Patent 6,766,942, July 27, 2004
Using an Anoto-like paper pattern optical digitizer, allow multiple users to generate mark-up a document together, while communicating/discussing via telephone or video conference.
- [SilverbrookK04c]
Silverbrook, Kia and Lapstun, Paul
"Computer System Interface Surface with Processing Sensor",
US Patent 6,766,944, July 27, 2004
Using an Anoto-like paper pattern optical digitizer, includes description of using parallax of pattern to correct for tilt offset, compute theta, phi, and rho angles.
- [SilverbrookK04d]
Silverbrook Research
"Press reports related to Silverbrook Research, Australia",
(various), 2004
Kia Silverbrook: Past association with Canon until 1994. Business model is to file patents in Australia and enforce them internationally. See also Hyperlabel and patent application with DigiMarc on security document authentification.
- [SimardPY05a]
Simar, Patrice Y.; Steinkraus, Dave; and Agrawala, Maneesh
"Ink Normalization and Beautification",
Proc. Eighth Int'l. Conf. Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR '05), IEEE 1520-5263/05
Normalization (baseline, mid-line, slant, min/max, curvature) of script handwriting to improve recognition. States 86% correct recognition with 0% reject: this means 14% mis-recognition? Use of dictionary? Per-word or per-character? Notes that rubber sheet ink warping can introduce kinks and other distortion artifacts.
- [SlotTech04a]
Slot Tech Magazine
"Slot Tech New Techology: A Revolutionary New Touch Technology from 3M",
Slot Tech magazine, July, 2004, pp. 34..35
Touch Internation press release (for touch-screen slot machines) on DST / Dispersive Signal Technology touch screens from 3M. No electrodes, not field: responds to bending wave vibration/audio signal caused by any object touch: finger, pen, stylus, most gloves, prosthetic device. Enhanced palm rejection for bad behavior of resting hand. Notes that higher frequency waves travel faster in glass than lower frequency: one factor is acoustic reflection from internal surfaces.
- [SlotTech05a]
Slot Tech Magazine
"3M Inks Deal With Immersion Corporation for Tactile Touchscreen",
Slot Tech magazine, October, 2005, p. 37
Press release on haptic touchscreen product, Immersion TouchSense and 3M touchscreen. Targeted to towards gaming industry (slot machines).
- [SmartTech04a]
SMART Technologies Inc.
"Actalyst digital signage touchscreens",
www.smarttech.com, 2004
(In German): DViT (Digital Vision Touch) overlay touchscreen for large displays, optical touchscreen using high-precision cameras in frame.
- [SmartTech05a]
SMART Technologies
"SMART digitizer product information",
www.smarttech.com, 2005
SMART board interactive whiteboard digitizer; Symposium interactive pen display tablets; AirLiner wireless slate table (relabeled Wacom product?). Whiteboard product: Includes software (Bridgit) for live annotation of displayed documents, PowerPoint presentations.
- [SmirnovaE05a]
Smirnova, Elena and Watt, Stephen M.
"A Context for Pen-Based Mathematical Computing",
Proc. Maple Conf., July 17..21, 2005, Waterloo, Canada, pp. 409..422
Essay (?) on user interface aspects of mathematical expression input with pen-computing / handwriting recognition. Cites to Microsoft Word annotations, Maple 10 ink comment boxes/comments, overlay electronic inking annotation on documents (mark-up), handwriting recognition for specific mathematical symbols in separate input area.
- [SmirnovaE05b]
Smirnova, Elena and Watt, Stephen
"A Context for Pen-Based Mathematical Computing",
Slide deck presentation, IAMC 2005, Internet Accessible Mathematical Computation Workshop, Beijing, China, July 24, 2005
Presentation of Maple 10 user interface for mathematical expression input with pen-computing / handwriting recognition. Mentions greater symbol set size, layout ambiguity compared to (linear text) handwriting recognition input. Overlay inking and ink comments (comment boxes in Microsoft Word 2003, scratchpad and character selector in widget area in Maple. Cites to InkML "universal ink format" (Ink mark-up language? Compare with JOT standard.)
- [SmithGM04a]
Smith, G.M. and Schraefel, M.C.
"The Radial Scroll Tool: Scrolling Support for Stylus- or Touch-Based Document Navigation",
Proc. UIST '04, October 24..27, 2004, Sante Fe, NM, USA, pp. 53..56
Pop-up semi-transparent radial scroll tool: move clockwise or counter-clockwise rotation scroll left/right up/down: compare with spiral zoom gesture on Nokia smartphone?
- [SnibbeSS04a]
Snibbe, Scott S.; MacLean, Karon E.; Johnson, Kimberly H.; Baylery, Oliver T. and Verplank, William L.
"Flexible variation of haptic interface resolution",
US Patent 6,803,924, October 12, 2004
Haptic display (compare: Braille tactile display) with "zoomable" levels of resolution detail. Cites simulated detent with vibrotactile / force-feedback on a rotary knob control (compare: simulated scrollwheel?). Zooming level may be based on pressure/force sensing. Mentions first and second haptic inputs are a force or a position input by the user: Touching of surface: touchpad?
- [SohBS04a]
Soh, Byung Seok; Kim, Yoon Sang; and Lee, Sang-Goog
"Improving the Usability of a Wearable Input Device: SCURRY (tm)",
Proc. UBICOMP '04, Adjunct papers, Intl. Conf. on Ubiquitous Computing, Nottingham, U.K., 2004
Internal sensors on hand and fingers to detect finger and hand motions. Finger flick gesture recognized by latency between two low-pass filters on finger motion, with cross-talk removal of motion motion by hand. Used as pointer (mouse) with three fingers for three mouse buttons, also typing on virtual keyboard (SCURRY keyboard). Compare with Data Glove?
- [SomeyaT04a]
Someya, Takao; Sekitani, Tsuyoshi; Iba, Shingo; Kato, Yusaku; Kawaguchi, Hiroshi; and Sakaurai, Takayasu
"A large-area, flexible pressure sensor matrix with organic field-effect transistors for artificial skin applications",
Proc. National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, http://pnas.org, vol 101 no 27, pp. 9966-9970, July 6, 2004
Pressure (force?) sensing touch sensor for artificial / electronic skin for robotics application, using organic FET transistors and conductive rubber pressure sensors (X/Y matrix addressing?). Highly flexible/conformable/bendable (2-mm radius). Prototype has 0.1 inch (2.54mm) resolution/pitch, resolution can be much higher, 30 millisecond minimum response time of single transistor. Picture shows transparent substrate.
- [SomeyaT05a]
Someya, Takao; Kato, Yusaku; Stekitani, Tsuyoshi; Iba, Shingo; Noguchi, Yoshiaki; Murase, Yousuki; Kawaguchi, Hiroshi; and Sakurai, Takayasu
"Conformable, flexible, large-area networks of pressure and thermal sensors with organic transistor active matrixes",
Proc. National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.0502392102, vol 102 no 35, August 30, 2005, pp. 12321..12325
Flexible (force?) sensing touch sensor for artificial / electronic skin for robotics application, using organic FET transistors, conductive plastic pressure sensors (X/Y matrix addressing?), thermal/temperature sensors. Flexibility comes from internal embedded struts (metal wire).
- [SpraulVA05a]
Spraul, V. Anton
"Computer Science Made Simple",
Broadway Books Division of Random House, 2005
Overview of computer science concepts. Distinguishes between Alpha Blending (fade effect) and BitBLT / bit blits.
- [StahovichTF04a]
Stahovich, T. F.
"Segmentation of pen strokes using pen speed",
Proc. AAAI 2004 Fall Symposium: Making Pen-Based Interaction Intelligent and Natural
For electronic ink editing and cursive recognition, segment pen strokes into lines and arcs using dwell points (pauses) and point of high curvature. Goal is to match user's intent, not exact ink pattern. Compare to Rubine, PenCept segmentation patterns.
- [StallingsW05a]
Stallings, William
"The Windows Operating System: excerpt from Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 5th Edition",
Prentice Hall, 2005
Windows OS architecture: "modified" micro-kernel architectures of Windows 2000 and later. Multiple data streams in files to support MacIntosh. References to Windows 3.0 memory mapping and segmentation.
- [StefikMJ05a]
Stefik, Mark J. and Pirolli, Peter L.
"Content Rendering Respository",
US Patent 6,963,859, November 8, 2005
DRM usage rights management, usage rights control on permissions for what rendering/use is granted to a document or object. See also ContentGuard.
- [StevensD05a]
Stevens, Daniell; Roth, Robert; Gould, Joel M.; Newman, Michael J.; Sturtevant, Dean; Ingold, Charles E.; Abrahams, David; and Gold, Allan
"Error correction in speech recognition by correcting text around selected data",
US Patent 6,912,498, June 28, 2005
Speech recognition, multiple candidate alternatives shown in list on display for user to choose; re-aligns phonemes after correction. Segmentation into "utterances", separated by pauses/timeouts of 16 to 250 milliseconds. Examples include where alternatives may be single world or multiple (shorter) words. Cites to Viterbi algorithm (misalignment).
- [StrongR04a]
Strong, Robert; Bruns, Timothy; and Jobling, Jeremy
"Adjusting target size of display images based on input device detection",
US Patent Application 2004/0017401 A1, January 29, 2004
On PDA or portable device, automatically make icons, menus, targets larger if detect that input devices is a touchscreen, and user is using finger rather than a stylus. Generally relates to targeting / fat-finger problems in touchscreen input. Compare with automatic layout in PenPoint?
- [SuhovY05a]
Suhov, Yuri and Kelbert, Mark
"Probability and statistics by example: Vol 1, Basic Probability and Statistics",
Cambridge University Press, 2005
Handbook and reference on probability and statistics. Discussion of conditional probabilities e.g. with Markov chains.
- [SuzukiA04a]
Suzuki, Akira
"Information processing method for designating an arbitrary point within a three-dimensional space",
US Patent Application 2004/0021663 A1, February 5, 2004
Use force/pressure on a tablet or touchscreen for 3D input: refers to pressure as a "depth value". Minimum pressure (depth value) threshold to select (separate from touch input). Example implementation is force-sensitive elements/sensors behind a touchpanel.
- [SwigartS05a]
Swigart, Scott
"Easily Write Custom Gesture Recognizers for Your Tablet PC Applications",
www.microsoft.com, publication date November 2005
Writing custom recognizer for gestures for Windows XP Tablet PC edition SDK. Refers to open-source SIGER (Simple Gesture Recognition Library) from http://sourceforge.net. Gestures include Microsoft Tablet PC gestures: curlicue, circle, square, star, gesture, plus left and right bracket gestures. Includes unit testing against canned gesture input. Recognition apparently based on chain codes of vector increments, complete strokes only.
- [SydenhamPH05a]
Sydenham, Peter H. and Thorn, Richard, eds.
"Handbook of Measuring System Design",
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2005
Handbook and reference on instrumentation and measuring systems. Several articles on mathematical treatment of errors. Part 7A: Sensors. Analog and digital signal conditioning for noise, operational amplifiers, quantization and sampling errors, A/D analog-to-digital converters, DSP digital signal processing, finite-impulse-response digital filters, interference and noise. EMI/EMC, noise via capacitive and inductive coupling, also conductive and electromagnetic coupling. Dead-band may be cause by backlash. Normalization for convenience in analysis (of damping). Cites French "normalization" (standardization) organizations. Scaling used with normalized instrument sensor to allow it to be applied to many ranges of tasks. Normalization for area of 1 rather than full-scale of 1, normalized to properties of dry air. P. 357: refers to "measurement mapping process" along with zero offset, drift, noise. Measurement is a mapping process from observed input to a number.
- [Synaptics04a]
Synaptics Incorporated
"Capacitive Position Sensing",
Synaptics Inc., San Jose California, 2004
Descriptions of Capacitive, Inductive, and resistive tablet technologies from Synaptics. Describes combining capacitive (finger-touch) and inductive (stylus) to work with both, or to work with resistive. Synaptics SPIRAL (TM) Pen, powered via induction from tablet.
- [Synaptics04b]
Day, Shawn
"Low Cost touch Sensor on the Underside of Casing",
Synaptics Inc., San Jose California, 2004
Application note on rear-mounted touchpanel/touchscreen. Can be printed traces/electrodes on flexible substrate, to fit housing (curved) of smartphone/PDA case/housing.
- [SzorP05a]
Szor, Peter
"The Art of Computer Virus Research and Defense",
Symantec Press, 2005
Textbook on virus/malware techniques (attack) and defense. Section on kernel-mode (versus user-mode) rootkits and stealth, compare with real-time violation of invariant conditions? Under malware, also includes joke programs and internet hoax emails (spam).
- [TabletPC04a]
"Microsoft Experience Pack for Tablet PC",
http://Microsoft.com, April 4, 2004
Tablet PC application utilities: Ink Desktop: note-taking on desktop. Snipping Tool: Screen grab plus ink annotation (and voice a la Freestyle?). Ink Crossword. See also Microsoft Education Pack for Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, Microsoft Office XP Pack for Tablet PC, OneNote note taker.
- [TabletQuestions04]
TabletQuestions discussion list
"Lack of Pen Gesture Applications",
www.tabletquestions.com, May 26, 2004
Posting that so few TabletPC applications "think in ink" (a.k.a. pen-centric). Mentions Corel Grafigo and Wavefront as exceptions, because they took the whole application from the TabletPC Perspective.
- [Tactiva05a]
"Tactiva TactaPad Technology",
www.tactiva.com, fetched 2005
Effectively transparent touchscreen by having multi-touch surface on desktop with small camera above, shadow images of hands/fingers are shown on display. Multi-touch tablet digitizer includes point-addressable tactile output what provides haptic feedback only where surface is being touched. See also Fish, D. E.
- [Tactiva05b]
"Tactiva TactaDraw Introduction to the TactaPad",
www.tactiva.com, fetched 2005
Video demonstration of TactaPad technology. Effectively transparent touchscreen by having multi-touch surface on desktop with small camera above, shadow images of hands/fingers are shown on display. Multi-touch tablet digitizer includes point-addressable tactile output what provides haptic feedback only where surface is being touched. Not only multi-touch: shows pinch and stretch gestures, also simultaneous use of multiple tools with multiple fingers. Because of one-to-one mapping of touch tablet to display, and shadow image of fingers, tools/menus are at same physical position on touch surface, and have tactile feedback about location, selection, detent, etc. See also Fish, D. E.
- [Tactons05a]
Tactons Website
"Tactons: an investigation of multimodal interaction with tactile displays",
www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~eve/TactonsWebsite/tactons.html, 2005
University of Glasgow: research group on haptic (touch-based) human-computer interaction using tactile cues combined with auditory (cross-modal) input, vibrotactile transducers, pin arrays (compare with Braille display and Optacon aid for visually impaired).
- [TakeuchiM04a]
Takeuchi, M.; Gotsu, T.; Fujita, N.; Gomes, P.; Kent, J.; and Ader, R.
"Ultrasonic attenuation in acoustic touch panels",
Proc. IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, August 23..27, 2004, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
SAW touchscreen, calculations and experiments show that damping from moisture and figure oils can be modelled and rejected (rejection), versus actual finger touches.
- [TanEC05a]
Tan, Eng Chong; Wahab, Abdul and Low, Kay Min
"Application of Capacitive Coupling to the Design of an Absolute-Coordinate Pointing Device",
IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol 54 no 5, October 2005, pp. 2099..2104
Capacitive tablet with cordless/wireless "mouse-shape" stylus (e.g. puck): puck causes stronger coupling between adjacent signal traces/wires. Grounded traces between sensing traces to suppress noise. Scanning of adjacent traces: first used as sender, next is receiver.
- [TanakaY04a]
Tanaka, Yasuhiko
"Mobile phone with camera",
Japanese Patent Application JP2004237078A, August 15, 2004
Clam shell flip phone with hinge rotating back with click/detente position at 270 degrees, so that it can be stood up (keypad down, not accessible/disabled) as videophone.
- [TechPowerUp05a]
Ride, Rark
"MIT's $100 laptop",
http://TechPowerUp.com (CNET News), September 29th, 2005
One Laptop Per Child / OLPC, showing proposed single-hinge laptop with presentation/video mode, flexible display, dual mode display with color and black-and-white (high contrast daylight) modes. Refers to "multiple functionalities", "different variabilities". Laptop, writing pad, tablet, ebook, frame/theater modes.
- [Tekscan05a]
Tekscan Inc.
"Tekscan FlexiForce Force Sensors User Manual",
Tekscan Inc, South Boston, Massachusetts, 2005
Force/pressure sensing touch matrix (pad or tablet) using matrix of conductors and force-sensitive conducting ink.
- [Telautograph05]
Telautograph: Wikipedia Encyclopedia
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telautograph, 2005
History of the Telautograph, 1890 precursor to Fax/Facsimile device and to digitizing tablets: Elisha Gray.
- [TenBrinkeG04a]
ten Brinke, Gerrit and Ikkala, Olli
"Smart materials based on self-assembled hydrogen-bonded comb-shaped supramolecules",
The Chemical Record, vol 4, 2004, pp. 219..230
Polymer material with strongly anisotropic resistivity with ionic conductivity: cited in H. Phillip 2005 for Anisotropic touch screen element, edge correction on resistive sheet touchscreen.
- [TexasInstruments05a]
Texas Instruments Incorporated
"Using resistive touch screens for human/machine interface",
Texas Instrument Inc., 2005
Description of single-ended (absolute) and differential/ratiometric measurements on resistive touchscreen controllers, settling time, bad-data (wild point measurement) rejection. Covers four-wire touch screens, mentions five-wire touchscreens.
- [TexasInstruments05b]
Texas Instruments Incorporated
"Texas Instruments ADS7846 Touch Screen Controller",
Texas Instrument Inc., 2005
Spec sheet for Texas Instruments ADS7846 and ADS7843 4-wire resistive touch screen controllers for POS point-of-sale terminals, PDAs, smartphones (e.g. Palm). Errors / bad-behaviors from settling time: adding filter capacitors for noise increases settling time behavior. Force/pressure "Z" axis measurements by touch contact resistance and X-plate / Y-plate resistance.
- [TheAge05]
The Age / Fairfax digital
"Go files anti-trust suit against Microsoft",
www.theage.com.au, 2005
Press article in Australia on GO / Microsoft anti-trust lawsuit: quotes Bill Gates and Jerrold Kaplan.
- [ThimblebyH05a]
Thimbleby, Harold and Thimbleby, Will
"Weapons of Maths Construction: New Calculators for the 21st Century",
UK Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2005. Available at www.cs.swan.ac.uk/calculators/index.html, fetched 2016
2D pen-based (tablet/touchscreen) 2D mathematical calculator. All expressions continuously evaluated, states that blocking user errors is significant. See also Thimbleby thesis.
- [ThimblebyW05a]
Thimbleby, Will and Thimbleby, Harold
"A novel gesture-based calculator and its design principles",
Proc. Third Nordic Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction 2004, Tampere, Finland, October 23-27, 2004, publication date 2005
2D pen-based (tablet/touchscreen) 2D mathematical calculator. All expressions continuously evaluated, editing is by electronic ink, not structural/semantic elements. All expression errors corrected immediately (e.g. 3+4=15 will be change immediately).
- [Thom-Santelli04a]
Thom-Santelli, Jennifer
"Effects of a Multitouch Keyboard on Wrist posture Typing performance and Comfort",
Master's Thesis, Cornell Univ. NY, 2004
Ergonomics evaluation of MultiTouch Keyless Keyboard from Fingerworks (human factors).
- [Tissot04a]
"Tissot T-Touch Watches",
http://creativewatch.co.uk, 2004
Touchscreen wristwatches, with compass/altimeter/barometer/alarm/thermometer etc.
- [TognazziniB04a]
Tognazzini, Bruce
"Make Your Tungsten T3 Palm a Monster Machine",
www.asktog.com, August 2004
Review of Tungsten Palm T3 hand-held computer: with Graffiti handwriting recognition: suggests kinetic scroll, faster stroke scrolls farther.
- [TomsHardware05]
"Wacom stellt besonders kleinen Pen für PDA und Smartphones vor",
www.tomshardware.com, 2005
Wacom Super Slim Pen, very small form-factor pen-enabled (Wacom term for pen-enabled) electromagnetic digitizer for PDA and Smartphones market. Refers to "Flight Point" functionality for moving the cursor without touching the screen (proximity sensing) a.k.a. hover.
- [TonouchiY05a]
Tonouchi, Yujiro; Sakamoto, Kei; and Hanyu, Tomohiro
"Data Processing Devices",
US Patent Application 2005/0122318 A1, June 9, 2005
Convertible laptop computer with swivel hinge. Automatically determines notebook/laptop, tablet, or closed mode by recloseable (closed) switch on base, rotation switch in swivel hinge, converts to portrait/landscape mode. Keyboard and key touchpad disabled based on rotation switch in tablet mode. UI components larger in tablet mode: compare with targeting in Microsoft UI design guidelines. Mentions authentication by signature verification, double-click changed to single-tap automatically in tablet mode.
- [Topeka05]
Topeka Computing Museum
"The Topeka Computing Museum",
www.gateman.com/museum/t3.html, 2005
Has functional Pencept Penpad "white board" digitizing tablet with handwriting recognition from 1986.
- [TornilB04a]
Tornil, Bertrand and Baptiste-Jessel, Nadine
"Use of Force Feedback Pointing Devices for Blind Users",
Proc. UI4ALL, 2004
Haptic/force feedback for blind users: Wingman Force Feedback Mouse and PHANToM 3D electromechanical digitizer with force feedback. Best they could do was tell blind user about bounding boxes in 2D or in 3D, not texture. Notes that devices for blind users also useful for "visually occupied" users.
- [Toshiba04a]
Toshiba America Electronic Components
"Toshiba debuts first full-color system on glass (SOG) input display with image capture technology",
Toshiba America, May 25, 2004
touchscreen/"input display" integrated LCD display and 2D matrix of optical pixel sensors together: in-cell sensing. One application is laying business card on display to scan it in.
- [TouchInternational05]
Touch International Inc.
"Touch International Inc.",
www.touchinternational.com, 2005
touchscreen digitizer "Digital Ink" -- successor to Electronic Ink?. Capacitive and resistive digitizer in one unit for both finger and stylus tablet input -- e.g. multi-touch.
- [TsangMH04a]
Tsang, Michael H.
"Correction of alignment and linearity errors in a stylus input system",
US Patent 6,727,896, April 27, 2004
Correction table for tablet/touchscreen by trapezoidal correction of grid locations across the entire surface. Compare with Scriptel?
- [TseE05a]
Tse, Edward; Shen, Chia; Greenberg, Saul; and Forlines, Clifton
"Enabling Interaction with Single User Applications through Speech and Gestures on a Multi-user Tabletop",
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories Report TR2005-130, December, 2005
Multi-touch desktop extended to multiple users, touch input can identify particular user. Case studies are Google Earth and Warcraft III. Incorporates speech and gesture input.
- [TsujiH05a]
Tsuji, Hiroyuki and Gushiken, Hajime
"Information processing apparatus having function of changing orientation of screen image",
US Patent Application 2005/0062715A1, March 24, 2005
Convertible laptop or palm-top/PDA with swivel to tablet with touchscreen, rotation angle sensor in lateral hinge detects conversion to tablet or to open-easel presentation, enables gravity accelerometer sensor to rotate portrait/landscape automatically. Two programmable buttons / key switches on back edge near hinge, one option is as second mouse button.
- [TsukadaK04a]
Tsukada, Koji
"Ubi-Finger: Gesture Input Device for Mobile and Ubiquitous Environment",
http://mobiquitous.com:80/ubi-finger-e.html, archive 2004
Ubi-Finger: See 2001 paper. Emphasis on point to a device (e.g. a light) equipped with IR receiver, controlling with hand gestures. Bending, acceleration, and two touch sensors on side of index finger to recognize (in-air) finger and hand-posture gestures based on being of index, finger, tilt angles of wrist, and thumb touch sensors. Analog devices ADXL202E accelerometer. Also infra-red IR transmitter on finger to point to optical receivers on a device to be controlled by gestures. Cites to data gloves, Krueger.
- [TsuneharaK05a]
Tsunehara, Katsuhiko and Kuwahara, Mikio
"Mobile Handset with Position Calculation function",
US Patent 6,928,292, August 9, 2005
Determine position by both GPS and wireless carrier signals for combined result.
- [TsurayukiY05a]
Tsurayuki, Yano
"Mobile Phone",
Japanese Patent Application JP2005303965A, April 27, 2005
Clamshell/flip-phone smartphone, cover folds back as convertible to over 270 degrees as base for free-standing videophone mode.
- [TuckerAB04a]
Tucker, Allan B. ed.
"Computer Science Handbook, 2nd Edition",
ACM / Taylor and Francis Group LLC, 2004
Compendium of papers on topics of computer science. Includes genetic algorithms, computational electromagnetics, graphics, computer vision, graphical user interface (GUI) programming (Myers). Pen input: asserts no hover state on stylus/tablet. Gestures as symbolic, deictic (pointing), iconic (spatial) and pantomimic. Bimanual input. Garnet toolkit. Contains Myers "Graphical User Interface Programming" discusses difficulty recognizing physical gestures, overview of GUI programming definition toolkits. Contains Hinckley "Input/Output Devices and Interaction Techniques", brief discussion of pen-based gestures. Contains Bryson "Virtual Reality", discussion of 3D tracking technology (compare: Polhemus).
Chapter 51: Dzida, Wolfgang: Applying International Usability Standards. Usability Engineering Design. IFIP User Interface Reference Model: controllability, consistency, dialog (includes direct manipulation).
Chapter 20: Hinckley, Ken; Jacob, Robert J.K. and Ware, Colin: Input/output Devices and Interaction Techniques. Pen-based gestures and hand gestures, bimanual input, touchscreen (direct) vs. mouse (indirect) manipulation. Force and tactile displays (force feedback).
- [TulbertDJ05a]
Tulbert, David J.
"Low Cost, Display-Based, Photonic Touch Interface With Advanced Functionality",
Society for Information Display global colloquium, Boston, Massachusetts, May 2005
FTIR touch-tablet / touchpad / touch surface. Infers pressure by contact area of finger (compare: pseudo-pressure), contact angle of finger from orientation of oval contact area, shear force from offset of bright contact area within (less visible) outline of finger image, strike and release velocity (change in pressure) from rate of change of contact area, elevation angle from "intensity profile" of finger. Asserts can also identify which finger/thumb from proprietary algorithm (compare with Westerman?) Shows using shear forces to zoom/fly over a document: compare with pinch/zoom gesture? Also shows magnifying zoom that distorts deformable framed portion of image rather than zooming entire image. (See also Tulbert personal correspondence.)
- [TuliRS05a]
Tuli, Raja Singh
"Methods and apparatus for simultaneous access by multiple remote devices",
US Patent 6,842,777, January 11, 2005
Remote access to host web browser by PDAs: web browsers run on host computer to virtual display, segments of virtual display compressed and sent to PDA. Compare with VNC?
- [TuovinenJ05a]
Tuovinen, Juhani
"Piezoelectric user interface",
US Patent Application 2005/0054390 A1, March 10, 2005
Haptic vibratory feedback output to key/button in keypad using piezoelectric transducer element for keypad. Motivation is smaller size over mechanical click. Mentions touchscreen virtual keypad. Single click to confirm, multiple clicks/vibrations to indicate error. Same vibration transducer used to generate audible sound output/feedback. Piezoelectric transducer produces vibrations, which include waveform of single key click.
- [UchidaS04a]
Uchida, Susumu
"Input device and electronic appliance provided with the same",
Japanes Patent Application JP2004341870A, December 2, 2004
Flip-phone or other electronic appliance (notebook PC / laptop), instead of jog/scroll wheel (prior art), put capacitive linear touch sensor around hinge for thumb scrolling.
- [UllmannCN04a]
Ullmann, Cristi N.; Wynn, Allen C.; and Brown, Michael W.
"Rubber Band Graphic User Interface control",
US Patent 6,677,965, January 13, 2004
Rubber-band user interface for sliders and other controls: pull pointer/stylus away from control, see thin stretched rubber band, scrolls faster. Bring closer, rubber band is short and fat, scrolls more slowly. Touchpad PDAs. Compare with Apple bounce-back?
- [UllmerB04a]
Ullmer, Brygg
"Tangible User Interface / TUI Design Aspects",
Lecture slides 2004
Overview of design principles and aspects for tangible user interfaces. Cites to Metadesk. Counterparts in GUI and TUI: icons/phicons, selectable trays/menus, etc. Does not include tabletop interfaces or touchscreen direct manipulation.
"VIPDATA/VPen Product Information",
www.eu-vipdata.com, 2005
(see also OTM Technologies) VPEN product: Virtual Input Pen: cell phone with built-in optical digitizer pen, reads differential image of surface: contrast with Anoto? Mentions use in multimodal user interface for military users: compare with Cohen reference (Natural Interaction Systems LLC).
- [VanBerkelC05a]
van Berkel, Cornelis
"Input System",
US Patent Application 2005/0162411, July 28, 2005
Electromagnetic/capacitive touchscreen with cordless resonant stylus. Compare with Wacom? Combined with capacitive sensing of finger: also Compare with N-Trig?. Finger and stylus input can be distinguished by frequency. Mentions force /pressure sensing but only for stylus, by pressure changing resonant frequency (pressure/force sensor), or by multiple pens at different frequencies.
- [VanDiepenPJ04a]
Van Diepen, Peter Jan and Thordarson, Dana Sigrid
"Customizeable Keyboard",
US Patent Application 2004/0218963 A1, November 4, 2004
Customizable keyboard where keys have replaceable keytops, built-in active displays, or implemented on touch screen display. Cites to QWERTY (Sholes 1872) and Dvorak keyboard layouts. Compare with Kaplow?
- [VanNess05]
VanNess, Shawn and Wakeam, Jamie
"Windows Vista Tablet PC: Tablet Enabled Applications",
http://downloads.microsoft.com, 2005
Powerpoint presentation: PRS 315 from PDC05 conference (?): describes Ink Analysis API as superset of handwriting text recognition. Ink data types and stylus input in WinFX Windows Presentation Foundation WPF. Mentions handwriting / ink input annotation over video.
- [VanWestJ04a]
Van West, Jeff
"Using Input Panel in Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005",
https://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/tabletpc/expert/vanwest_newtip.mspx, October 21, 2004
Description of tablet input panel in Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) / Tablet PC Edition 2005. Mentions Start Input Panel Gesture (shake gesture: compare Windows for Pen Computing?). TIP can be opened simply by resting pen over the icon (proximity/hover/pointing). Input panel expands automatically to more lines as you write. Text can be entered to application by tapping on insert, wave over insert (pointing/hover), continue writing in next line, continue writing in next space, or automatically (pause/time-out). Shows speech recognition (dictation) mode button in TIP/SIP.
- [VassalloK04]
Vassallo, Ken
"Tablet PC Software Design Considerations",
Microsoft Tech-Ed Presentation, Microsoft Mobile Design Conf. MPC 331, February 25, 2004
UI User Interface guidelines for tablet PC development: Hand Obstruction of menus and scrollbars; use electronic/digital ink as data type (ink-centric) instead of handwriting recognition; editing of ink with Windows ink edit control can be awkward; targeting/positioning with stylus/pen is imprecise, controls should be bigger/larger; describes difference between mouse click/double-click and gesture tap/double-tap; digitizer performance affected by EMI electromagnetic interference, and accuracy bad at edge of screen/tablet; describes visual parallax error/offset. One example is loan application form (with signature). All user-interface controls must be larger for tablet. Bad behaviors of visual parallax, taps produce small strokes, right-mouse button on stylus barrel awkward (turn off), hand obstruction.
- [VasudevanA05a]
Vasudevan, Amit; Yerraballi, Ramesh; and Chawla, Ashish
"A High Performance Kernel-Less Operating System Architecture",
Proc. ACSC '05, 28th Australasian Conf. on Computer Scienced, Vl 38, January 2005, pp. 287..296
Kernel-less operating system KLOS using segmentation without ring transitions, thus faster than with context change in kernel-based OS. OS mapped into context of each process, called via subroutine calls. Does use two ring levels for protection of privileged mode/code: user code cannot read (only execute) system memory, but system code has direct mapping to entire user address space. Comparision with micro-kernel, nano-kernel, monolithic OS architectures.
- [VeldhuisR04a]
Veldhuis, Raymond; Bazen, Asker; Kauffman, Joost; and Hartel, Pieter
"Biometric verification based on grip-pattern recognition",
in "Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents VI", edited by Edward J. Delp III, Ping W. Wong, Proc. of SPIE-IS&T Electronic Imaging, SPIE Vol. 5306 c 2004 SPIE and IS&T, pp. 634..641
44 x 44 piezoresistive touchpad / touch sensor array for force/pressure measurements, used for biometric authentication of user (e.g. on grip of a "smart gun" hand-gun).
- [VernierF04b]
Vernier, Frederic; Shen, Chia; and Lesh, Neal B.
"Circular Graphical User Interfaces",
US Patent 6,791,530, September 14, 2004
Tabletop touchscreen user interface, with all objects/windows rotatable by users. Circular table. Menu ribbons (curved) at edges of tables for particular users, on-screen virtual keyboards. Cites to DigitalDesk, ConnecTables, Wellner, i-LAND. Mentions physical coffee mugs not as part of the invention, but the invention matches normal collaborative work by letting users place coffee mugs on the tabletop display.
- [VlackK05a]
Vlack, Kevin; Mizota, Terukaau; Kawakami, Naoki; Kamiyama, Kazuto; Kajimoto, Hiroyuki; and Tachi, Susumu
"Gelforce: A Vision-based Traction Field Computer Interface",
Proc. CHI 2005, Portland, OR, p. 1154-1155
Multi-touch, force/pressure tactile sensing touchscreen, optical/video sensing from below of deformation/change in position of small colored marker balls in flexible gel sheet. Two layers of balls of different colors increase force resolution. Traction field (X/Y/pressure) maps similar to Rekimoto sensing proximity/contact area. (Rekimoto not cited).
- [VogelD05a]
Voge, Daniel and Balakrishnan, Ravin
"Distant Freehand Pointing and Clicking on Very Large, High Resolution Displays",
Proc. UIST '05, October 23..37, 2005, Seattle WA, pp. 33..42
Exploration of hand gestures for pointing to large displays: visual markers on hand used for tracking. using Vicon motion tracking system. Gestures include air tap with index finger of open hand, thumb trigger motion, hand clutch. Absolute pointing, relative motion, or large motion for coarse absolute (via ray pointing along finger) followed by fine relative motion for accuracy: parallel evaluation on large touchscreen. Cites to Put-that-there, dwell gesture on eye tracking, mouse pointer ballistics/acceleration. Adaptive/dynamic filtering (for jitter bad behavior)with different frequency cutoff based on marker/pointer/stylus velocity/speed, with interpolation. Cited in Casiez 2012.
- [VogtF04a]
Vogt, Florian; Chen, Timothy; Hoskinson, Reynald; and Fels, Sidney
"A Malleable Surface Touch Interface",
Proc. SIGGRAPH '04, 2004, p. 36
Proposes flexible/malleable/bendable touch membrane, which would allow true stretch in the input surface: provide passive haptic feedback Mentions Smartskin, Fingerworks, and MTC Express as possible multi-touch technologies.
- [VonAhnL04a]
von Ahn, Luis; Blum, Manuel; and Langford, John
"Telling humans and computers apart automatically: How lazy cryptographers do AI",
CACM, vol 47 no 2, February 2004, pp. 57..61
CAPTCHAs can be based on any sensory input: recommends using problems that it would be useful to solve as AI problems, so that "cryptography" advances artificial intelligence work. Cites to robotic voting in on-line survey as example of CAPTCHA problem. Visual and sound-based CAPTCHAs. Cites to "first" sound/auditory CAPTCHA.
- [VonHagen05]
von Hagen, Bill
"Bill von Hagen's Computer Collection: ... life in the past lane ...",
www.computermuseumofpa.com, 2005
Collection include Pen-based computers/PDAs/calculators Apple Newton, Casio Z-7000, EO 440/880, GO Corporation Hyde(286)/Lombard(386), others.
- [VonWrede04a]
von Wrede, Caspar and Laskov, Pavel
"Using classification to determine the number of finger strokes on a multi-touch tactile device",
Proc. 12th Euro. Symp. on Artificial Neural Networks, Bruges, April 2004, pp. 459-555
Describes limitations of ambiguity (?) of Synaptics touchpads for multi-touch, better commercial solutions from Tactext Controls and Fingerworks, which are stated to have more complex hardware and lower spatial resolution (?). Algorithms for disambiguating multiple touches, by processing and interpolating images from grid of touch sensors.
- [Voorhees04]
Voorhees, Mark
"Go Fish: How Fish and Richardson has climbed to the top of our annual list of most active IP practices",
American Lawyer, May 2004
Review of patent law firm growth by acquisition: Fish and Richardson: Microsoft client.
- [Voy05]
Voy Wiederhold
"Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) Timeline",
www.eb.stanford.edu/pub/voy/museum/pictures/display/0-2-PDAs.htm, 2005
Photos of Penpoint GO/Lombard unit, Palm units from Gates Computer Science building, Stanford University. File also includes list of exhibits at the Computer History Museum, 2005.
- [WIPTE05]
"Call for papers, WIPTE 2006, First Workshop on the Impact of Pen-based Technology on Education",
www.purdue.edu/wipte, 2005
Mentions direct support by Microsoft Research for Tablet PC to education. Corporate Sponsors include Thomson Corporation, www.thomson.com.
- [W3C04a]
W3C www.w3.org
"Ink Markup Language",
W3C Working Draft 28 September 2004, version www.w3.org/TR/2004/WD-InkML-20040928 www.w3.org/TR/inkML
XML Exchange format specification for electronic ink data interchange: handwriting and gesture recognizers, signature verifiers, ink-aware (pen-aware?) applications on Web. Includes pen angle, pen tip force (pressure), sampling mode, sampling rate, screen context. Compare with JOT binary standard.
- [Wacom04a]
WACOM Europe
"OQO setzt Penenabled-Technologie von Wacom in neuem leistungsfähigen Personal Computer im Taschenformat ein",
www.wacom-europe.com, 2004
Press release on OQO using Wacom electromagnetic digitizer.
- [Wacom05a]
WACOM Europe
"The History of WACOM",
www.wacom-europe.com, 2005
History of Wacom: 1983 CAD Tablets later pressure-sensitive tablets for graphics and pre-press, desktop publishing, GO/PenPoint.
- [Wacom05b]
WACOM Co. Ltd.
"Annual Report 2005, Wacom Co. Ltd.",
www.wacom.co.jp, 2005
Wacom Annual report 2005: mentions products for electromagnetic digitizer for the PDA market: W8802 Pen-sensor chip for mobile phones, Smartphones, PDAs and digital cameras, in addition to Tablet PC market. Super Slim Pen for PDAs introduced in April 2005. Wacom Penabled refers to custom-engineered digitizer components.
- [Wacom05c]
WACOM Co. Ltd.
"Wintab cursor mask example program, WinTab backgrounder, WinTab specification 1.1",
www.wacomeng.com, 2005
API Description of WinTab tablet digitizer / window management with virtual tablet frames. "Notes for Tablet-aware application programmers". Relevant to Schumer.
- [WalkerG05a]
Walker, Geoff
"The Last Word: The Future of the Tablet PC",
Pen Computing Magazine / Veritas et Vitus, December 2005, pp. 34-37
Essay on lack of market success of Microsoft Tablet PC, and that other pen computers (touchscreen computers) will come.
- [WallS05a]
Wall, Steven and Brewster, Stephen
"Hands-on Haptics: Exploring Non-Visual Visualization Using The Sense of Touch",
Proc. CHI 2005, April 2..7, 2005, Portland Oregon
Workshop announcement on haptic force feedback. Teleoperations, visual/haptic display and visualization, guidelines on haptic feedback/display for visually impaired / blind.
- [WallSA04a]
Wall, Steven A. and Brewster, Stephen
"Providing external memory aids in haptic visualisations for blind computer users",
Proc. ICDVRAT '04, 5th Intl. Conf. on disability, Virtual Reality, and Associated Technology, Reading UK, 2004
Accessibility problem for blind/visually-impaired is cannot use external memory aid e.g. mark or highlight points of interest. Beacons: hot spots called out by audio or tactile feel (using PHANToM haptic stylus).
- [WangJ04a]
Technology Review
"Universal Pen: if Jian Wang had his way, Everything would be Digital",
Technology Review, May 2004
universal pen / uPen: Optical digitizer using printed "random" pattern on printer: compare with Anoto.
- [WangJT04a]
Wang, Jintao and Canny, John
"FingerSense - Augmenting Expressiveness to Physical Pushing Button by Fingertip Identification",
Proc. CHI 2004, April 24..29, Vienna, pp. 1267..1270
Experimental prototype for which finger is used (FingerSense) on physical button. Prototype uses optical tracking, colored tags on fingers. 2nd prototype using FTIR frustrated total internal reflection fingerprint sensor (not multi-touch touchscreen) on each button. Cites to FingRing/fingerRing.
- [WangK04a]
Wang, Kuansan
"Method and apparatus for performing plan-based dialog",
US Patent 6,785,651, August 31, 2004
Speech-enabled dialog system GUI user-interface: refers to mouse clicking gesture for commands.
- [WardJR05a]
Ward, Jean Renard
"Protection of Identification Documents using Open Cryptography",
US Patent Application 20050132194, June 5, 2005
Provisional patent application: Attaching cryptographic signature or other signature means to a document or manufactured item to identify the provenance, and thus the manufacturing station etc. of the document or item.
- [WardJR05b]
Ward, Jean Renard
"Detection of system compromise by correlation of information objects",
US Patent Application 20070067623A1, September 22, 2007
Provisional patent application, http://Cylant.com: Detect hidden rootkits in real time by instrumenting for internal inconsistencies (violation of invariant conditions): e.g. there is an executing process, but it's parent .EXE file does not show up as a file on the filesystem. Real-time version of comparing two views of the data structures of a system.
- [WattsLVF04a]
Watts, La Vaughn F. and Shaw, Ronald D.
"Combination personal data assistant and personal computing device",
US Patent 6,735,663, May 11, 2004
PDA/smartphone that plugs into PC laptop system. Sharing of resources and peripherals, battery life. User-interface mode changes immediately (instant-on) when configuration of system changes.
- [WeinerML05a]
Weinter, Michael L. and Coult, John H.
"Portable Personal Computing Device with Fully Integrated Projection Display Mechanism",
US Patent 6,930,669, August 16, 2005
Projector built into laptop, in the lid with the display. Also mentions plug-in projectors(?).
- [WeissgerberD04a]
Weissgerber, Doanna; Bridgeman, Bruce; and Pang, Alex
"VisPad: A novel device for vibrotactile force feedback",
Proc. HAPTICS '04, 12th Int'l. Symp. on Haptic INterfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, 2004
Prototype haptic feedback "chair" (e.g. simulate earthquakes, etc.), also used for multi-model (with graphics) protein visualization spatial information, able to display more simultaneous variables than graphics alone. Hand-held or glove device, haptic feedback is lost if user is typing. Eight vibrational actuators, demonstrated 2001. Describes as vibrotactile force feedback. Describes mapping of screen coordinates/position to combinations of vibrotactile actuators on body.
- [WeissgerberD04b]
Weissgerber, Doanna; Bridgeman, Bruce; and Pang, Alex
"Feel the information with VisPad: a large area vibrotactile device",
Information Visualization, no 3, pp. 36..49, 2004
VisPad: Description of vibrotactile haptic feedback "chair", used to aid in data visualization. Described as non-intrusive large area force feedback device.
- [WeiszH04a]
Weisz, Harald
"Messvorrichtung zur Ermittlung der Lagekoordinaten einer auf einer Fläche ausgeübten Druckkraft",
German Patent Application DE10315019A1, October 14, 2004
"Arrangement for determining position coordinates of pressure on surface evaluates sensor unit signals resulting from relative movement of stiff frame and stiff plate joined by flexually weak zone". Force-sensing tablet/digitizer using force sensors (compare: strain gauges) at corners/edges of tablet, with slightly flexible deformable attachment.
- [WestermanW04a]
Westerman, Wayne Carl
"System and method for recognizing touch typing under limited tactile feedback conditions",
US Patent 6,677,932, January 13, 2004
multi-touch surface (MTS) touchpad used for full-keyboard (QWERTY) input, where finger touches do not need to be at exact position of the button locations on the touchpad. Hypothesizes home row key locations based on touches, uses best match. Multi-touch drag/swipe gesture called "chord slide".
- [WestermanW05a]
Westerman, Wayne and Elias, John G.
"Method and apparatus for integrating manual input",
US Patent 6,888,536, May 2, 2005
Multi-touch multi-finger gestures: two/three/four/five finger zoom/scale/rotate, pinch/anti-pinch, finger-chord gestures. Notes that changes of hand translation and rotation may affect contact area, hard to use pressure (pseudo-pressure?) and rotation/angle/moment at same time.
- [WhitakerJC05a]
Whitaker, Jerry C.
"The Electronics Handbook, 2nd Edition",
CRC Press, 2005
General reference/dictionary on electronics design, components, standards.
- [WickMR04a]
Wick, Michael R.; Stevenson, Daniel E., and Phillips, Andrew T.
"Seven Design Rules for Teaching Students Sound Encapsulation and Abstraction of Object Properties and Member Data",
Proc. ACM SIGCSE '04, March 3..7, 2004, Norfolk, VA, USA
Essay on teaching encapsulation / stable API interfaces in object-oriented programming. Dictintion of properties (publicly accessible method) and member data (private), goal to hide internal implementation.
- [WijesiriwardanaR05a]
Wijesiriwardana, R.; Dias, T.; Mitcham, K.; and Hurley, W.
"Capacitive Fibre-Meshed Transducer for Touch and Proximity Sensing Applications",
IEEE Sensors Journal, vol 5 no 5, October 1, 2005
Capacitive touch sensing in e-textile fabrics well known. Fabrication with conductive polyester threads/yarn for discrete switch sensors (direct electrical contact). Refers to "backhand touching" inadvertent touching (see palm rejection) based on different moisture content of skin affecting capacitive coupling. Cites to piezo-resistive sensing (conductive rubber? FSR?)
- [Wikipedia04a]
"Nintendo DS",
http://Wikipedia.org, fetched 2016
Dual-screen gaming computer from Nintendo. Clamshell design. Lower screen (instead of keyboard) is touchscreen: compare with One Laptop Per Child?. Includes Pictochat multi-user chat-room application using electronic ink: compare with whiteboards.
- [Wikipedia04b]
http://Wikipedia.org, fetched 2004
Touchpad/mousepad: relative motion, no isomorphism to display. Mentions separate scroll/scrollbar area, capacitive grid sensing. (Touchpad is relative, not absolute coordinates? Conflated with trackpad?)
- [Wikipedia04c]
"List of messaging applications for Nintendo game consoles: PictoChat",
http://Wikipedia.org, fetched 2016
PictoChat: text/graphics messaging application for Nintendo DS touchscreen consoles, via WIFI, up to 16 users simultaneously in each of four chatrooms. Radius distance about 10 meters. Virtual keyboard can be tapped, or letters dragged from keyboard.
- [WillemsD05a]
Willems, Don; Rossignol, Stephane; and Vuurpijl, Louis
"Mode detection in online pen drawing and handwriting recognition",
Proc. ICDAR '05 Eighth Intl. Conf. on Document Analysis and Recognition, pp. 31..35
Mode detection (handwriting, gesture, types of shapes triangle, circle, line etc.) recognition prior to classifying particular gesture. Based on pen trajectory and some shape classification. First step level is handwriting vs. shape, shapes then by shape (e.g. triangle/square/ellipse) vs. line/arrow. References to chain codes.
- [WilliamsHL05a]
Williams, Hilary Lyndsay (nee Robinson)
"Portable Computers",
US Patent 6,956,564, October 18, 2005 (RE46,548E)
SmartQuill: pen digitizer with accelerometers sensitive to movement in gravity, small display. Handwriting recognition, built-in calendaring and other applications. Additional buttons (several) on pen housing for application user interfaces. Compare with Hewitt Crane accelerometer pen, Anoto. Pen is also smartphone.
- [WilsonAD04a]
Wilson, Andrew D.
"TouchLight: An Imaging Touch Screen and Display for Gesture-Based Interaction",
Proc. ICMI '04, October 13-15, 2004, State College. Pennsylvania, pp. 69-76
Transparent touchscreen/whiteboard, projects video image of graphics and video image of counterpart user on same surface. Touches and gestures recognized by image processing of brighter light where hand/finger is in contact with surface: compare with Jeff Han FTIR. Cites to Clearboard.
- [WilsonAD05a]
Wilson, Andrew D.
"PlayAnywhere: A compact Interactive Tabletop Projection-Vision System",
UIST '05, October 23-27, 2005, Seattle, Washington, USA
Tabletop digitizer tablet, comparing to interactive table and whiteboard wall imaging touch screens. Optical finger tracking using the endpoints of the figures in a camera image. Touch is detected by heuristics that when in touch, finger will obscure its own shadow, so can also detect hover/proximity. Describes gesture of two hands moving apart to make an image large by zoom. Cites earlier work on TouchLight.
Includes video (in file).
- [WilsonD04a]
Wilson, Daniel and Wilson, Andy
"Gesture recognition using the XWand",
Carnegie-Mellon University Research Report CMU-RI-TR-04-31, 2004
Gesture recognition (see refs) with 3D/6DOF input pointing device: wand/digital baton. Include mode/action button. Gestures up, down, left, right, clockwise and counter-clockwise circle. Time-warping and hidden Markov models.
- [WilsonJ05a]
Wilson, Jon
"Sensor Technology Handbook",
Elsevier, 2005
Handbook on sensor technology and design. Signal conditioning, biosensors, accelerometers, force sensing, position and motion sensors, wireless sensor networks, etc. Chapter 5: Accelerometers, vibration sensors -- piezoelectric, piezoresistive, charge mode, capacitive. Force balance / servo accelerometers. Chapter 8: capacitive and induction displacement sensors -- compare with Baxter? Chapter 9: electromagnetic sensors. Chapter 15: position and motion sensors discusses capacitive iMEMS accelerometers to measure tilt, inertial forces. Sensor outputs should be normalized so that values can be compared, normalization may be built into system input, normalize so that "full scale" is a particular value.
- [Wimmer04]
Wimmer, Raphael; Holleis, Paul; Kranz, Matthias; and Schmidt, Albrecht
"Thracker - Using Capacitive Sensing for Gesture Recognition",
Proc. 6th Intl. Workshop on Smart Applications and Wearable Computing, Lisbon Portugal, July 2004
Electrostatic/capacitive digitizer to recognize 3D gestures, hand movement gestures in front of a display in proximity: zooming, scrolling, and a "pick up" pinching gesture with the fingers for direct manipulation.
- [Winfuture04a]
"WindowsXP Tablet PC Edition 2004 - Infos von MS",
WinFuture.de, March 3, 2004
Microsoft press release (in German). Update to WindowsXP Tablet PC Edition 2004. In Place Tablet PC Input Panel (IPTIP), greater use of context/subset definitions for fields, electronic ink annotations in Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel: hand-written email. Electronic ink / handwriting support in Internet Explorer and .NET for web applications.
- [Winograd05]
Winograd, Terry and Verplank, Bill
"HCI at Stanford University",
ACM Interactions, Vol 12. No 5, September and October, 2005
Description of courses for master's program in human-computer interaction at Stanford: mentions haptic interaction.
- [WirtgenJ04a]
Wirtgen, Joerg
"Nachserviert: Microsoft's Tablet PC Edition Version 2002",
www.heise.de, September 28, 2004
Tablet PC Service Pack 2 (2002?), context-sensitive syntax rules for recognition of URLs and other formatted text in input fields, electronic ink in Web Browser input through web controls, In-place TIP (Tablet PC Input Panel) with writing pad mode, write-anywhere: see also Microsoft file. Remote-control RDP extended so that recognition on Tablet PC as controller may be used with remote system that does not have Tablet PC input, instead of just accepting stylus as mouse replacement. Input fields in applications automatically (?) extended with tap icon to bring up TIP for handwriting recognition input.
- [WobbrockJO04a]
Wobbrock, Jacob O.; Myers, Brad A.; and Aung, Htet Htet
"Writing with a Joystick: A Comparison of Date Stamp, Selection Keyboard, and EdgeWrite",
Proc. GI 2004, Graphics Interface 2004: London, Ontario, Canada, 17 - 19 May 2004, pp 1..8
Edge Keyboard / EdgeWrite unistroke alphabetic handwriting using joystick or four-button direction keys / arrow keys, user moves to corners and sides of small hand-held touchscreen with a frame. Selection keyboard is alphabetic not QWERTY.
- [WobbrockJO04b]
Wobbrock, Jacob O.; Myers, Brad A.; Aung, Htet Htet; and Lopresti, Edmund F.
"Text Entry from Power Wheelchairs: EdgeWrite for Joysticks and Touchpads",
Proc. ASSETS '04, October 18-20, 2004, Atlanta. pp. 110-117
Edge Keyboard / EdgeWrite unistroke alphabetic handwriting using joystick or touchpad, user moves to corners and sides of small hand-held touchscreen with a frame: recognition depends only on order of corners, not on continuous contact. Intended for one-handed handwriting input, for persons with disabilities (wheelchair, use same joystick as wheelchair control).
- [WobbrockJO05a]
Wobbrock, Jacob O. and Myers, Brad A.
"EdgeWrite: A New Text Entry Technique Designed for Stability",
Proc. Rehabilitation Engineering RESNA 28th Intl. Annual Conf., Atlanta Georgia, June 23-27, 2005
Edge Keyboard / EdgeWrite unistroke alphabetic handwriting using joystick or touchpad, user moves to corners and sides of small hand-held touchscreen with a frame: recognition depends only on order of corners, not on continuous contact. Intended for one-handed handwriting input, for persons with disabilities (wheelchair, use same joystick as wheelchair control).
- [WobbrockJO05b]
Wobbrock, Jacob O.; Aung, Htet Htet; Myers, Brad A.; and Lopresti, Edmund F.
"Integrated Text Entry from Power Wheelchairs",
Behavior and Information Technology, Vol 24, No 3, pp. 187-203, May 1 2005
Edge Keyboard / EdgeWrite unistroke alphabetic handwriting using joystick or touchpad, user moves to corners and sides of small hand-held touchscreen with a frame (Synaptics Touchpad, with side buttons): recognition depends only on order of corners, not on continuous contact. Intended for one-handed handwriting input, for persons with disabilities (wheelchair, use same joystick as wheelchair control).
- [WobbrockJO05c]
Wobbrock, Jacob O. and Myers, Brad A.
"Accessible Handheld And Desktop Text Entry For People With Motor Impairments",
Proc. 2005 NISH National Training and Achievement Conference, New Orleans, May 22-24, 2005
Comparison of EdgeWrite and Graffiti handwriting input on touchscreens, other input devices. EdgWrite better for users with and without motor impairments. Earlier form of EdgeWrite simply had virtual keyboard keys at edges of bounded touchscreen. Compare with 1914 patent on handwriting controller?
- [Wohn05]
Wohn, Kwang Yun
"Inside the Light Pen / Gun",
Course notes for CS480, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 2005
Design and characteristics of light pens. Compare with optical digitizer tablet?
- [WongYK04a]
Wong, Yoon Kean and Hanson William Robert
"Optical sensor based user interface for a portable electronic device",
US Patent 6,816,154, November 9, 2004
Optical (?) touchscreen, flexible, for Palm-like PDA? Refers to optical sensor for gesture/user input.
- [WongYK05a]
Wong, Yoon Kean; Hanson William Robert, and Gettemy, Shawn R.
"Automatic orientation-based user interface for an ambiguous handheld device",
US Patent 6,888,532, May 3, 2005
Rotatable hand-held computing device can be used in any orientation, uses accelerometer as gravity direction sensor to rotate portrait/landscape image, and define functionality of symmetrically-placed user-interface buttons based on orientation. Touchpad/touchscreen sensor extends beyond display, so buttons can be virtual at sides: compare with Wang "The Guide"?
- [WuCJ05a]
Wu, Chi-Jung and Chih, Ting-Hui
"Dual-Screen Display Apparatus and Information Processing Apparatus Having the Same",
US Patent Application 2005/0052835A1, March 10, 2005
Convertible dual-screen touchscreen laptop computer, virtual keyboard: compare with Telesis dual-monitor CAD system? Dual-axis hinge allows unfolding to greater than 180 degrees, to be viewed by second user. Alternatively, two screens are detachable. Easel.
- [WuM05]
Wu, Mike; Shen, Chia; Ryall, Kathy; Forlines, Clifton; Balakrishnan, Ravin
"Gesture Registration, Relaxation, and Reuse for Multi-Point direct-Touch Surfaces",
Mitsubishi Electric Research laboratories (MERL) Tech. Rpt. TR2005-109, October, 2005
Two-handed (bimanual) continuous gestures: multi-touch. See 2006 paper same title.
- [WuX04]
Wu, Xiaojie
"Achieving Interoperability of Pen Computing with Heterogeneous Devices and Digital Ink Formats",
Master's Thesis, Univ. Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, 2004
JOT, UniPen, W3C Ink Markup Language, electronic ink formats. Mentions Pen computing APIs: IBM CrossPad API and Microsoft Tablet PC API. IBM C++ Ink Manager SDK, 2001. Document model of electronic ink, Walker Pattern.
- [XThink04a]
xThink Incorporated
"xThink Calculator and Math Journal",
http://xThink.com, 2004
MathJournal "Classic" v. 2.1. Mathematical expression user interface using two-dimensional handwriting recognition, includes cursive text and math symbols recognition, two-dimensional parsing, symbolic and numeric solutions to equations, graphing. Compare with MIT work 1960's? Sold for TabletPC: Later for iPad. Marketing in math education classes. Includes three videos: Basic Tour, Advanced Tour, Editing. Includes *.msi installation file.
- [YamamotoA04a]
Yamamoto, Akio; Nagasawa, Shuichi; Yamamoto, Horoaki; and Higuchi, Tishiro
"Electrostatic tactile display with thin film slider and its application to tactile telepresentation systems",
Proc. ACM VRST '04, November 10..12, 2004, Hong Kong, pp. 209..216
Finger-mounted electrostatic display for one finger, simulates texture when finger is sliding/moving. Finger is on small plate that is attracted electrostatically to increase friction, according to waveform (compare: force profile?). For telepresence.
- [YamazakiS04a]
Yamazaki, Shunpei and Koyama, Jun
"Information Device",
US Patent 6,747,290, June 8, 2004
In-cell optical touchscreen, light emitted by EL display, reflected back to sensors in display cells. One figure appears to show Refalo-style dual touchscreens. Also mentions palm reader (compare: fingerprint scanner) for biometric authentication.
- [YangM05a]
Yang, Ma; Leedham, Graham; Higgins, Colin; and Htwe, Swe Myo
"On-line Recognition of Pitman Shorthand for Fast Mobile Text Entry",
Proc. IEEE Third Intl. Conf. on Information Technology and Applications, 2005
On-line handwriting recognition of Pitman shorthand, using dominant points of circles, loops, and hooks. Convertion to 16-direction Freeman chain codes. Trainable, in that users can add / delete samples in template database for personal shortforms.
- [YaoP04a]
Yao, Paul
"Add Support for Digital Ink to your Windows Applications",
MSDN Magazine, 2004
Tutorial article on electronic ink/stroke collection in Windows Tablet PC APIs. Lists components for handwriting/gesture recognition: Input Panel Keyboard, Input Panel Writing Pad, Input Panel Character Pad, Pen Input Panel (TIP Tablet Input Panel: compare PenWindows), InkEdit control, Ink-Enabled Window.
- [YeeKP04a]
Yee, Ka-Ping
"Two-Handed Interaction on a Tablet Display",
Proc. CHI 2004, April 24..29, 2004, Vienna, Austria, pp. 1493-1496
Simulating multi-touch on tablet with force/pressure stylus: Cites to Rekimoto for multi-touch. Combine electromagnetic stylus (Acer Travelmate C100) with resistive-film touchscreen (capacitive?). Stylus position is accurate, finger touch is affected by stylus touch (single-touch, roughly midpoint -- single finger touch). Store correction grid/matrix for multiple stylus positions. Fingers used to position worksheet (compare with Magic Lens), stylus draws.
- [YehF04a]
Yeh, Falcon
"Carrying bag for portable computer",
US Patent 6,763,942, July 20, 2004
carrying bag for touchscreen/tablet computer with transparent cover. Shows rigid cover opened 270 degrees for display/easel mode to hold computer upright.
- [YfantidisG05a]
Yfantidis, Georgios
"Blind Interaction Technique for Touchscreens: "A full keyboard under the fingertip"",
MSc Thesis, Univ. Tampere, Finland, April 2005
Single-finger touchscreen digitizer gesture/writing input for the blind: Gesture Driven Software Button GDSB -- pop-up pie menus (marking menu) with characters, tap and slide (press and hold) gesture on a set of pie menus combined with adaptive press-and-hold/dwell time to transition to a further menu to get a full character set: dwell time is adaptive/changeable. Some gesture input combined with key input on keyboard (left and right arrow keys). EdgeWrite and unistroke constrained handwriting. Note: pie menu and GUI user interface need not be visible, as this is an input technique for the blind. Extensive review of earlier work on blind input on touchscreens, in particular for mobile devices such as Palm PDAs and cell phones: Unistroke, Unigesture, touchscreen typing and constrained handwriting, auditory feedback, keyboard/menu layouts using frequency of characters (such as on IBM Simon). No reference to screenreaders such as VoiceOver or JAWS, nor to Milekic.
- [YiJJ05a]
Yi, Jong-jin
"Touch screen system and control method therefor capable of setting active regions",
US Patent Application 2005/0017957 A1, January 27, 2005
Touchscreen can be divided into active and not-active regions/windows (compare: palm rejection). In particular, fingers at edge, base of hand, based on current input "window".
- [YogaratnamK04a]
Yogaratnam, Kumanan
"Method and Apparatus for Operating a Virtual Keyboard",
US Patent 6,677,933, January 13, 2004
Virtual keyboard component, implemented in Java environment. Software/virtual keyboard with semi-transparent character displays over application image.
- [YoshikawaM04a]
Yoshikawa, Minoru and Kiryu, Koichi
"Transparent Touch Panel and Manufacturing Method Thereof",
Japanese Patent Application JP 2004192093, July 8, 2004
conductive metal mesh resistive touchscreen, meshes in the two layers at 45 degree angle to each other. Transparency/conductivity controllable by pitch and trace width, thickness of traces.
- [YoshikawaM05a]
Yoshikawa, Masahide
"Mobile electronic equipment",
US Patent Application 2005/0219216 A1, October 6, 2005
Rotating track ball mounted coaxially in hinge of laptop.
- [ZhaiS04a]
Zhai, Shumin
"The Computer Mouse and Related Input Devices",
Official copy "Mouse" in Berkshire Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, W. S. Bainbridge (ed). 2004 by Berkshire Publishing Group. http://www.berkshirepublishing.com/brw/BerkProd.asp?projID=29#
Historical review of computer mouse: first prototype circa 1964, enhanced versions with track wheel on top, ScrollPoint force sensing joystick on top for multi-stream input, Spaceball 6 DOF input (trackball), touchpad, trackpoint for mobile devices, stylus (greater dexterity/accuracy than mouse). Contextual input, gaze-initiated cursor (eye tracking).
- [ZhangZ04a]
Zhang, Zhengyou and Shan, Ying
"System and Method for Transforming an Ordinary Computer Monitor Screen into a Touch Screen",
US Patent 6,774,889, August 10, 2004
Camera-based touchscreen, registered to (corrected) coordinates of display image. Homography transform to correct for curvature of (CRT) monitor display.
- [ZhaoS04a]
Zhao, Shengdong and Balakrishnan, Ravin
"Simple vs. Compound Mark Hierarchical Marking Menus",
Proc. UIST '04, October 24..27, 2004, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Marking menus where length of stroke segment also affects which menu of hierarchy is selected. File also include slide deck from powerpoint presentation at U. Toronto.
- [ZimmermanJ04a]
Zimmerman, John and Martino, Jacquely Annette
"Touch-Screen Image Scrolling System and Method",
US Patent 6,690,387, February 10, 2004
Dynamic scrolling of lists or information based on speed of scrolling: list continues scrolling (momentum/inertia), user can stop scrolling by pressing and holding, or select with a click while list is scrolling ("touch-marking" known in scrolled display technology) while scrolling is coasting to a stop. End of abstract: press-and-hold.
- [ZloterY05a]
Zloter, Yitzhak and Shenholz, Gideon
"Digitizer Pen",
US Patent 6,876,356, April 5, 2005
Mechanical design of the Pegasus digital pen: mentions ultrasonic/acoustic digital transducers pen. Mentions "disappearing ink" in disclosures, as means to eliminate problem of permanent marks from ink that is required for human reading of marks while writing.
- [ZublerK04a]
Zubler, Kurt
"Näherungssensitiver Drehschalter (Proximity-sensitive rotary electrical switch)",
German Patent Application DE10312401 A1, October 7, 2004
Capacitive continuous circular scrollwheel, using discrete pads for continuous touch input moving pad to pad.
- [ZuckermanE05a]
Zuckerman, Ethan
"One Laptop Per Child: a preview, and a request for help",
http://ethanzuckerman.com, November 3, 2005
Commentary and report on prototype for OLPC / One-laptop-per-child. Mentions 340-degree (reversible?) hinge, "game mode" with screen in front, keyboard in back (compare with presentation mode?): laptop / clamshell mode, book mode (e-book mode).
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touch screen devices,
touch screen input,
touch screen,
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